
Chapter 940 Interlude

Chapter 940 Interlude
On the third floor of the Sutra Library in Luoxia City, Yi Tian saw Hua Yuxin coming down from the fourth floor, and behind him was a monk with a higher level of cultivation than himself.

After thinking about it, he turned around to avoid the two of them, but after walking a few steps with them on his back, he heard Hua Yuxin's voice behind him: "Hey, Captain Yi, you're here too."

There were not many people on the third floor, and even with a scan of the divine sense, one could basically have a panoramic view of the monks on the entire floor.Yi Tian also sighed in his heart, he didn't want to meet such a treasure as Hua Yuxin.I try my best to take care of her when I'm on mission, and I bump into her again and again even when I'm resting.

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn his head and try to put on a smile on his face and replied: "It turns out that he is a friend of Taoism Hua. It's a coincidence that I even met him in the Buddhist scriptures building."

With a glance, she saw a one-foot-sized little monkey squatting on her shoulder at some point, and around its head and neck was tied a high-level beast-guarding ring that she refined.

This little monkey looked harmless, but he knew in his heart that it should be the Vajra Demon Ape that Hua Yuxin mentioned before.

Under Hua Yuxin's urging, the Vajra Demon Ape bowed to him reluctantly, then glanced at him with a trace of contempt, and then turned his head away and ignored it.

Hua Yuxin came forward and pointed at the man behind him and introduced: "Captain Yi, this is my elder brother Yulin, this time I came back to Luoxia City to visit my relatives."

Although she had guessed it long ago, Jinghua Yuxin said this in a pretentious manner, and then suddenly said: "It turns out that he is a well-known master in the Taiqing's descendant's list, and Xia Yitian is disrespectful."

The appearance is neither humble nor overbearing, and the tone of the mouth is also very polite, which is enough to give Hua Yulin face.I saw Hua Yulin walking over slowly, looked him up and down, and then said: "You are that Ascended Cultivator, you don't look like anything special."

Yi Tian shook his head secretly, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face.To be honest, Hua Yulin's actual age is definitely not as old as her own, and when it comes to the city, it is even worse.

No wonder it is said that the achievements of the ascended monks in the spiritual world are much higher than that of ordinary people, and even the direct disciples of such sects may not be able to match.

Before he could answer, a voice came from his ear: "Why did Hong Fei ask you to be my sister's bodyguard? Judging by your strength, you might not even be able to beat the direct disciples of Fenmai."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, but in his heart, his affection for Hua Yulin dropped to the extreme.From his words, it can be known that Hong Fei really just wants to work as a bodyguard.Furthermore, this Hua Yulin should be a direct disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, so he doesn't seem to have much respect for Hong Fei, a disciple of the branch.

Although Hong Fei's strength in the earth evil list is much higher than that of Hua Yulin, but his concubines are different. It is expected that Hua Yulin should be better than the two of them at the same level of cultivation.

Although Hong Fei is currently in the late stage of Transformation, given time, Hua Yulin's current mid-stage cultivation base will definitely be able to overwhelm him when he advances to the late stage.

Hearing such powerless words, Yi Tian just twitched his mouth, then turned his head to Hua Yuxin and said, "If I'm still here, I can't accompany you anymore." After speaking, he raised the magic jade in his hand Jane shook, then turned and left.

Hua Yuxin froze for a moment, glanced at the jade slip, and then said: "In this way, Captain Yi will not be disturbed."

As for Hua Yulin, with a playful expression on his face, he said lightly: "The Eye of True Sight can be regarded as a more practical supernatural power in Luoxia City, but it is still more troublesome to cultivate. Disturbing people's cultivation."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin had a look of pity on her face, seeing that Yi Tian was far away, it was hard to catch up, so she had to turn her head and walk downstairs with her eldest brother.

After separating from them, Yi Tian took a detour and descended the stairs on the other side, and then went to the deacon of the scripture building to hand in the merit points and then copied the supernatural powers.

Fortunately, I am a member of the inspection department of Luoxia City, so I can get a [-]% discount for copying the exercises again.In this way, nearly a thousand points of supernatural powers only need [-] points of merit to handle.

After putting away the copied jade slips in his hand, Yi Tian checked his identity and there were nearly 500 merit points in the jade slips.At the last exchange meeting, Hong Fei made it clear that he wanted to use his formation skills, so he had to make some preparations for this to happen.

Thinking of this, he put aside all the unhappiness when he met Hua Yulin just now, and walked towards the shops in the city after leaving the scripture building.The materials for refining the formation plate do not need to be too advanced, but a large amount of black crystal iron ore is needed as raw material.

However, buying a large amount at one time will inevitably arouse suspicion from others, so I still use the old method to purchase in batches for my own preparation.

After spending most of the day in this way, he walked around Luoxia City and almost visited those small shops.I bought enough Xuanjing ore from it.

As for the raw materials of the inscription ink that depicts the array disk, it is only sold if there are Jubao Buildings in the city besides Tongtian Pavilion.Ji Wen was offended quite a lot at the exchange meeting last time, and Yi Tian didn't want to mess with Ji Wen again at this time, if he knew that he had started making arrays again, he might think about setting up a trick for himself.

In this way, the only option is to go to the Jubao Building to try your luck. After thinking about it, I took out the map to find out its exact location, and then took a big step towards it.

This Jubao Building is located in Nancheng District, which is far away from Tongtian Pavilion in Beicheng.Presumably it was also for the sake of avoiding suspicion, after all, the backstage boss of Tongtian Pavilion is a sect force.

After arriving at Jubao Tower, Yi Tiancai found that there were no fewer guests than Tongtian Pavilion, but there were obviously fewer monks who came here, and there were more skilled people like himself.

Moreover, most of the materials sold in the entire store are clearly marked on the surrounding walls.From refining equipment, alchemy to pets, they are all neatly arranged, so that people can find what they need at a glance.

After Yi Tian entered the door, he glanced at it and went straight to the directory of the refining side, and then carefully stared at the materials listed above to search one by one.

After ten breaths, he finally found the spirit beast blood he needed. It was clearly marked as the blood essence of the seventh-level colorful tiger, but there was a note at the back that it was the blood essence of a female beast.

Usually it is enough to write inscriptions for refining spiritual weapons, but I want to refine the formation plate, and it is better to need the blood of a male beast.

Then I asked the buddy of Jubao Building to inquire, but in the end there was no result.Just as he gave up, someone behind him suddenly stepped forward and said, "Captain Yi is in person, my master invites you to go upstairs to talk."

Being invited for no reason, Yi Tian didn't know what the shopkeeper of Jubaolou was up to, but since the other party could recognize him, he must be someone who knew something.

 Thanks to Yang Zhiji for the monthly ticket, and thanks to the man who loves to drink liquor for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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