
Chapter 941 Conversation

Chapter 941 Conversation
When he received an inexplicable invitation in the Jubao building, Yi Tian immediately kept his mind on it. He had not been in the spirit world for a long time and naturally recognized very few people.But think about it, it seems that he has never had any contact with this treasure building, why the shopkeeper here will invite him by name.

So with such doubts, Yi Tian was not polite and said directly: "Lead the way ahead."

Then he followed the buddy directly to a wing room in the middle of the third floor.

Then the guy just knocked lightly on the door: "Captain Yi has arrived, what orders does my boss have?"

A familiar voice came out from the side room and said: "You step back first," and then said again: "Friend Daoist Yi, please come in."

Hearing the tone of these words, Yi Tian could recognize it was Hong Fei's voice, since he had been in the spirit world for so long, counting this time, he had only seen him three times.However, it can be accurately distinguished from the voice.

Pushing open the door and striding in, I saw Hong Fei sitting alone at the round table in the wing room, drinking a cup of tea in his hand.

Yi Tian immediately smiled and cupped his hands and said, "It turns out Director Hong has invited you, it's really a shame." After entering the door, he closed the door and found an empty seat on Hong Fei's left side.

When Hong Fei saw it, he just replied politely: "This is not the inspection department. My current identity is the big owner of Jubao Building, and you, Daoist Yi, are my honored guest, so there is no need to be polite."

Seeing that Yi Tian said so politely in his mouth, he wouldn't take it seriously, after all, it was his immediate superior's invitation, so he had to take care of his feelings no matter what.

After sitting down, he tentatively asked: "I don't know if Director Hong invited me to discuss something in detail?"

Hong Fei raised his hand to open a sound-proof barrier, and then he asked, "I'm a little older than you, why don't I call you a brother. The title of director sounds awkward, so I'll call you Yi Brother, you can also call me Big Brother Hong."

After hearing this, Yi Tian echoed casually: "Since it is so respectful, it is better to obey orders. Dare to ask Brother Hong, but if you have something to ask the younger brother?"

Only then did Hong Fei smile and said, "I saw you searched below, but didn't find any treasures you like?"

Seeing that he asked this question, Yi Tian didn't hide it, and directly stated his request.Hong Fei listened, but his face was lost in thought, and he asked tentatively later: "Brother Yi mentioned the method of controlling the array in the exchange auction last time. I wonder if you can demonstrate it in front of me?"

These are things that will happen sooner or later, Yi Tian and even since Hong Fei found him, it is probably because of these things.Then he replied: "I still have a formation plate on hand, and the workmanship is even better than the one sold. It's just that there is no suitable place to set up the formation?"

After hearing this, Hong Fei's eyes lit up and he said directly: "Recently, I found a male moon-watching rhinoceros of level seven. If brother Yi is free, you can come with me. I will only take the demon pill and rhino horn, and the rest will be yours. "

After hearing this, Yi Tian quickly looked up the information of Xia Mochiyuexi in his mind, and then deeply despised Xia Hong Fei in his heart.The inner alchemy and rhino horns are the most valuable items on Mochizuki Rhinoceros, which belong to the top-level character materials, and the rest are all middle-level materials.

But it seems that as long as you set up the trap yourself, it shouldn't be your turn to do it.And the moon-watching rhinoceros' blood was just used to prepare the inscription liquid for himself.

Immediately agreed without hesitation: "Okay, no problem, I will go with Brother Hong for a while."

Unexpectedly, Hong Fei stretched out his hand to signal and said: "Don't worry, there is another person on the way. He wants to take the soul of Mochizuki. It happens that everyone gets what they need, and complement each other."

After hearing this, Yi Tian only felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Just listen to Hong Fei continue to say: "This person is the descendant of Taiqing Pavilion, and also a monk born in Luoxia City."

Yi Tian's face immediately changed several times, isn't this what Hua Yulin is talking about.I met this person in the Sutra Library just now, and to be honest, my first impression was really not good.But Hong Fei seemed to respect him quite a bit, so his identity was a bit special.

After thinking about it, he asked: "I don't know much about the Taiqing Pavilion, so I wonder if Big Brother Hong can explain to me how this works."

Hong Fei sighed and said: "To be honest, my elder brother was born in the direct line of the Taiqing Pavilion. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough and can only be subordinated to the branch line of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing. Some distance."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked.

"Since the last catastrophe, the sect has tightened up the sect's acceptance criteria, and only selected disciples with high qualifications and skills to absorb into the main line. And the rest are included in the branch line. I guess it is for Prepare for the next catastrophe. After all, a high-ranking monk can usually turn the tide of battle, and this is fully reflected in the catastrophe," Hong Fei explained.

Unexpectedly, the city lord Hong Shanhe was born in the direct line of the Taiqing Pavilion, while Hong Fei was included in the branch line of the Daozong of the Shangqing.The aggrieved feeling in his heart can be imagined. As for the high-ranking monks mentioned to turn the tide of the battle, they should be talking about the things that the ancestor Wuye of Lihuo Palace helped him back then.

It seems that it is not easy for me to sneak into the Taiqing Pavilion. Now that I have not even tried to find the way, I really don't know what to do next.And seeing Hua Yulin's extremely arrogant look, I felt a little disdainful in my heart.Don't even think about asking him to find a way out. If he wanted to, he would have sent his sister in.

Later he asked: "To be honest, Brother Hong is still obsessed with the way as always. It would be the best if he could be lucky enough to join the main line of the Taiqing Pavilion. Unfortunately, there is no clue yet. Please give me some advice. Yi Tian is very grateful."

After hearing this, Hong Fei stared at Yi Tian without changing his expression, and then said lightly: "Taiqing Pavilion holds a grand ceremony for selecting apprentices every [-] years, and those who participate must be innocent, and those who have cultivated Nascent Soul and above You need someone to recommend you," said the words and stopped talking.

Yi Tian is also a person who has lived for thousands of years, how can he not understand the meaning of these words, if he wants to enter the Taiqing Pavilion, there is a way in front of him.It's just that there are still many doubts in his heart, why Hong Fei must think that he can do it.

It is reasonable to say that he has been in Luoxia City for many years and has many cronies and influences under him, so it is impossible for him, an outsider, to turn.

Immediately, his face became serious and he said: "Brother Hong said, I will bear in mind that this matter still has a hundred years to go, and we can discuss it later. And I think even if I get this recommended quota, I may not be able to enter the door. The disciples are extremely strict and I am afraid they will have to go through several selections."

After hearing this, Hong Fei looked at Yi Tian seriously, and then said with a dumb smile: "It is said that you Ascension Cultivators are different, and it is just like the rumors. Well, you are better than ordinary people if you can not be surprised by honor or disgrace." Too much. Let me take a long-term view on this matter, anyway, it will take a long time."

Just as he was talking, Yi Tian realized in his mind that someone seemed to be walking towards the wing on the third floor, so he stopped talking immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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