
Chapter 942 Collaboration

Chapter 942 Collaboration
This Jubao Building was originally the property of the City Lord's Mansion, and the bosses behind the scenes were naturally the Hong brothers.Thinking that the city lord Hong Shanhe would have time to take care of it, he entrusted full authority to Hong Fei to cut it off.

In fact, as long as I think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find the connection inside.Tongtian Pavilion is backed by sect forces, so it is natural that the treasure building can not do without the support of the city lord.

It's just that the people Hong Fei proposed to go with him this time are not very friendly to him, and there must be something strange about it.But now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. Fortunately, there is Hong Fei who can deal with it. As long as he says less and does more and does not offend others, he can just sit aside and let Hong Fei handle everything.

The person upstairs seemed to have been noticed by Hong Fei a long time ago, and he stretched out his hand and opened a hole in the soundproof barrier directly opposite the door.

The door was pushed open with a bang, and a young monk walked in. It was Hua Yulin who met on the third floor of the scripture building a few hours ago.

He walked in through the gap, raised his hands and bowed to Hong Fei.Then his eyes swept over himself, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

After three breaths, he sat down on Hong Fei's right side before asking: "When are you going to leave, and why is he here?" After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at himself, with a look of contempt on his face.

Yi Tian knew that it was not suitable for him to speak now, so he turned his head and cast his eyes on Hong Fei.He was stunned for a moment, then coughed lightly to demonstrate the helplessness on his face, and said, "Don't worry, Brother Hua Xian, the matter of catching animals is imperative. But let me finish the preparations first, this time Fellow Daoist Wei Yi is my subordinate who will accompany me this time."

The corner of Hua Yulin's mouth twitched, and then his lips moved a few times, as if asking in private.Similarly, Hong Fei deserves to answer directly via sound transmission.

Yi Tian glanced at the back and did not change his expression, let them chat as they wished, and stretched out his hand to take a few sips of the tea in front of him.

After about ten breaths, the voice transmission conversation between the two ended, and Hua Yulin finally showed a little joy on this matter.Then he turned around and stared at himself for a while before asking: "Since you are a formation master, it's just right, as long as this time it works out, I won't treat you badly. Maybe I will ask you to help me in the future."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's bad influence on Hua Yulin didn't change at all, but he replied with a faint smile on his face: "I will try my best to help if I can, after all, Director Hong treats me a lot. Taking care of trivial matters is nothing to worry about."

The three of them discussed after a while, and then walked out from the side door of Jubao Building.There was already an earth dragon cart waiting for this matter, and after the three of them filed in, the coachman urged the earth dragon in front of the cart to gallop towards the west gate of Luoxia City.

Except behind the city gate, the three of them used escape techniques and flew towards the southwest.The place to go this time is a place called Manhuang Mountain thousands of miles away.

The seventh-level moon-watching rhino lived in the depths of the wild mountain, and the three of them gathered their breath and flew rapidly along the way.After flying for a while, it seems that Hua Yulin has become the leader, while Hong Fei is in the middle and he is at the end.

Then, I suddenly realized that it seemed that Hua Yulin had secretly sped up his escape speed, while Hong Fei in front kept a fixed distance with disapproval.After secretly despising Hua Yulin in my heart, I mobilized my true energy a little in my body to raise the escape speed to the normal speed, as long as I can keep up with the two of them.

Hua Yulin in the front ignored the two people behind who continued to speed up, as if secretly competing.After flying for a while, Hong Fei frowned slightly, then scanned with his divine sense and was surprised to find that Yi Tian didn't lose half a cent and still followed closely.

I couldn't help but secretly admired, then glanced at Hua Yulin in front of me and shook his head with a twitch of his mouth.

In this way, the three of them kept flying at this speed for several hours before they saw a series of mountains in front of them.Hua Yulin, who led the way, slowly slowed down, and then took out the map to carefully distinguish the positions of the next three people.

After a while, he stretched his fingers to the top of the mountain not far away to signal to go down and talk. After ten breaths, the three of them descended from the clouds and stood on the top of the mountain to look at the mountains in front of them.Yi Tian hasn't practiced the Eye of True Sight yet, so at this stage he can only use the original Pupil Technique, Clear Spiritual Eye, and look ahead.

I saw that the mountain was shrouded in fog, and there seemed to be traces of demon spirit mixed in it.When I was in the lower realm, I had dealt with many monster races. The monster aura I thought should come from high-level monsters.

It's just that in the spirit world, it seems that there are many monsters at the seventh level that have not yet transformed. It may be that the strong spiritual power allows the monsters to advance quickly.But the lack of precipitation of time may not be a good thing.

Hua Yulin raised his head and looked ahead, then turned his head and said: "This place is about three to five hundred miles away from the Moon-Watching Rhinoceros Cave, and if we go further inside, we must use concealed exercises to restrain our breath before we can get close."

Hong Fei nodded and recalled, then asked: "Brother Yi, how close do you need to be to set up the formation?"

Yi Tian's face turned serious and he thought about it before replying: "I fly from the sky to within a hundred miles of Mochiyuexi Cave and then I can set up the formation. It takes about ten breaths. After ten breaths, I can start The formation will seal off a 150-mile radius, and then the vitality of the heavens and the earth will be mobilized to close the formation, even if the moon-watching rhinoceros has great strength, it will not be able to break out of the formation."

Hua Yulin was overjoyed when he heard that, and then said: "Then hurry up and do it, we will sneak up on you from below and set up an array in the air. Just give us a letter when you are done."

Yi Tian said without changing his face: "Then it will be limited to half a quarter of an hour. After finishing the formation, I will shoot a fireball into the sky. You can play by ear."

"Okay, without further ado, let's split up," Hong Fei said.

After finishing speaking, the two of them flickered and restrained their breath, then volleyed and flew towards the valley in front of them from mid-air.

I saw that the two figures quickly disappeared from my eyes, even if I used my spiritual sense to investigate, I might not be able to find their exact location.

After concentrating his own spiritual power, Yi Tian reached out and took out a set of formation disks and eight dragon escape posts, and then his figure leaped into the sky.The left hand quickly activated the formation disk, and the right hand sacrificed the eight escape dragon stakes, and the wind under the feet hurriedly used the escape technique to fly to the vicinity of the moon-watching rhinoceros cave.

A little later, he stretched out his hand in the air and threw out the eight dragon escape stakes. The black iron stakes that were originally as thick as a thumb turned into the thickness of a bucket immediately when they stretched against the wind.According to the direction of Jiugong Bagua, it fell at the same time, and Yi Tianzuo manipulated the array plate in the air to cover the lower part.Immediately, eight beams of golden light shone from the eight Dragon-Escape Stakes and directly connected to the formation disk, enclosing the world.

A fireball was shot down here, only to hear a deep howl in the valley later.A moon-watching rhinoceros about the size of zhang came out of the hole, screaming non-stop with an angry face, and the sound resounded through the entire valley.

Then several flames appeared on the cliff twice and struck in the direction of the source of the sound. It should be Hong Fei and Hua Yulin who made the move.

(End of this chapter)

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