
Chapter 943 Blocking

Chapter 943 Blocking
There was a burst of howls and attacks of spells in the valley one after another, and the cultivator's attack was really extraordinary.Yi Tian stared at the two figures in the array in the air, and saw that Hong Fei cut off the return of Mochizuki from behind, while Hua Yulin ran in front of him and stretched out his hands to sacrifice and attack tentatively. .

The two of them seemed to have agreed to cooperate with each other, and wanted to use attrition tactics to beat Mochizuki until he couldn't take care of it from the beginning to the end, and then took the opportunity to finish it.

But Yi Tian knew that if he went on like this, he would not be able to get a complete piece of rhinoceros hide, and there was not much left for him on this moon-watching rhinoceros.This is really reckless.

After thinking about it, he secretly urged the formation to point at the positions of Hong Fei and Hua Yulin in the big formation.I saw that the vitality of the surrounding world was mobilized rapidly, rushing towards the two of them like flying.

Hong Fei, who was at the bottom of this matter, was the first to notice something strange, and only felt that the mobilization of spiritual power in his whole body was more than twice as fast as usual.It is also much faster to cast its spells, and even the power of the spells has skyrocketed by as much as [-]%.

On the other side, Hua Yulin also noticed her own condition. Standing there and looking at the moon-watching rhinoceros, she saw that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on her body not only did not increase, but seemed to be restricted by the heaven and earth spiritual pressure.The strength is less than [-]%.

In this way, it is natural to know it well, this is the result of manipulation by the person in charge of the formation.Originally, I thought about using attrition tactics, but now it seems that I don't need it at all.

After thinking about it, Hua Yulin stretched out his hand and took out a halberd to hold it in his hand. After waving his hands, he pointed towards the sky, and suddenly a white lightning flashed from the sky and landed on the halberd.Later, with a wave of both hands, he controlled the lightning on the halberd to turn into an electric dragon and hit the moon-watching rhinoceros.

After a muffled sound, the moon-watching rhinoceros, which weighed a thousand pounds, was hit by the sudden electric dragon, and its whole body was shaken back three or four steps before it stabilized its figure.It seemed to be unharmed, but the four legs betrayed it, shivering non-stop.

Seeing that, Hong Fei in the back was overjoyed and took out seven small swords, stretched them against the wind and turned them into seven spirit swords, and then controlled them to strike at the soft crotch of the moon-watching rhinoceros.

The leather on his back was extremely hard, but Hong Fei only picked on the joints and the soft crotch.In addition, the previous electric shock made Mochizuki's four feet numb, and even the movement of dodging was much slower.

After a while, the lower abdomen was wounded one after another, and blood splashed out along the wound.

Mochizuki saw that he was at a disadvantage and didn't want to fight, so he opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar.After a sound wave spread out, it immediately brought up a wave of air that spread around indiscriminately.Then I saw a gray figure flashing towards the side, and the Moon-Watching Rhinoceros escaped.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the sky, was not affected, but Hong Fei and Hua Yulin should have been temporarily stunned by the sound waves after looking at the situation in the array.It wouldn't be interesting if you escaped the moon-watching rhinoceros and everyone fetched water from the bamboo basket in vain.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian muttered words in his mouth in the sky with one hand seal, and quickly uttered the mantra of the Bodhi Concentration Mantra.Immediately, Hong Fei, who was below, felt that the turmoil of Qi and blood in his body was calmed down immediately, and his restless mood also tended to calm down.

Knowing in his heart that it was Yi Tian who helped secretly again, he just wrote it down silently.Turning his head to look at Hua Yulin, he seemed to have recovered, and shouted: "Hurry up and don't let it run away."

A commotion resounded in the mountains, and the moon-watching rhinoceros fled across the road, trampling on the surrounding bushes wantonly, and then forcibly opened a road on the hillside.Its movement speed was not too fast, and it ran for more than a hundred miles, and directly bumped into several towering trees with a fierce force along the way.

Hongfei and Hua Yulin were also rushing behind, but they didn't dare to hit the gun.You must know that the seventh-level monsters can still cause harm to the cultivators of Huashen even if they do not want to kill them. Everyone is here to ask for money.

After following for ten breaths, I saw a white film of light connecting the ground and separating the two sides ten feet away.The moon-watching rhinoceros didn't know what it was, and just spread its four legs and ran wildly all the way.

Seeing the light film enveloped, without dodging or avoiding, he directly lowered his head and slammed into the formation barrier.

After the sound of 'bang', Mochizuki's head hit the light film and was bounced back more than ten feet.And the entire light film enchantment is not unusual, but it still blocks its way to escape.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, aimed at the formation disk with his hands in seals and cast out the Dao Jue. In an instant, the vitality of the world on this side was quickly mobilized, and the surrounding barriers became solidified as if they were recharged.

Seeing that the two pursuers were approaching in an instant, Mochizuki once again propped up his body and slammed into the light film barrier with all his strength at the same time.Howling sounds kept coming out of his mouth, as if he was going to rush out in one go.

After three breaths, there was another stunned sound in the valley, and even mobilized the surrounding spiritual pressure fluctuations to shake the muddy ground within a hundred feet away by more than a foot.But the enchantment light film in front of him is still extremely strong, as if nothing happened at all.

Mochizuki was bounced ten feet away this time, and fell on all fours. Before he could adjust for a while, he saw two flashes of light flying towards him.

How could Hong Fei and Hua Yulin miss such an opportunity easily? They were a little worried just now, but now they are going all out.Since Yi Tian made a move to stop Mochizuki, they can't lose their momentum, after all, they are all arrogant people, and it would be too embarrassing to be looked down upon by others.

There was a deep scream in the valley, and then your voice seemed to be getting softer and softer. Needless to say, the two succeeded.

Later, he saw a message flashed in his identity jade card, he took it out and took a closer look, it was the message from Hong Fei, which made him accept the trap.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and muttered something in the mouth of the array, and the eight Dragon-Escape Stakes distributed around were directly raised from the ground under the guidance of the array.The white film of light that originally covered the range of the valley disappeared instantly.

Yi Tian was about to put away the formation disk and fall to the clouds, when suddenly, with a movement of his mind, he felt a wave of spiritual pressure shaking inexplicably in the void a hundred miles away.

Seeing that the situation was different, he hurriedly shouted: "Who is spying on us here?"

Fortunately, Yun Gong's voice covered the surrounding area, and Hong Fei and Hua Yulin who were below heard their own warning and hurriedly flew into the air.Then followed the direction and searched with divine sense, brows were also deeply frowned.

After ten breaths, a ripple appeared in the void, and in an instant the surrounding spiritual power gathered and a figure appeared.Yi Tian didn't know each other, but when he saw Hong Fei and Hua Yulin, they looked unfriendly, and it took a long time for him to say: "Ou Jinglong, when did you come?"

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Qingfengxishui 1, and thank you for the reward from the man who loves to drink liquor.

(End of this chapter)

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