
Chapter 944 Helpless

Chapter 944 Helpless
The sudden appearance of monks in the sky made Hong Fei and the two of them very nervous.Although Yi Tian didn't know the details of the other party, he quickly searched for the other party's name on the jade slips that he took out from the Earth Shabang.

Later, at the ninth place, I saw Ou Jinglong, a disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and I will introduce his background later.It was only after he glanced over that he realized that he was almost as famous as Jian Shaoqing, a deity-transforming monk, and he belonged to the leader of the deity-transforming monks in this world.

No wonder Hong Fei and Hua Yulin were so nervous. It is estimated that the two together may not be the opponent of this Ou Jinglong.

Immediately, the three of them slowly gathered together to form a glyph defense and confronted Ou Jinglong.Only Hong Fei said: "Why are you here? Could it be because we plan to destroy beasts and want to get a share?"

Ou Jinglong, on the other hand, looked indifferent, and then his eyes swept over Hong Fei and Hua Yulin, and finally stayed on Yi Tian.

He didn't care about Hong Fei's culture, and after looking carefully, he said: "I didn't expect you to be a formation mage, and the formations that are not inferior actually have the auxiliary effect of strengthening companions. The effect of this sleepy formation is also passable. It seems that it doesn't take much spiritual power to preside over the formation?"

Yi Tian saw that the other party directly ignored the existence of Hong Fei and came to him, and a feeling of uneasiness grew in his heart.After hearing the other party's question, he looked at Hong Fei first, but he didn't answer directly.

Hong Fei understood for a moment and then said: "Are all of you Scarlet Rain Sword Sect disciples so rude?"

Before he finished speaking, Ou Jinglong stretched out his hand, and a flash of spiritual light struck Hong Fei directly.The spiritual light cut through the air and flew towards Hong Fei's place with the sound of tearing.

With a 'bang', Hong Fei also shot directly, but the spell he used was able to withstand ten breaths after the opponent's attack in the air and the attack.

However, Yi Tian obviously found that Hong Fei's breath became a little rushed under the blow, while Ou Jinglong seemed to be just making casual moves lightly.

Unexpectedly, there is a difference of [-] or [-] places on the evil list here, and the gap can be seen once they fight in reality.

Seeing that the situation on the field was a bit cold, Yi Tian couldn't stay out of it anymore, and he could see that the opponent was coming for him.Immediately asked: "Your Excellency, are you interested in my array? If so, I can buy this array from you at the cost price."

Ou Jinglong raised his head to the sky and laughed a few times, then said: "I don't know how to set up a formation, what's the use of this thing, I wonder if the formation you set up can trap the monsters in the distraction stage?"

Yi Tian, ​​a monster in the distraction stage, showed a look of embarrassment when he heard this. Many travel notes in the spirit world record that those monsters in the distraction stage must have successfully transformed.And the strength is extremely strong, much stronger than the ordinary monks in the distraction period of the human race.

After thinking about it, he replied lightly: "Whether Taoist friends are too high or not, the strength of the monsters in this distraction period is far beyond my expectations. It is extremely difficult to trap them even if they connect to the earth and mobilize the vitality of the world."

The implication is that he has clearly rejected the other party's proposal, and at the same time blocked everything he wanted to say.

But Ou Jinglong just snorted coldly and continued: "Under normal circumstances, the distracted monster cannot be trapped, but what if it is a female that has just given birth? Her strength will drop by a level, and so on. it should be no problem."

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt that three drops of cold sweat were dripping from his forehead, this Ou Jinglong was too courageous, he probably planned something like this.

Hitting the idea on the monster in the distraction stage, Yi Tian suddenly felt his head was as big as a bucket.If he wanted to escape from under the eyes of the monsters in the distraction period, he really didn't know if he was lucky.

But looking at Ou Jinglong's aggressive look in front of him, it seems unrealistic to refuse.

Meanwhile, Hong Fei and Hua Yuxin who were standing next to them had serious expressions, and there was a trace of sympathy in their eyes.

But Ou Jinglong said disdainfully: "Okay, look at your cowardly appearance, you are afraid of being like this when facing a distracted monster."

After looking at the three of them, he continued: "I found a female dragon that is about to give birth, and there is something I want in her cave. After she gave birth, she had to wash her body in the nearby river, and I took a This is the opportunity to enter the cave and get the treasure."

It sounded like the other party had explained the situation, but Yi Tian felt a little bad in his heart, and said directly: "You want me to set up a formation to trap the female flood dragon that is going out, so that the strength of the monsters can't be sustained by the formation. How long."

"Guess right," Ou Jinglong stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, "I'm not too demanding. As long as you can trap the dragon for thirty breaths, that's enough for me to enter the cave to get the treasure."

Hong Fei and Hua Yulin showed a trace of regret on their faces, their strength was too bad, and their departure would be more or less ominous.His hands were sweating, but he dared not say much due to Ou Jinglong's power.

So Yi Tian also knew that he couldn't get away directly, it seemed that he took a quick trip this time.Turning around, he said to Hong Fei and Hua Yulin: "You don't need to worry too much, I think this is a chance."

After hearing this, Hong Fei just nodded symbolically, and then said, "Brother Yi, you have to be more careful."

Hua Yulin also said sympathetically: "You Daoist Yi, be careful in everything, and pay more attention to distracting monsters."

Yi Tian nodded and then turned around and said, "Since Ou Dao is inviting you, it seems that I can't refuse, but everything has a price. I don't know what reward I can get for this risky move."

Ou Jinglong curled his lips and said, "How about I recommend you to join the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect as an outer disciple?"

At this time, Hong Fei denied it and said: "You Daoist Yi promised me to enter the Taiqing Pavilion early in the morning, so let's change the reward for something more practical."

Yi Tian also said in agreement: "Brother Hong is right. He has agreed to recommend me to enter the Taiqing Pavilion to select inner disciples after a hundred years. Please let this matter go. Why don't you exchange some precious materials, medicine pills or magical powers with fellow Daoist Ou?" good."

After hearing this, Ou Jinglong had to change his mind again, since the recommendation quota was useless, he had to find other rewards.After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Do you have any spiritual plants to cultivate? I happen to have a jade bottle here, which is the most treasured spiritual bottle imitating the Zongmen, but its efficacy is only one-tenth."

"Zongmen's most precious purification spirit bottle," Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard this, didn't this thing belong to him.And Ou Jinglong only had one counterfeit item on him. It seemed that this item had a lot of origins, but he seemed to be ignorant of the item and used it as an ordinary water storage bottle.

I bowed my head and hesitated for a while before reluctantly replying: "Okay, I happen to have spiritual plants in my cave that I want to cultivate, so let's use the emerald jade bottle as a reward. But I want to get the reward first, I think Fellow Daoist Ou won't mind."

 Thanks to Yang Jiayilang for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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