
Chapter 945 Preparation

Chapter 945 Preparation
Following behind Ou Jinglong, Yi Tian used escape techniques to maintain a fixed distance.In his hand, he was holding a three-inch emerald green bottle and kept playing with it.

But at this moment, I laughed in my heart. This emerald jade bottle is exactly the same as the Jingling bottle in terms of appearance and surrounding inscriptions, only the material is slightly different.

Originally, I only knew that the spirit purification bottle had the magical function of concentrating spirit stones, but I didn't expect that this thing was originally a spirit treasure for cultivating spirit plants.

According to Ou Jinglong's introduction, put the emerald jade bottle in your hand into a high-level spiritual spring and leave it for ten years to get ten drops of concentrated spiritual spring reward liquid for irrigating spiritual plants.It's a pity that he is proficient in swordsmanship, but he has no interest in the cultivation of spiritual plants.

This thing was a reward he got when he became an inner disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, but now it is mostly used for him to hold spirit wine.Moreover, it can also condense the essence of the spirit wine, and now it has really become an out-and-out jug.

It's no wonder that when I got it in my hand, I felt a scent of wine wafting through it. It turns out that there is still such a way.

Ou Jinglong let Hong Fei and Hua Yulin go after he had promised.Fortunately, they also kept their promises, and only took the predetermined treasures from Mochizuki, and kept the other parts for themselves.

Yi Tian directly took out a Haina bottle and handed it to Hong Fei, and repeatedly told him to collect the blood of Mochizuki Rhinoceros, and he needed this thing to make spirit ink.

Seeing that Ou Jinglong was a little impatient waiting, he signaled to leave quickly, don't waste time.

After flying for several hours, Yi Tian slowly put away the emerald jade bottle in his hand and asked directly via voice transmission: "Friend Ou, what is the approximate strength of that female dragon?"

"The first level of distraction," Ou Jinglong said with a disdainful smile: "You should restrain your thoughts of killing monsters and taking pills. This time we are fighting for food. It is good if we can succeed, otherwise we will retreat completely. As for that It's better for the female flood dragon not to touch it."

Yi Tian also agreed with this, and then changed the subject: "How far is the female flood dragon from the cave to the river where she bathes? What's the terrain like?"

These are the keys to the formation, of course Yi Tian wants to understand clearly, and it is also related to what method he should choose to escape afterwards.

Ou Jinglong's face froze, and he slowly explained in detail the terrain of this formation and the terrain of the female dragon's territory.

The Jiaolong Cave is located in the hinterland of a mountain depression, surrounded by a big river less than a hundred miles below the mountain.It looks like there are a few small hills separated by it.

A single pass at the speed of a monster in the distraction period is only a few tens of breaths. Considering that you will be a little weak after childbirth, it may take half the time.

According to this calculation, there is not much time left for Ou Jinglong, and it is roughly estimated that there is only less than a hundred breaths of time.

No idea how he found what he was looking for in such a short amount of time.Suddenly, a thought flashed in Yi Tian's mind and asked directly: "Does Fellow Daoist Ou want to take away a dragon egg?"

Only then did Ou Jinglong turn his head with a malicious intention and smiled, "You guessed right, Daoist Yi, this time I have to work."

I secretly greeted Ou Jinglong's family members in my heart, if you go to steal other people's heirs, that female dragon will not skin you.Thinking that he was about to become an accomplice, he did not calm down when he shared the risk.

This abducted dragon egg will face the endless pursuit of the female dragon, thinking of this, there is a faint chill behind it.

The two of them flew continuously for three days and three nights before they got close to their destination. It didn't take long before they saw Ou Jinglong's figure stop in the air.Turning around and turning to himself, he said, "A thousand miles ahead is the territory of the female flood dragon. Let's wait here for a while. We will enter after it starts giving birth."

Yi Tian looked ahead and saw thick monster aura gathered in the sky hundreds of miles away, and those monster aura gathered into clouds and covered a large area.After thinking for a while, he said: "Fellow Daoist Ou, I need to make some preparations and bless the array disk spirit weapon first."

Then he raised his hand and threw a jade slip of communication to hand over to the other party and continued: "I will go to the cave below to open up a cave to make some preparations. If you want to take action, just send a message to me."

After speaking, no matter how Ou Jinglong reacted, he directly fell to the cloud head and dug a cave on the edge of the cliff below, and then the figure flashed into it.

When he came to the newly opened cave, Yi Tian opened a seal to block the exit of the entire cave, and then took out his array and began to sacrifice again.This time, he had to deal with the monsters in the distraction stage, so he had to save himself some backup just in case.

Thinking of this, he raised his eyebrows and turned his eyes to the depths of the cave, thinking about it in his heart.

Half a month later, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the cave, suddenly found a spiritual light flying from outside the gate, reached out and caught it in his hand, and then sighed after his eyes glanced away.Standing up slowly and opening the restraint, the figure flew directly to the high sky in a flash, at this time Ou Jinglong was already waiting there.

Seeing Yi Tianfei coming up, he took out two sets of cloaks and said, "This is a concealment cloak, which can completely cover our breath."

After taking the cloak and putting it on, I found that the subtle spiritual pressure fluctuations around the body were all restrained, and the effect was much stronger than the restraint of breath by myself.

Afterwards, the two of them directly detoured from the mid-air and penetrated into the territory of the flood dragon one after the other.

Not long after, I saw a meandering big river, presumably this is where the dragon will bathe in the future.Following the direction that Ou Jinglong pointed, Yi Tian glanced at the surrounding terrain, and then began to calculate how to set up the formation.

The usual method will definitely make some noise, if the female dragon finds out that something is wrong, all previous efforts will be wasted.Therefore, Yi Tian could only manually measure the base points of the formation, and then flew to lay down the Dunlong piles in turn.

The whole process took nearly two or three hours to complete. After the formation was completed, Yi Tiancai flew back to discuss the next step with Ou Jinglong.After the two of them made a total calculation, they agreed that Ou Jinglong would quietly sneak outside the Jiaolong Cave and wait for an opportunity to strike.

And I am lying in ambush near the big formation, and when the female flood dragon comes and goes, I can activate the big formation to trap her, as long as I support [-] breaths.

Having said that, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, but he responded lightly, and then he lowered his head to find a place to hide on the edge of the big formation.

As for Ou Jinglong, a sneer flashed across his face, and then his figure flashed and dived directly towards the Jiaolong Cave.

It is not yet known when the female dragon will give birth, so Yi Tian simply found a hidden hillside and dug a simple cave in the direction of his back to the dragon cave, and then he directly hid in it and waited for the opportunity to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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