
Chapter 946 Escape 1

Chapter 946
Hiding in the cave opened by Zero Hour, Yi Tian calmed down and tried his best to calm down his mood.What he was going to face this time was the distraction stage flood dragon whose strength was much higher than his own.Even though she was just in the state of giving birth, it was not something she could shake head-on.

With the improvement of cultivation, he also has a detailed understanding of the division of strength in the cultivation world.For example, the Foundation Establishment cultivator has no power to fight back against the Golden Core cultivator, and the Nascent Soul cultivator can instantly kill the Golden Core cultivator.

The higher the level, the lower the probability of being able to fight back, and the chance of getting away with it becomes even slimmer.

Although I have made all the preparations, who knows if there will be any unexpected accidents.

Wearing that cloak in the cave mansion to restrain his breath coefficient, and then his nose asked slightly, and there was a faint fragrance.His complexion changed slightly and he realized that it didn't seem to be his original smell, and then he began to search around to find the source.

But suddenly felt that the whole cave seemed to be moving slightly, and he panicked and said to himself: "Could it be an earthquake."

It's just that the trembling feeling lasted for a few breaths and then returned to normal, so something must have happened.Now it is not possible to search the depths of the divine mind at will, lest the whereabouts be exposed.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and walked to the entrance of the cave, and then flew gently into the air to check the surrounding situation.

I saw a blood-stained road of thorns fifty miles away, and there was still some mucus on it.The surrounding air was filled with a strong evil spirit, and in the big river not far in front of him, there were water splashes several feet high.

In the spray of water, you can vaguely see a white dragon playing in the water.Yi Tian's complexion darkened and he knew that it was time for him to make a move, and that boy Ou Jinglong had almost sneaked into the Jiaolong Cave.

Flipping his hands, he took out a palm-sized formation plate and sacrificed it in his hand, and then he activated it by chanting a formula silently in his mouth. In an instant, white mist gradually appeared in the world, and it didn't take long for the entire mountain forest to be hidden.

The female flood dragon was still playing in the water to its heart's content at first, but the fog rising from the mountain changed her expression, and then she jumped up from the big river and flew towards the direction of the cave.

But it didn't take long to fly over the mountains and forests before bumping into an invisible wall of air.As a result, it opened its mouth with anger and let out a dragon chant that resounded throughout the world. At the same time, Yi Tian, ​​who was manipulating the formation disk in the distance, was shocked.

After seeing her trapped, Yi Tian held the formation plate in front of him, quickly formed seals with his hands, and then hit several spells on it.Immediately, under the traction of the array disk, the eight array bases shot eight streaks of light toward the sky.After the spiritual light finally gathered in the sky, it directly turned into a golden light film to isolate the inside and outside.

After the dragon chant sounded again, a woman's cry came: "Where do you dare to plot against me here?" A white light flashed in the eyes of the dragon.

After turning the dragon's head around in a circle, it easily locked the formation plate hiding in the distance, and then shot a light from its eyes to directly illuminate the human figure.

At this time, Yi Tian's face was gloomy, and he was secretly surprised that he didn't expect his hiding place to be found so quickly.

And it seems that the strength of this flood dragon has not dropped too much due to childbirth, and its strength is at the peak of transforming gods.

Hastily mobilized the formation plate in front of him to frantically mobilize the heaven and earth vitality of the underground spiritual veins to strengthen the formation.And the surrounding white mist gathered rapidly, swallowing Yi Tian's figure again after three breaths.

But that dragon is Yi Yi's generation, since he found the person who set up the formation, he rushed towards him in a hurry.

Although the eight-door golden lock array has the ability to trap dragons, it has not been tested on the dragons in the transformation stage.Yi Tian didn't dare to procrastinate and hastily played a few spells towards the array and then pushed it into the air, but he took advantage of the fog and hurried away.

At this moment, there are almost 20 breaths of time, and it must have been delayed for [-] breaths after the flood dragon broke the formation, Ou Jinglong should also have his hand.If he didn't leave now, he would have to face Jiaolong's wrath, and that was a consequence he couldn't bear.

My own white mist also has the effect of blocking divine thoughts, so it can be regarded as a delay for myself.The flood dragon suddenly realized that it had lost its target, and suddenly burst into a blue water column and scattered towards the surroundings.The water column spread out against the wind and turned into thousands of small water droplets, instantly dispelling a lot of the surrounding fog.

As soon as Yi Tian turned his head, he saw the dragon's head raised high in the white mist, staring at him and opening his mouth, there was a dragon chant, mixed with a water column.

The surrounding formation barriers blocked no more than ten breaths before being directly broken, and the surrounding eight dragon-breaking stakes seemed unable to withstand such a powerful attack, and the golden light shot from them dimmed immediately and then went out directly.

Without the blessing of the formation base, the barrier of the trapped formation on that day would naturally disintegrate in an instant.

At this time, the female flood dragon roared angrily: "The despicable human monks are making a lot of noise, stealing my heirs will kill you all."

After speaking, he spat out another water ball towards Yi Tian. It was a blow from Jiaolong Hanhen whose power was comparable to that of a peak cultivator in the transformation stage.

The water polo magnified infinitely in the pupils, and he still underestimated the strength of these distracting monsters.It was almost impossible to dodge, Yi Tianyi gritted his teeth and clasped his hands together, took out several ghost face flower seeds, and immediately cast a spell to form a rattan net as thick as an arm to firmly surround himself in the middle.

With a 'bang' sound, the water bomb came fiercely and directly smashed Yi Tian onto the hillside, creating a crater with a radius of ten miles.

The female flood dragon glanced at it with disdain, then turned around and flew towards the nest quickly.There she found that a strange breath had just flashed out of the cave.

Yi Tian was beaten dizzy by the opponent's move, but fortunately, his defense is not weak.Just now he received a frontal blow and didn't move, just waiting for the moment when Jiaolong left, he could take the opportunity to escape.

Now is the perfect opportunity to support the female flood dragon back to the lair, and make seals on her hands to plant the ghost face flower directly into the soil under her feet.But he restrained his breath and fled quickly towards the distance.

But before he flew far, he felt a terrifying divine sense locking himself behind him.At the same time, a tearing dragon chant resounded through the sky, followed by an overwhelming spiritual pressure from the top of his head.Needless to say, Ou Jinglong succeeded in timing, but now that dragon is after him.Going on like this, under such a terrifying spiritual pressure, he will definitely not be able to escape just by escaping.

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he hurriedly turned around and flew towards the cave he was guarding.Ten breaths later, the female flood dragon chased after her furiously, but what greeted her was a flash of white spiritual light, leaving behind only a simple single-person teleportation array.

 Thank you for the light wind and water 1, the monthly ticket that can tell the rise and fall of history as a mirror, and thank the man who loves to drink liquor for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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