
Chapter 947 Escape 2

Chapter 947

Thousands of miles away, in the depths of the cave in a certain barren mountain on the edge of the dragon's territory, a single teleportation array was activated for no reason.After three breaths, a white light flashed and a figure emerged from it, it was Yi Tian who fled here using the teleportation array.

This can be regarded as the backhand left by him, although it is only a thousand miles away, but he has left the place of right and wrong all of a sudden, and now it is considered safe for the time being.

But at this time, his face was full of awe, and he reached out and took off the concealment cloak on his body, stuffed it directly into the storage ring and put it away.He said to himself: "Ou Jinglong, we've settled the knot. If you dare to use ambergris to intimidate me, we will have a chance to settle this debt in the future."

Just now, when the female flood dragon locked on him for the first time, I became suspicious. I have always acted cautiously, and I will not make any mistakes at this critical moment of life and death.

If it's fine once, then the female flood dragon can directly lock herself twice, the only problem is this concealment cloak.

Moreover, I noticed a faint fragrance before, and now that I came back to my senses, I naturally recognized the source of this thing.

It seems that Ou Jinglong had this idea early in the morning, he wanted to lure the female flood dragon away for him, so that he could take advantage of the gap and wait for an opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that he still had a backup, because the time was short and the materials at hand were not complete, so he only set up a one-way teleportation array in a hurry.

And there is no material to make the teleportation jade talisman, so I was sent over while enduring the pain of space tearing.

After calming down, he knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, Yi Tian hurriedly took out a few pills, put them in his mouth and swallowed them.Then he worked a little bit to adjust his breath, and before the power of the medicine melted away, he hurriedly left the cave and rushed towards the direction he came from.

At this time, leaving the place of right and wrong as soon as possible is the best policy, thinking that the female flood dragon will definitely hunt down herself and Ou Jinglong when she is furious.

And I have been stared at by it once, and I think it will be easily recognized when I meet again.

The monk didn't stand under the dangerous wall, so Yi Tianqiang pulled himself together and used his escapism to fly in the direction of Luoxia City.At the same time, open up your divine sense to the maximum and cover a range of thousands of miles around at the same time.

After a while, it seemed that in the divine sense, there was a powerful wave of spiritual pressure flashing indistinctly behind him thousands of miles away.After the spiritual detection, it can be 100% sure that it is the female dragon.Immediately, the spiritual power in his body began to circulate rapidly, and the speed of Feidun instantly increased by three points.

Half a quarter of an hour later, in the divine sense, it seemed that the fluctuation of the dragon's spiritual pressure was getting weaker and weaker.And it was obvious that her body also changed direction, as if she had locked on to other targets and was rushing quickly.

At this point, Yi Tiantian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his nervous mood gradually calmed down at the same time.But his own escape speed did not dare to slow down in the slightest, and he kept flying at a high speed for a day and a night before his escape speed weakened.

There are more and more human monks encountered in the next journey. Yi Tian didn't rush to hide his identity, but flew towards Luoxia City at a normal speed.Three days later, when he returned to Luoxia City, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and took out his identity jade badge, wrote a message on it and sent it to Hong Fei, and then went straight back to his cave.

After returning home, close the cave door and sit cross-legged at the bottom of the cave to start breathing exercises.

This time it was considered a fate, and he was able to escape while facing high-level monsters and still being plotted by others.The most important thing now is to improve his cultivation first. A monk like Ou Jinglong who ranks ninth on the list must have something extraordinary in his strength.If you want to trouble him, you have to practice at least to the middle and late stages of transformation to have hope. After thinking about it, you open the barrier and start practicing.

A month or so later, Yi Tian went to Hong Fei's mansion to have a talk before leaving customs. He had received the invitation earlier, but it was delayed for a few days because he was still recovering.

At this time, after the two people in Hong Fei's mansion sat down as guest and host, Yi Tian shared his experience with Ou Jinglong during this time.After hearing this, Hong Fei sighed and said, "I didn't expect you, Brother Yi, to be able to save the day. It's a pity that we couldn't stop Ou Jinglong at that time, so that you put yourself in danger."

Faced with such rhetoric, Yi Tian sneered in his heart, but he replied with a sigh on his face: "I know Brother Hong couldn't help himself, the situation was stronger than others at that time, but Ou Jinglong's strength might not be possible even if the three of us joined forces What good can you get by escaping?"

Seeing that there was no resentment in Yi Tian's tone, Hong Fei frowned and said later: "Actually, the ranking on the local evil list is only ranked by the head of Zongmen Qing Tiansi, and he has not really tried it."

"Oh," Yi Tian exclaimed after hearing the words: "Is there something wrong with this?"

Hong Fei sighed and explained: "Although the rankings on the local evil list are not absolutely authoritative, and it often happens that many monks with lower rankings challenge the monks in front. But the rankings of the top twenty are nearly a few hundred It hasn't been adjusted in years."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard the words and asked: "What will happen to the person who wins?"

"Naturally it will be replaced," Hong Fei said with a smile, "It's just that a disciple of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect challenged the direct lineage of Taiqing Pavilion many years ago. Both of them are famous figures on the list, but you can guess the result Bar."

"Naturally, it cannot be shaken," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

Hong Fei nodded and continued: "So although this place's list is a bit watery, it's all after the top [-]. As for the top rankings, at least I don't think it will change until the next list comes out."

"Then what if the monk who helped you fell accidentally?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

Hong Fei stretched out his hand and raised two fingers and said: "Generally, there are two situations. First, if you are beheaded in a fight with someone, you will be replaced by someone. If you are beheaded by a high-level monk or a monster, you will be directly removed from the list." , then the name on the Dishabang stele in Taiqing Pavilion will be dimmed, and the subsequent ranking will be automatically promoted by one."

"The stele of the Taiqing Pavilion's evil list?" This is the first time I heard of it, and I only knew that there was such a published list before.

Seeing Yi Tian's puzzled look, Hong Fei slowly revealed the secret inside.At the foot of Qingtiange Mountain in Taiqingge Mountain, there is a special stone tablet of Tiangang Di Shabang.

These steles are arranged on top of a large formation. The formation base connects to the earth veins and receives the vitality of the heavens and the earth at the same time, so it is possible to detect subtle changes in the spirit world. It detected it.

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face became cloudy and uncertain, he frowned and thought to himself: "In this way, if I make a gesture to the person on this list, I will definitely reveal my whereabouts."

Seeing that Yi Tian was thoughtful, Hong Fei thought he was thinking about how to become famous on the list, and then said: "Brother Yi, don't worry too much, this time I owe you a little. After a hundred years, I will allow you to be an inner disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion Recommended quota."

Yi Tian came back to his senses and hurriedly smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Hong for your help, I will remember this kindness in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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