
Chapter 949 Search

Chapter 949 Search
After coming out of Hong Fei's mansion, Yi Tian had an inconspicuous storage bracelet on his hands.But the stuff inside is not ordinary, the bottle of spirit beast blood alone is priceless.

In addition to the whole moon-watching rhinoceros carcass, although the most valuable inner alchemy and rhinoceros horns were taken off by Hong Fei early in the morning, the whole set of skins was still there.

The thick leather on the whole body of this moon-watching rhinoceros is an indispensable main material for making high-end leather armor.As long as you buy some ingredients yourself, you can make three pieces of soft armor with a few rough calculations.Bones can be used to refine spiritual weapons, and flesh and blood can be used as good food for spiritual pets, even if they are sold to restaurants or enjoyed by themselves.

I don't need to eat anymore since I formed the alchemy, but it's not a bad idea to try the taste of good ingredients.

Thinking of this, there was a hint of relief on his face, and at the same time, he put aside the matter that Hong Fei entrusted him to take good care of Hua Yuxin.

Her Hua family has a good plan, and Hong Fei is also a hands-off shopkeeper.Fortunately, there is such a reason that I will not be assigned any more dangerous tasks in the future.

Presumably, Hua Yulin also greeted Hong Fei early in the morning, and he could count on Hua Yuxin's blessing to save a little effort for a hundred years.

After returning to the cave, he planned to retreat directly again. This time, he hadn't even opened the eye of true seeing, which was exchanged from the Tibetan scripture building.Moreover, the jade bottle, the newly obtained spirit weapon, has never been used, so I really don't know if it can concentrate the spirit energy as Ou Jinglong said.

Speaking of this emerald jade bottle, Yi Tian's heart felt hot, and he couldn't help thinking of the Jingling bottle.I remember that Ou Jinglong once mentioned that the spirit purification bottle was the most precious treasure of his sect, but how could it get into the hands of Qian Lingzi for no reason and was taken to the lower realm.

Since this Spirit Purifying Bottle has a lot of background, it can be seen that Qian Lingzi's status in Scarlet Rain Sword Sect is also quite good.Thinking of this, Yi Tian only felt a little damp on his forehead, but when he touched it, there was some sweat.

The most urgent task is to find out the identity of Qian Lingzi before making any plans.Thinking back then that he also said that he was the patrol envoy Yi Tian, ​​he began to feel uneasy.

Now that we know his origin and place of office, we can naturally find some information about him before he descended.Thinking of this, Yi Tian turned around and walked straight towards the headquarters of the Inspection Division.

As the captain of the inspection department's herringbone flag, he still has some small privileges.There are still permissions for things like looking up information.

After entering the Inspection Division, I found a worthy deacon, and said that I wanted to check the list of people who used to work in the Inspection Division.The deacon just gave a symbolic 'hmm', and then stretched out five fingers to ask Yi Tian to pay his merits before he could check the internal information.

Although he was full of displeasure in his heart, Yi Tian didn't dare to show it on his face.After paying the merit points, the deacon led them to the inspection department's archives.

After listening to Yi Tian's request, the deacon just said lightly: "The list of inspectors in all cities in the spiritual world is recorded, but your authority level is at most to check the information of the upper level. The information list of ordinary identities is temporarily not open to monks of your identities."

Yi Tian knows that his authority is not high, but it is estimated that it is enough.It is impossible for a monk like Qian Lingzi to be the head of the inspection department.

Afterwards, he found a vacant seat in the lobby of the archive room and sat down, holding the thick roster of the inspectorate in his hand and began to look it up.

After the deacon saw the matter, he informed Sheng Yitian and said, "Remember to return the list to the archives after reading it."

Yi Tian just nodded to show his understanding, and then focused on the list, not even knowing when the deacon left.

The huge roster recorded the names of all the people below the head of the Inspection Department of Hundred Cities in the Spirit World.Yi Tian first looked for it from Luoxia City where he was located, and he could see ten lines wherever he looked.

At the end of the roster in Luoxia City, he found his own name, followed by Hua Yuxin's name next to it.There was a helpless wry smile on her face, it seemed that she was really a novice, and she was comparable to herself.

Later, I searched in the human-level towns near Luoxia City, but there was no record of Qian Lingzi's name.

In this way, he continued to search more than a dozen surrounding cities, but he did not find any clues.

After recovering, Yi Tian temporarily stopped the work at hand and began to think backwards.Qian Lingzi is the direct heir of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, so in terms of status, he should be above Ou Jinglong, at least at his level, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for him to have the chance to obtain the sect's most important treasure.

Furthermore, he was ordered to track down Luo Que's whereabouts, so the captain of a human-level town inspection department would not take care of so many things.And he remembered back then that he mentioned that he followed Luo Que all the way down the boundary.

In this way, the scope of the search can be directly extended to the data of the main city at the sky level. Presumably only the inspector monks there are likely to receive the task of monitoring foreign monks.

Thinking of this, my eyes suddenly brightened, and then I opened the directory of the roster and searched directly.

The disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's direct line will definitely not serve in the main cities of the other two sects, and the most likely source of the Qian Lingzi is the Piaomiao City, the main city of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

Then he directly opened the roster and turned to the Misty City part, and then compared them one by one with a glance.After ten breaths, his face froze and he stayed at the third position of the prefectural-level inspection captain of the Piaomiao City Inspection Department.All I saw was the words Qianlingzi clearly written on it.

There is a simple note after his name that reads: "A direct disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, nicknamed 'Qian Ling Jue Jian', was ordered to investigate the activities of the Asura people in the spiritual world 4000 years ago, and his whereabouts afterwards unknown."

Although the notes are brief, they have already given the answers to the confusions in my mind.Sure enough, Qian Lingzi's status in Scarlet Rain Sword Sect was not low, and his ability to serve in the main city of the sky level showed his extraordinary strength.

Seeing that Yi Tian had a solid mind here, he reached out and closed the roster and put it back on the file shelf, and then searched all the records on it about the past cases handled by the Inspection Division of Misty City.

If you don't check, you don't know, the records of the Piaomiao City Inspection Department are really not ordinary.Fortunately, I just want to find information from 4000 years ago, so I can skip nearly [-]% of the manuscript records.

After taking down a dusty notebook, Yi Tian found a brighter place, spread it on his hands and read it carefully.Soon the record of Qianlingzi was found in it.

At that time, he was the most hopeful person in the lineage of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's God Transformation Stage.The current Jian Shaoqing can only be regarded as his junior.

And back then, he was a rare opponent at the same level with one hand of swordsmanship, but the handbook did not mention the situation of the most strengthened monk in Lihuo Palace at that time, but it should not be much worse.

There were many kinds of content, so in order not to arouse suspicion, Yitian had no choice but to write down the part about Qian Lingzi in his own jade slip, and then hurriedly put the letter back in its original place before quietly leaving the inspection department.

 Thank you for the monthly pass of the man who can know the rise and fall of history by using history as a mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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