
Chapter 950 Invitation

Chapter 950 Invitation

After the moon-watching rhinoceros incident, Yi Tian hurried back to the cave and began to practice in seclusion. During this period, he would only go out when he received a subpoena order from the inspection department.

And after completing the task, he rushed back to the cave, and in the eyes of others, he looked like an ascetic monk.

For Hua Yuxin under his command, Yi Tian kept a respectful distance.Now that I know her details, I also know that she is just here to mix her qualifications. After receiving a task, I don't care if I can complete it or not. I try to take care of her safety first.

It is also very clear in my heart that if the task fails, at most it will be scolded by the boss, or punished with some merit.If this girl made any mistake, she probably wouldn't be able to hang around in Luoxia City any longer.

Time passed in a hurry, and after seven or eighty years of following the rules, Hua Yuxin's cultivation level was finally raised to the middle stage of Nascent Soul with the investment of a lot of resources.In addition, with the assistance of the spiritual pet Vajra Demon Ape who is at the stage of transforming into gods, he can directly crush any monk below the stage of transforming into gods.

It can be regarded as evenly matched against the early stage of the transformation of the gods, and it can also protect itself against the monks in the middle stage.

At the same time, during this period, Yi Tian privately kept a lot of human-level high-level spiritual weapons from his hands with his weapon refining skills.Most of the rewards obtained were exchanged for cultivation materials or raw ore treasures and stored.

Preparations for refining the materials for the Lihuo fan began many years ago, but today there is only an additional material called real fire gilding.This thing belongs to the earth-level treasure, and Lihuo Palace is also collecting it everywhere. It is an auxiliary material that must be added to refine the Lihuo secret treasure.

So it is almost impossible to see such an existence in the market. Those who are interested have collected this thing early in the morning, presumably at the price of this, they can find a monk from Lihuo Palace to help them once.

Yi Tian has been inquiring around for decades but failed, and he didn't dare to release the mission blatantly, so he had to let it go.Treasures of heaven, material and earth are those who are destined to get them. I keep this truth in my heart, and now it is useless if the opportunity is not in a hurry.

In the past period of time, the Inspection Division also often had joint missions, usually with several teams of herringbone flags dispatched together.Yi Tian found that he would meet Lian Feixiong or Mei Xiner every time he did such a task, and after inquiring, he found out that both of them were also Hong Fei's disciples.

He also followed his path when entering the inspection department, and after several times of cooperation, they gradually became acquainted.

After seven or eighty years, his cultivation seems to have reached the peak of the initial stage of refining the incarnation, but he has not yet reached the mid-term threshold.There is no need to be anxious about cultivation, sometimes it will take decades or hundreds of years if a hurdle cannot be overcome.

Fortunately, the mystical powers of the Eye of True Sight have long been cultivated to the level of Xiaocheng, and now it is very useful for making arrays and depicting inscriptions.And with his continuous hard work, he is not far from reaching the realm.

My natal kung fu, Lihuo Nine Changes, still stays on the fifth floor, but the use of kung fu in my turn has greatly improved compared to before the ascension.Although there are no signs of reaching the next level, as long as you progress step by step, you can advance to the next level before entering the world.

It was Ri Yitian who was practicing in seclusion in the depths of the cave, when suddenly the identity jade badge in front of him flashed a gleam of light.Opening his eyes, his brows frowned slightly after his gaze passed by, it turned out that it was the message from Lian Feixiong.The content mentioned that he found a multicolored lotus, but the guardian monster had some strength and wanted to invite him to help.

Originally, I had some kind of friendship with Lian Feixiong these years, and we went on missions together and cooperated many times.But it was the first time that they went out to hunt for treasures together, so after thinking about it, they went through the detailed information of the colorful lotus in their minds.

This kind of spiritual plant is specially grown in lakes with abundant spiritual energy, and usually only has five leaves each in one color, hence the name.

The most valuable five-petal leaves of the colorful lotus are the lotus pods and lotus root segments.Yi Tian couldn't help looking at his Lingzhi Garden, and he didn't know what the white jade lotus root at the bottom of the Lingchi looked like now.

These can be used to refine elixir, which is also of great benefit to the monks in the transformation stage.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian replied directly, then slowly stood up, packed the things in front of him, and walked towards the cave door.

An hour later, over the south gate of Luoxia City, a blue light flashed and flew into the air.After the halo faded, Yi Tian's figure appeared, and at this time, there was a Taoist light flying in not far away, it was Lian Feixiong who was waiting here.

Seeing this, Yi Tian cupped his hands and said, "I'm really ashamed to have kept fellow practitioners waiting for so long."

"It doesn't matter that I just arrived not long ago," Lian Feixiong said with a smile, "there is a crocodile lizard with the late-stage power of the god transformation at the place where the colorful lotus is. That is naturally within reach.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian secretly thought about it. It might not be easy for two human monks in the early stage of transformation to deal with a late-stage crocodile lizard.

But if a clever trick is used to lure it out of the hole, it is not difficult for another person to pick it.Although these monsters have developed spiritual intelligence, most of them still use their innate instincts, so they will always fall into a disadvantage when confronted by human monks.

Thinking of this, he asked casually: "Have fellow Daoist practitioners gotten any better?"

Lian Feixiong hesitated for a moment and then said embarrassedly: "It's nothing more than a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain, but I want to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to try to lure the crocodile lizard away, and I will pick off the colorful lotus as quickly as possible." .There must be a big thank you after everything is done.”

It was expected to be like this early on, but Yi Tian was deeply impressed by Lian Feixiong's thick skin when he could see Lian Feixiong saying it without changing his face.So to say it is to ask yourself to act as a bait, although it is not difficult, but it will always be a bit risky, and then he looked at Lian Feixiong calmly and didn't say much.

This seemed a bit cold, Lian Feixiong knew he was in the wrong and had to bleed a little, or else he was determined not to invite him.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out a jade box and handed it over: "This is the seedling of Jiuqu Lingshen. As long as it is matured, it can be refined into Jiuqu Ningshen Pill, which can be used by monks in the transformation stage. Spirits work wonders."

It was the first time Yi Tian had heard of this pill, and then he asked: "Your fellow practitioner is right, but without the pill formula, even if you have precious materials, it's useless."

This time it was Lian Feixiong's turn to reply with a knowing smile: "This time, the reward for asking Fellow Daoist Yi to help is the formula of Jiuqu Lingshen and Jiuqu Ningshen Pill. After the matter is completed, I will make a copy of the formula how."

Hearing this, Yi Tian showed a smile on his face and said: "Okay, let's follow what Fellow Daoist Lian said, let's set off quickly to get the treasure."

Lian Feixiong was also an agile character, and he immediately responded and marked the position of the colorful lotus on the map jade slip for Yi Tian to have a look at. After a while, the two galloped towards the southeast.

 Thank you Zhongxkou, the monthly ticket of the confused god.Sorry, I can't type that word in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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