
Chapter 951 Seduction

Chapter 951 Seduction
It took a day and a half to fly all the way south from Luoxia City before approaching the destination.On the way, Lian Feixiong explained that the destination this time was a place called Microwave Lake.This microwave lake is located in the central valley area of ​​the Quanrong Mountain Range, where there may be high-level monsters appearing within a thousand miles around.

So be careful not to disturb the surroundings when approaching Microwave Lake.

Fortunately, the two of them descended directly from the high altitude, which saved a lot of trouble, but the microwave lake water has the effect of blocking the detection of spiritual thoughts.

The exact location of the crocodile lizard could not be detected in the high altitude, which was also a difficult problem in this treasure hunt.

When the sun rises, it is an excellent time for the crocodile lizard to come out to look for food. The plan of the two is to take advantage of this time to try to lure the crocodile lizard away from the microwave lake when it is launching from the shore.

With the reward given by Lian Feixiong before, Yi Tian's movements also sped up a lot.In the middle of the journey, I thought of several ways to worry about the crocodile lizard, the most effective of which was to use the flesh and blood of a high-level monster as bait.

Thinking of this, it just so happened that I still have several pieces of Moon-Moon Rhino's leg meat that I can use.This time, Yi Tian also spent some money to take out a hundred catties of flesh and blood for backup.

Not long after, the two of them came to the sky above the Weiwei Lake, and they could find the colorful lotuses by looking down from the sky.I saw that it was located in the very center of the lake, with a height of more than three feet protruding from the water surface.Surrounded by a large area of ​​lotus leaves, the multicolored lotus itself emits several faint auras, and a multicolored light surrounds the lotus petals.

I don't know how deep the lake is, but the divine sense quietly extended and found that it was really like what Lian Feixiong said before, the divine sense could only penetrate to a depth of five feet before being blocked by an invisible force.

After putting away his spiritual thoughts, Yi Tian took out a portion of the moon-watching rhinoceros' leg meat, and then found an open area along the shore of Microwave Lake to put the leg meat in it.Then he reached out and took out a bunch of demon-inducing incense, lit it and placed it next to the blood food.

After doing this, he directly flew into the midair and restrained his spiritual pressure fluctuations. After stretching out his hands and performing concealed movements, the whole person gradually became transparent.Not long after, the figure of the whole person disappeared into the air.

A little later, the smell of attracting demon fragrance drifted ten miles away, and a gust of wind blew across Weiwei Lake, mixed with a strong demonic aura.Ten breaths later, there was a commotion in the forest, and soon an adult alligator lizard appeared on the shore of Microwave Lake.

It's just that a monster with such strength has long been enlightened, and facing such a temptation is simply a joke in front of it.I saw the crocodile lizard climbed close to the blood food, took a few glances, and then looked around vigilantly. After mobilizing the monster energy around it, it became vigilant.

Yi Tian knew that it was not that simple to deal with such monsters, and it was not enough to rely on blood food and attracting monster fragrance.As long as the crocodile lizard appeared, a few fireballs flashed out of nowhere in the midair above and instantly hit the crocodile lizard's back.

After hearing a muffled sound, the crocodile lizard raised its head and howled loudly towards Yi Tian's position: "Who hides his head and shows his tail and dares to sneak attack on this seat."

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, only sneered on his face before revealing his real body, and then shouted at the crocodile lizard: "You are just a monster that has turned into a fine crocodile lizard, and you dare to speak wild words. Today, you will give me your name." You click on the color and see."

After saying that, he continued to cast spells without stopping, and bombarded the crocodile lizard's back indiscriminately.

A fierce burst of monster power burst out, the crocodile lizard opened its mouth and protruded a beam of water arrows, and the water column changed in the wind, and the ice gun directly stabbed at Yi Tian's position.

Seeing something bad, Yi Tian hurriedly dodged, only to see several ice spears hit Yi Tian, ​​and after a while his figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the air.

Twenty feet away, Yi Tian's voice suddenly appeared again, and then he stretched out his hand and popped a ghost face flower seed to the crocodile lizard.After the seed fell to the ground and took root, several vines quickly grew out and directly entangled the crocodile lizard's body.

The skin of the crocodile lizard was so hard that it was rolled without any damage, but the anger on its face was on the verge of erupting.

After a burst of soaring monster power burst out, the crocodile lizard struggled hard to get rid of the entanglement of the vine veins, and then rushed directly towards Yi Tian's position.

Seeing that he successfully aroused the hatred of the crocodile lizard, Yi Tian also turned around and led him to the other side of the hillside.Back then, I made an agreement with Lian Feixiong that as long as it was led out three miles away, it would be enough free time to do it.

But Yi Tian also secretly thought about how to get rid of this monster, after all, it would not be a good thing to be entangled by it all the way.

Flying five miles away, he found that the crocodile lizard hadn't been pulled down, and immediately decided that he had completed the set task.With a sneer on his face, he shouted at the crocodile lizard: "If you still chase the colorful lotus in the Weiwei Lake, it will belong to others."

The crocodile lizard was shocked when he heard it, and hurriedly used his spiritual sense to investigate the situation in the lair without thinking about chasing it down.After taking three breaths, he said angrily: "Shameless, you human monks are all like this."

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and headed back to Lequ on the original road.

Yi Tian was also relieved to see him go far away, if he was really entangled with him, he would really have to think of a way to get out.In this way, why not do it if you can earn treasures without bloodshed and get pills.

Just when he was proud, there was movement on the identity jade badge, he took it out and looked at it carefully, it was the message from Lian Feixiong.

The content is also very simple, 'Evacuate quickly, see you at Guirong Mountain'.

Yi Tian took out the jade slips of the map to check the direction of Guirong Mountain, and found that it was about 200 miles away from here.Immediately, they frowned. It seemed that they were not out of the territory of the crocodile lizards. It seemed unreasonable to meet at Guirong Mountain.

But since this is the case, there is nothing to argue about, so he turned around and cast a recluse to fly straight in the direction of Guirong Mountain.

The distance of two hundred miles can be reached in only a few tens of breaths for a monk who transforms the spirit.

After flying to the sky above Guirong Mountain, he found Lian Feixiong waiting for him in the air, so Yi Tian flew over and said, "Since Daoist Lian has succeeded, let's go back quickly. This place is still in the territory of the crocodile lizard." Within the scope, reprimands change."

After hearing this, Lian Feixiong nodded and responded: "I'm not busy, I have one thing to do and I'll leave." Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and cast a golden light towards Yi Tian.

Being attacked by Lian Feixiong at such a close distance, the golden light hit Yi Tian, ​​and then a bright spark exploded in the air.

After three breaths, Yi Tian, ​​who was beside him with a distressed look, stared at Lian Feixiong and shouted, "Why?"

After this incident, a wave of spiritual pressure came from the forest below and flew behind Yi Tian to cut off the way back.

 Thank you for the monthly pass and reward for the man who loves to drink baijiu
(End of this chapter)

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