
Chapter 952 Collusion

Chapter 952 Collusion
Lian Feixiong's sudden attack on the high altitude of Guirong Mountain and the halfway interception of the strange monk put Yi Tian in an extremely disadvantageous situation.

In a blink of an eye, he looked at Lian Feixiong, who seemed to have planned to deal with him again early in the morning.And the cultivator who cut off the retreat behind him was even stronger, his cultivation had reached the middle stage of incarnation, and he seemed to have great resentment towards him from his appearance.

Thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I haven't been in the spirit world for less than a hundred years, and I don't seem to have offended anyone when I live in seclusion and treat others kindly.

Now that the situation is not yet clear, we need to see who that person is before making any plans.He turned his head and asked in a deep voice: "Who is your Excellency? Asking yourself is like meeting for the first time. I don't know where I offended you?"

The man gave a cold snort and looked around for a while before replying: "My name is Wang Wei, the boss of Gufeng Pirates."

In just one sentence, his identity was fully revealed, and Yi Tian was shocked to know that the strength of the person in front of him was far superior to that of Lian Feixiong.It seems that it was aimed at him, but he didn't know why Lian Feixiong wanted to plot against him.

He also said with a firm voice: "Since ancient times, soldiers and thieves have always been incompatible. Fellow Daoists, you have been accused of colluding with Gufeng Pirates to frame the inspectors of Luoxia City."

However, Wang Wei spat and said carelessly: "You kid is still playing tricks on us when you are about to die. But I, Wang Wei, am also a man. To tell you the truth, Lian Feixiongben is on my side now. It's my fault. Blame yourself for blocking the way of others."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face was full of doubts, and then he glanced at Lian Feixiong, only to see that he was not ashamed at all, and there was deep resentment in his eyes.

After thinking for a while, he asked in a deep voice: "Why did I get the recommended quota from Taiqing Pavilion, which really makes people jealous."

These words seemed to be talking about Lian Feixiong's sore feet. His expression changed and he said in a cold voice, "It's a mediocrity not to be envied by others. It's a pity that those talented people will always die young. It's your fault that you came here." The timing, and Hong Fei's eyes that entered so quickly deprived me of the recommendation quota that originally belonged to me. You must know how precious the recommendation quota is in Luoxia City, and it is a waste of money to leave it to an ascended monk like you."

"After talking for so long, it's not because of your incompetence that I took the lead. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for not being motivated. Don't talk nonsense, I don't know who will stay today. Let the horse come here." Yi Tianshen Said in a low voice, and at the same time, the momentum on his body also rose rapidly with the mobilization of his own spiritual power.

Facing two opponents of the same level, even one of them was the famous monk Yi Tian, ​​who was at the bottom of the earth evil list, and he showed no fear at all.Before, I was a little timid and afraid of revealing my identity, but now I don't care so much and want to deal with the predicament in front of me.

Lian Feixiong didn't seem to have expected that Yi Tian would be so tough, he wasn't even prepared to run away but instead wanted to fight with all his might.I'm afraid even Hong Fei or Qing Yuan may not be able to match this kind of bearing.

I saw Lian Feixiong taking out the spiritual weapon and preparing to sacrifice it in his hand, but Wang Wei, who was on the side, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, it's rare to see such a heroic character. It's really not wrong for my brother to be in your hands , but I, Wang Wei, have also been famous for a long time on the earth evil list. It would be too embarrassing for two people to attack you, and I will contact you after you leave first, fellow practitioner."

Unexpectedly, Wang Wei issued a eviction order on the spot, and even boasted that he would deal with Yi Tian one-on-one.But to Lian Feixiong's ears, it was a different feeling. Gufeng Pirates are not good people, and those who want to join hands with them to share the spoils need to have the strength.

After hearing this, Lian Feixiong only showed a look of resignation on his face, but he was forced by Wang Wei's strength and dared not do anything wrong.After a while, he spoke with difficulty: "I don't have to give up other things, but the Nine Songs Spirit Ginseng on his body is what I must have."

Wang Wei nodded after hearing this, then waved his hands and said, "You go first, I will bring that thing back to you, and I will contact you afterwards."

After hearing this, Lian Feixiong's face turned slightly better, and after a while he glared at Yi Tian with vicious eyes, then turned around and flew towards the west, and disappeared into the sky not long after.

After he left, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and immediately sneered: "It seems that I have to spend a little more time to find him to settle the score."

Wang Wei seemed to hear some big joke, his face changed and he shouted: "You really think you are so capable, and I will see if I don't extract your soul and refine your soul to eliminate my hatred." After saying that, he stretched out his hands to sacrifice A dark golden thunder hammer came out, and when the light flashed, the thunder hammer turned into a white light and hit Yi Tian directly.

To be honest, in terms of strength, he is much higher than Wang Fan or Xu Youcheng.The attack was so fierce that Yi Tian could only parry but not dodge.

There was a loud 'bang', and the thunder hammer hit a silver shield. Although the shield made a small pit, it couldn't go any deeper.

Seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, Wang Wei beckoned to take back the thunder hammer, and then saw a cyan sword light following closely, and it was Yi Tian who was waiting for the opportunity to fight back.

To be honest, Yi Tian's ranking on the evil list is definitely a lot of water. From the perspective of Wang Wei in front of him, although his strength is strong, he is not as powerful as he imagined.

Looking at the silver-scaled shield in his hand, the corner of his mouth twitched, even though such a frontal attack failed to defeat him, he really underestimated the other party.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the Taiyuan Sword, turning it into thousands of sword threads and encircling Wang Wei.He could only hear him scolding: "School of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, how is it possible. Aren't you a Flying Ascension Cultivator? Could it be that Lian Feixiong was deceived by you."

Then a burst of dense 'ding dong' sounds overwhelmed his words, and when Yi Tian withdrew his sword move, he saw Wang Wei surrounded by a ring-shaped spiritual weapon.All the sword moves just now were taken over by this spiritual weapon, but when Wang Wei retracted the ring, his eyes turned and his face suddenly showed distressed expression.

The ring became dim at this time, obviously suffering great damage.

Putting away the ring, a trace of cruelty appeared on Wang Wei's face, he reached out and took out a jet-black awl, muttering something in his mouth, and raised it up.After spitting out a mouthful of blood to bless his mana, he pointed at Yi Tian, ​​and the black awl turned into a black awn and struck with a sound of 'whoosh'.

Yi Tian's face changed, and Wang Wei recognized it as a magic weapon when he took out the black awl just now.Just like killing Wang Fan and Xu Youcheng before, this group of lone wind bandits probably found a large number of magic weapons left over from the last invasion of the demon world.

Otherwise, it's impossible for everyone to have one. Thinking of this, there is no fear on his face, and he reaches out and takes out a golden pestle.It's just that there is a layer of pale golden light on it, which doesn't seem very eye-catching.

But when Yi Tian sacrificed it, it turned into a golden light and greeted Wu Zhui.After a crisp sound, Wang Wei showed an incredulous expression on his face, seeing that the golden light knocked down Wu Zhui effortlessly, and directly purified away the monstrous demonic energy as if it was his natural nemesis.

(End of this chapter)

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