
Chapter 956 Accident

Chapter 956 Accident
It has been a month since returning to Luoxia City from Wuying Mountain, during this time Yi Tian stayed in the cave as usual and did not go out.

Ever since I killed Wang Wei last time, I have been very uneasy in my heart, and I have no intention of being exposed to the eyes of the world, but this time there is nothing I can do.Based on the situation at that time, if he didn't take action to solve Wang Wei, the other party would not let him go.

In such a life-and-death situation, of course he would kill the killer, but he was always a little worried.It's just that there's been no news for a while since I came back.

At the moment, Yi Tian was also extremely puzzled, could it be that there was no replacement on Qing Tiansi's Disha list.Logically speaking, this is unlikely. There is no reason why Xuanzhi Youxuan, who was passed on the local evil list, would make a mistake.

Just when I was feeling irritable, suddenly the identity jade badge on my waist flashed a light, and I saw Mi Jun's message on it: "Taibai Tower in the north of the city in half an hour, see you soon."

After reading this news, Yi Tian feels uncomfortable all over, it is best not to meet people now if he can.But now that Mi Jun sent a message to invite him to go, this face is still to be given.

But the invitation from Taibailou might not be a good thing, and the news that he killed Wang Wei this time might have already been known.

But if he didn't go, he would indirectly not give Hong Fei face, and he couldn't harden his temper when he thought that he still needed Hong Fei's recommendation.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to reply to the message to inform Mi Jun that he would leave immediately.

He reached out to take out the map of Luoxia City and found the location of Taibai Building on it. To be honest, I have been in the spirit world for nearly a hundred years and I have not really had any in-depth understanding of Luoxia City.

As for the Taibai Tower, he had never been there before, and after a while, he found the location on the map.Then he stood up, opened the barrier and flew out directly.

A moment later, when Yi Tian came to Taibai downstairs and passed on his name, the waiter who had been waiting on the side was ordered by Mi Jun to come up to greet him.

After going up to the top floor, he walked all the way to the outside of Tianzi No. [-] box before standing still.Later, when the door was opened, Yi Tian walked in, but besides Mi Jun, there was a female cultivator in the room, who was Mei Xin'er who had been on a mission with her back then.

Seeing this, Yi Tian walked into the room and directly extended his hand to salute: "It's late to come down, don't blame Mi Daoyou."

But Mi Jun didn't care about the radiance on his face at all, he opened his mouth and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, Fellow Daoist Yi came at the right time, please sit down quickly."

After hearing this, Yi Tian pretended to be calm and walked slowly to Mi Jun's lower head and sat down, and then asked: "I don't know why Mi Daoyou is so urgent to come to me, but why is there something urgent?"

Mi Jun glanced at the mysterious thing, and then laughed heartily: "This time I took the liberty to invite fellow Daoist Yi to come here as if to order two spiritual weapons for me and my wife." After saying that, he stretched out his finger He touched Mei Xiner who was standing beside her.

Now Yi Tian understood and hurriedly congratulated the two of them: "It turns out that today is really a big day. Since it was Mi Daoyou who asked me to take care of this matter. I just need to tell you your requirements later, and I will choose according to my discretion." I will choose some spirit weapon maps for you."

After finishing speaking, he changed the subject and asked again: "I remember when you mentioned to me that you wanted to compete with Na Ding, and even more so, it is unknown when the ranking will take place?"

This matter was specially arranged by Mi Jun and asked him to help to be a witness. Now that the day of the competition is approaching, Mi Jun doesn't seem to care at all.

Unexpectedly, Mei Xin'er, who was at the side, interjected: "My husband invited Daoist Yi to come today to celebrate the joy of being on the list, and we will talk about those competitions and battles later."

It's true that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, what Yi Tian is most afraid of now is the scandal of this place.It's just that Mei Xin'er couldn't avoid it when she mentioned it suddenly, but there was an awkward smile on her face.

Just thinking about it, Mi Jun was really embarrassed and said: "Actually, I was lucky to be at the bottom of the earth evil list this time, but no matter what, I was finally on the list. In the future, if I say it, I will be regarded as a leader among my peers." .”

At the end of the table, there was a strange look in Yi Tian's eyes when he heard it.Hearing what he said, it seemed that he was celebrating Mi Jun's place on the earth evil list instead of himself.

Seeing the perplexed look on Yi Tian's face, Mi Jun explained: "You Daoist Yi is indeed an ascetic, so you don't know much about this evil list, right?"

"But I heard the details," Yi Tian tried to ask.

Without saying much, Mi Jun took out a jade slip and spread it on the table, and then said happily: "I will be included in the latest list of the earth evil list."

Yi Tian glanced along his fingers and saw Mi Jun's name at the end of the list.Looking up, I saw that the original location of Wang Wei's name had turned gray.There is a bright golden name in front of it that replaces the original ranking, but the person who replaced it is not himself, but a person named Xu Yong.

After a closer look, there was still a trace of bewilderment on his face, he stretched out his finger on the list and looked up at the two of them, "I don't know why there are so many gray names on it?"

Mi Jun smiled and said: "The famous people on the evil list here are all recorded. Those with golden letters are the existing lists. Those with silver letters after the same ranking are those who were on the list before. Some were picked off by others. , and some are advanced and distracted."

"Then these gray ones are fallen monks?" Yi Tian asked, pointing to where Wang Wei's name was.

"That's natural. The monks with gray names no longer exist in the world," Mi Jun explained: "Most of them may have exhausted their lifespan, or went to explore the wilderness secret land and fell in it, or died in the wilderness. In the hands of high-level monsters."

There was a strange look on Yi Tian's face, this Wang Wei was obviously killed by himself, but in the end he was not on the list.Could it be that there is still a deviation in the prediction ability of the earth evil list, and it cannot be sensed by the monks who have not survived the thunder calamity.

Thinking of this, although the doubts in my heart have not been completely resolved, but the brows are stretched.Thinking about it, I can rest assured this time. Since my name is not on the list, I am not afraid of being exposed to everyone in the spirit world.

Immediately feeling comforted, a relaxed smile appeared on his face, it seems that this time he was really invited because of Mi Jun's last seat.I really let myself worry for nothing, and then congratulated: "Mi Daoyou is very strong, and it is inevitable to be on the list."

Although Mi Jun was proud, he still said it politely when he caught up: "It's part of my own reasons, and sometimes luck also has to be touched. This time I was able to be on the list, all because of the accidental fall of the Gufeng Thief Wang Wei, who gave up his position." Come out. The following monks will be promoted automatically, as for me, by chance, I am willing to accompany the last one."

"You Daoist Mi is too self-effacing. In any case, this Shabang is based on strength. Although it is the last one, it is also among the top [-] gods in the spirit world. I think there are thousands of monks who have transformed into gods. It's not easy to get a place," Yi Tian's words came from the bottom of his heart, and he was secretly happy in his heart, so he could sit back and relax.

(End of this chapter)

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