
Chapter 957 Requirements

Chapter 957 Requirements
Yi Tianying, who was in the box of Tianzihao in Taibai Building, came to the appointment with Mi Junzhiyao, thinking that he was the evil person at the meeting to kill Wang Wei.Unexpectedly, there was no own name on the new list, but Mi Jun was on the top of the hundred at this time.

In this way, I can continue to work as a patrol envoy in Luoxia City with a smile, and I don't have to be afraid of causing unnecessary trouble just because I am on the list.

But thinking about it, Hong Fei would be even more impressed if he could be on the list.But after weighing the consequences of being on the list, there are many crises, and it is still as good as it is now.

Mi Jun only thought that he was among the [-] people who were lucky for him, and then the three of them sat down happily and started talking nonsense.Yi Tian had no worries and naturally relaxed a lot. After some conversations, he learned that this time Mi Jun was on the list before he could take Mei Xiner as a Taoist partner.

In this way, I can no longer be stingy, and after a few glasses of wine, I flipped over and took out a rhinoceros leather soft armor and gave it to Mi Jun.He also took out a neon dress and feather coat and gave it to Mei Xin'er, such a defensive spirit weapon for each person was considered a token of appreciation.

Mi Jun was naturally tacit, he had learned that Yi Tian was a craftsman before, and he had helped out several times in private.He knew that every time he took out a spiritual weapon of at least a high-level human level, as for the Xipi soft armor in front of him, it could be regarded as a top-level human-level weapon.

Mei Xiner was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Mi Jun, who seemed to be asking what her husband meant, and after a few private voice transmissions, Mei Xiner's eyes lit up, she put away the neon clothes and feather clothes, got up and thanked her .

The softness of the two people can't just go out and not in, besides, they took advantage of it this time. After thinking about it for a while, Mi Jun took out a jade box and handed it over gently: "You Daoist Yi, this is the next point of my mind." It’s a gift in return, please accept it with a smile.”

Yi Tian gently took the jade box and lifted the talisman on it. After opening the lid of the box, he glanced at it and saw a fiery red mineral inside.

The pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly, and he fell down and exclaimed: "Could it be that the earth-level precious material is gilded with real fire, so it will cost Mi Daoyou a lot."

Seeing that Yi Tian could tell the origin of the spirit mine with just a few words, Mi Jun replied with a smile: "Where is it? Although this precious material is good, it must be used by someone. My wife and I are not craftsmen, even if they are It can't be useful even if you get the precious material. But it's different in the hands of Yi Daoyou."

With this real fire gilt, I think I have gathered all the materials for Lihuo Fan, and then I just need to find a place where no one is around to refine it.With such a growth spirit weapon, he must have another card in his hole. Even if he meets Ou Jinglong in the middle stage of transformation, he will have the strength to fight.

Then the three of them sat down and had a drink, during which Mi Jun also mentioned that the competition with Fei Yujianzong Ding Xuan would proceed as scheduled.At that time, please invite Yi Tian to go together to be fair.

This matter had been promised a few years ago, Yi Tian naturally agreed to it readily, and made an appointment to ask Director Hong Fei for a leave to watch the battle together.

In the end, Mi Jun opened his mouth and revealed the main purpose of this invitation. It turned out that he wanted to order two spiritual weapons with strong attack systems.The best style is mainly knives, but the additional requirement is that it can break through defensive spirit weapons with shadow attributes.

Needless to say, this must be a special requirement for Ding Xuan. As for Mei Xiner's weapons, they must be light, durable and easy to use.It would be best if these two spiritual artifacts could be completed within five years, so that they would have enough time to sacrifice.Then Mi Jun directly took out a storage bracelet and handed it over, but simply said that it was a deposit for refining the spirit weapon.

Yi Tian stretched his divine sense into it and checked it, but found that there were about [-] high-grade spirit stones in it, which is more than enough to refine four spirit weapons, but there is a lack of materials to break the shadow attribute. .

Half a day later, Yi Tiancai and Mi Jun and his wife bid farewell and walked out slowly from Taibai Tower.Standing on the street, I felt that my heart was no longer confused, and after secretly guessing, I concluded that the reason why I didn't make the list this time was because of my entry into the world.

In this way, after the thunder calamity, I still have to be careful to avoid causing trouble again.But now these things can be left behind for the time being, and then Yi Tian strode towards several major shops in the city.

After passing by a few shops, Yi Tian found that none of them seemed to be able to find a suitable treasure. After careful inquiry, he realized that such treasures that restrain the shadow attribute are rare, and once they appear on the market, they will most likely be sold by those who are interested in them. The refiner bought it at a high price.

After calculating the price of this precious material, Yi Tian couldn't be calm. It would cost [-] spirit stones just to buy it, so the deposit given by Mi Jun seemed a bit insufficient.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian has no choice but to go to Qiuna to try his luck first. At worst, he will post a task to see if anyone has a treasure on hand and wants to sell it.

An hour later, when I came here to the city to seek Nasuo, I found that the place was still crowded with people as usual.Fortunately, I am not a noob now.After showing the identity jade badge directly, there will be a special person in charge of reception, and go straight up to the third floor from the special passage.

Thinking that I only know Shen Yeming here, and this old man is my lucky star.After coming to the spirit world, every time I met him, I could solve the troubles at hand smoothly, and I didn't hesitate to call the buddy directly to call him.

After waiting in the house for a short time, he noticed someone walking towards him. After the door opened, Shen Yeming walked in with a smile on his face.I only heard him say politely: "I don't know that gust of wind brought Yi Daoyou here, I haven't seen this old man polite for many years."

Yi Tian didn't have any pretensions, stood up, cupped his hands and returned the salute: "I was looking for some precious materials recently, and I just remembered that Taoist friends have quite a lot of connections here, so I came here."

After Shen Yeming glanced over, he was not in a hurry to agree, but sat down and asked, "I wonder what kind of treasure Yi Daoyou is looking for this time?"

"Materials that can resist shadow spells," Yi Tian said lightly.

Shen Yeming didn't answer directly, but turned his head and stared at Yi Tian for a while, and then sighed: "You Daoist Yi should be a refiner, because of this shadow material, maybe he wants to participate in the selection meeting of the Alliance of Refinement Masters recently?" ?”

"The selection meeting of the Artifact Master Alliance?" Yi Tian heard the news for the first time, and a hint of doubt appeared on his face immediately.

Now it was Shen Yeming's turn to be a little confused, looking at Yi Tian's appearance, he didn't seem to be cheating but seemed to be really ignorant.Then he said with a smile: "Actually, Fellow Daoist Yi came here at a bad time. The price of precious materials on the market has skyrocketed recently, which is caused by those refining masters competing for bids."

"There aren't many refiners in Luoxia City, and they won't drive up the price of each other if they have a good relationship in private," Yi Tian said with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yi Daoyou, you don't know that this is a fierce dragon crossing the river, and the strong dragon wants to crush the local snake," Shen Yeming said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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