
Chapter 959

Chapter 959
Preparations for the Grand Ceremony of the Artifacts Alliance in Luoxia City are in full swing. During this period, visitors from all directions have temporarily raised the price of goods in the city by as much as [-]% compared to usual.

However, this trend has not been slowed down for more than half a year, and it is getting worse.In the past six months, Yi Tian didn't search for treasures everywhere. After knowing the reason, there is no need to waste time doing useless work.

After getting Shen Yeming's jade pendant token, he had the opportunity to contact high-ranking monks. Those precious materials are basically in their hands, and it takes a little effort to redeem them.

After coming out of Qiuna, Yi Tian rushed back to his cave and began to retreat. During this period, he also prepared several spiritual weapons for exchange.

Now according to the information left on the jade pendant, the Taibai Building in the north of the city will be built within the agreed time.Coincidentally, this exchange was also arranged this time, but after entering the door, I showed the jade pendant to the shopkeeper according to the rules.

Then he was taken to the back corridor, walked non-stop all the way through seven or eight courtyards, and finally stopped in front of the deepest prohibition.

Under the guidance of the shopkeeper of Taibailou, Yi Tianyi stretched out his hand to activate the jade pendant in his hand and shot a white light at the restraint, and then opened a hole more than seven feet high and one foot wide in the closed restraint.

But the shopkeeper said respectfully: "Senior, please come in and rest for a while, all distinguished guests."

This time, Yi Tian wore a gray cloak on his body exactly as Shen Yeming mentioned before, and a mask on his face to completely isolate the probing spirit.

That anecdote only tried once and then gave up the investigation completely.

Later, after Yi Tian walked into the barrier, the shopkeeper took out a communication talisman and reported the situation truthfully.

Inside, Yi Tian swept his eyes across the place, surrounded by pavilions and pavilions, many monks who arrived earlier had already sat and waited.

I just felt that several divine thoughts protruded from the pavilion and passed over my body. Fortunately, these people were blocked by masks and cloaks, and they also swept the spiritual thoughts with interest before taking them back.

Later, a twenty-eight-year-old female cultivator came out of the door and cupped her hands at Yi Tianyi, saying, "My lord, Han Ying, is the person in charge of this event. Fellow Daoists, please follow me."

Yi Tian hurriedly changed the gift and said: "Fellow Daoist He is face to face, who is the host of this event?"

"It's the proprietor of the Taibai Building, the young master of the He family, Han Zhenting. You'll see him later," said Han Ying, who gestured with her hand and led the way.

'Han Zhenting', Yi Tian muttered a word in his mouth with a hint of shock in his eyes, this name seemed to have been seen on the earth evil list.After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that his ranking seemed to be 64th, which was much higher than Hua Yulin's, and he was almost suitable for a monk of Hong Fei's level.

When I entered the room, I saw seven or eight cultivators who had already arrived.Three of them are refiners.Yi Tian could see that they also carried the badges issued by the Artifact Master Alliance to show their unique identity.These people didn't wear any clothes to conceal their identities, but they looked calm.

The rest of the people on the side are similar to me, some are wearing masks and hoods, it seems that most of them are afraid of revealing their true identities.

Immediately, Yi Tian found a free seat and sat down, then closed his eyes and rested his mind, regardless of the surrounding situation.

In the next half an hour, six or seven monks came in one after another, making the number of people participating in this activity reach 15 people.

A little later, I only heard the sound of hurried footsteps, and opened my eyes to see a group of maids in yellow shirts coming out from the back compartment and serving tea and spiritual fruits to the monks present one by one.

After they retreated, a young man in his early twenties walked leisurely.Among the people present, those who recognized his identity hastily stood up to greet him.

Needless to say, this person should be Han Zhenting, the president of Leiting Club, in person, and Yi Tian didn't dare to be rude to others, so he hurriedly stood up and saluted with the people around him.

After He Zhenting walked to the main seat and sat down, he waved his hands to signal everyone to sit down, and then said casually: "Thank you fellow Taoists for coming to join us. This time I also invited three craftsmen to come together. Disappointed fellow Daoists."

I saw Han Zhenting pointed at the three craftsmen below his left head, and carefully introduced them as Yuwen Aogu, Song Qi and Quan Yu.

It was so easy to know that the identities of these three people were all masters of the Artifact Refiner Alliance, and one of them, Yuwen Aogu, had won the title of quasi-earth-level master.

But looking at the appearance of the three, only Quan Yu seems to have the same level of cultivation as himself. Although he is ranked last, it is not difficult to tell that this person has the greatest potential, and his future achievements will definitely surpass the first two.

After the introduction, Yi Tian narrowed his eyes. These three people must have a lot of precious materials on hand, and if they want to redeem the materials, it may be necessary to work hard on them.

Han Zhenting coughed lightly to recall everyone's focus and attention, then took out a jade box and said with a smile: "Let me start with this, one piece of red marrow ganoderma lucidum can be exchanged for one quasi-earth-level defensive spirit weapon. If you have any If you are interested, you can come forward and exchange ideas." After speaking, he ignored the others and directly looked at the three people on the right.

Obviously, he was also throwing stones to ask for directions, and his target was directed at these craftsmen.If you want to stir up the atmosphere at the beginning, you have to come up with some strong material.

Sure enough, after the three craftsmen made eye contact, Yu Wen, who was sitting at the top, stood up proudly.Then he went up to take out a spiritual artifact and handed it to Han Zhenting, and after a private exchange, the deal was made on the spot.

In this way, everyone's appetite for being a part of it was whetted. After Yi Tian glanced over, he found that the quality of the spirit weapon that Yuwen Aogu took out was roughly the same as the one he produced at hand.The difference is at most the unique technique used in the inscription.If this can be regarded as a quasi-prefectural level, then according to his own level, he can also be called a master in the craftsmen's union.

After Han Zhenting took the lead, the atmosphere became active. Except for the three refiners, the rest of the people also stepped forward one by one to tell what they wanted to exchange.

But most of them are finished spirit weapons, or materials such as pills, and there is almost no appeal for raw ore materials.

But it's no wonder that there are three refining masters on the scene who can directly propose the finished product if they want it. If even they can't provide a suitable spiritual weapon, they can only find a more advanced master in the refining masters alliance to customize it.

Soon it was his turn, Yi Tian walked slowly in front of Han Zhenting, turned his head and said in a deep voice: "I need a treasure material that can break the shadow attribute, and I can exchange it with a defensive spirit weapon."

The words were quiet, but everyone around them came back to their senses in an instant. This is the first request today to exchange a spiritual weapon for a precious material.There was a hint of playfulness in the eyes of the monks present.But in front of the three refiners, wouldn't it be embarrassing for them to exchange finished spirit weapons for precious materials?

 Thanks for the reward from the man who loves to drink liquor

(End of this chapter)

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