
Chapter 960

Chapter 960
After Yi Tian stood up and stated his request, the atmosphere on the whole scene became a little weird.

Han Zhenting, the founder of the Thunder Club Exchange Club, also had a strange look on his face at this time.I'm afraid he organized this event mainly to create momentum for the three refiners, so that they could have more contact with the local monks in Luoxia City in private.

The most important thing is to take out the extra spirit weapons on hand and exchange them for rare treasure materials.While strengthening oneself, it can also suppress the local refiners to kill two birds with one stone.

But the cultivator in front of him seemed to be a craftsman as well. The treasures for cracking the shadow attribute were rare, and there were not many places where they could be used.

Ordinary people can't use it even if they hold it in their hands, only those high-level craftsmen can use it.

But Yi Tian can't control so much now, he glanced at the crowd around him and saw that they all looked like they were watching a good show, and he knew in his heart that this matter was difficult to deal with.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to touch the storage ring, took out a pair of dark spiritual armor, and said in his mouth: "This is the defensive armor obtained by beheading the bandits. It should be of the top grade, but unfortunately there is a scar on it, so it is now reduced to It looks like a high-level human. If you are interested, you can try it."

Such rhetoric is intended to prove that he is a war repairer, and as for the treasure material that breaks the shadow, it is self-evident that he is looking for someone to strengthen the spiritual weapon.In addition, it can dispel the vigilance of the three refiners, but it is not known whether they will take the bait.

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt that the fiery eyes all around suddenly subsided a lot. Since it was collected from the bandits, it wasn't that the local craftsman came here to pick a spot.

But after the ten breaths passed, there was no movement among the people present. The three refiners and the proprietor Han Zhenting sat there without any intention of making a move.

In this way, Yi Tian only felt that he had encountered a soft nail, so he had to put away the pair of spirit armor and prepare to sit back to his original position.Suddenly, a voice sounded from the left side: "Wait a minute, friend Daoist, can I show you this spirit armor?"

In a blink of an eye, it was Quan Yu who was speaking at the end of the three of them, Yi Tian stopped immediately and stretched out his hand to gently send the things in front of him.

After Quan Yu found out that pair of spirit armor, he unfolded it, stared at it and searched carefully, then put it away and put it in Yi Tian's hand and said: "But that's the case, fellow daoist, please put it away, this spirit armor is slightly damaged I'm afraid it won't be the same anymore."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard this, and it's fine if other people can't see it. Could it be that these craftsmen see it so badly.To be honest, this spirit armor was originally a magic armor stripped from Wang Fan's body, and it was smelted with first-class magic iron after I made it myself and checked the material.

Afterwards, I used the power of the Buddhist sect to completely purify the evil energy inside, and then blended in a large amount of meteorite iron to recast it.As for the inscription on it, which uses the method of smelting and engraving to form it at one time, it is blunt to say that this is the first work that I refined with a new method after I ascended to the spirit world.

It's a pity that everyone in front of me didn't know the real product, and missed a top-quality product in vain.As for participating in the exchange meeting this time, I had made enough preparations, and deliberately re-engraved an inscription on the spirit armor to cover the original one, but even with this material, it can still be seen.

After putting away the spirit armor, Yi Tian sighed softly, then turned and walked towards the original position, but in his heart he was planning how to find the next place to exchange for treasure materials.

Before walking a few steps, I suddenly heard a voice transmission in my ear: "Please stay with this fellow Taoist after the meeting. I am quite interested in this treasure armor."

After hearing this, Yi Tian pretended not to stop at all and sat down in his place after a while.Immediately, he glanced at the people in front of him and found that the person who spoke just now turned out to be Han Zhenting, the proprietor of Thunder Society.

Unexpectedly, he didn't expect that he would be interested in this spirit armor, but it was right after thinking about it. At the beginning, he said that he wanted to exchange for a defensive spirit weapon.Maybe it's for this reason that I take a fancy to what I have in my hand.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian just nodded slightly in response, and Han Zhenting, who was in the main seat, also showed a smile on his face when he saw him, and then urged Han Ying to continue hosting.

Then everyone stepped forward one by one to express their demands angrily, and some of them were exchanged among the three to make everyone happy.But after all, there are only a small number of people who get it, and most people can't ask for the favorite spiritual weapon.

In the end, the three refiners took turns to show their outstanding works.Yi Tian just glanced at it, only the quality of the spirit weapon that Quan Yu took out barely passed the test, as for the other two people's method of refining the spirit weapon, in his opinion, it was very rough.

But not only doubted in his heart, could it be that the level of this quasi-earth-level craftsman is just like this, it is really a waste of reputation.

Although the entire exchange meeting became boring afterwards, Han Zhenting's private voice transmission left him with a lot of thoughts.I hope there will be something for a while, but Yi Tian doesn't dare to have too much hope for this matter now.

The entire exchange meeting lasted for an hour before it ended, and the next link was to exchange cultivation experience. It is said that this is also a sideshow usually reserved by the Thunder Club.

But Yi Tian enjoys it all the time, what he lacks the most is to communicate with monks of the same rank.Although it was not his turn to speak on such an occasion, it was all the Q&A interaction between Han Zhenting and the three refiners, but just listening to it was beneficial.

It didn't take long for the practice exchange session to end, and then Han Zhenting asked Han Ying to see off the guests.

When each monk went out, a maid led them out through a certain corridor in the backyard of Taibai Building.

And Yi Tian found that the maid in front of him led him around the back corridor of Taibai Building for a quarter of an hour, and finally came to an independent courtyard.

Later, the maid who led the way bowed and said all blessings before saying: "Please come in, honored guest, the owner of the house is waiting inside."

"Don't dare to bother the owner to wait for a long time, I'll go in here," said Yi Tian, ​​and walked in.

This is an independent courtyard. Walking inside, he found Han Zhenting sitting in the gazebo in the courtyard.Seeing Yi Tian coming in, he stood up and made a gesture of invitation to watch the seat opposite him.

Yi Tian walked forward and sat down without hesitation, then he took out the black spirit armor and put it on the stone table, saying: "If you are interested, please inspect the goods before discussing."

Han Zhenting stretched out his hand to lift the spirit armor and held it in his hand. After carefully sweeping it with his spiritual thoughts, the smile on his face gradually subsided.After three breaths, he changed into an extremely dignified expression, as if he was thinking about something in his heart.

Yi Tian didn't bother him, anyway, if he asked again, he would still use the same excuse, and he would insist that he got it from the bandits.

Later, Han Zhenting put the spirit armor back on the table, stared at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye and said, "Dare to ask if you can give up this spirit armor?"

 Thank you for the monthly ticket that can know the rise and fall of history as a mirror

(End of this chapter)

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