
Chapter 96 Decoy

Chapter 96 Decoy
The scorpion lion's nest is built in the center of Meridian Valley, which is already the deepest part of the entire secret realm. The richness of heaven and earth aura can be compared to the cave of Jindan Patriarch, and the effect of meditating here for an hour is Yi Tian They all feel that it is more than three times stronger than the place where they entered the secret realm for the first time.

It's a pity that the time is limited. After everyone arrived at the Taniguchi of Ziwu Valley, they had to rest and recover first, to recover from the consumption of the past few days.

Everyone knows that the next step will be the main event, and what will be faced in a while will be the monster beast at the peak of the fourth order. Although it was designed by everyone, who can really know what it is.

Looking inside from the entrance of Meridian Valley, there is a ten-foot-large manticore nest inside. The entire nest is located on a whole rock, and there is a small stream flowing out of the back valley, but Yitian did not see the spring.After asking the Seven Shaw Witches, he found out that the spring was behind the lion's nest, and Yi Tian realized how difficult it is to bypass a fourth-order monster to get water behind its lair.

And who knows when the spring will come out, this kind of thing can only be done if the manticore is subdued first.But what happened to Jiang Xinwei who said he was going to kill the monster.

After surveying the terrain below, Yi Tian proposed to go up to the surrounding valley to see the situation in the valley from a height, and Liu Piaopiao agreed.The big face of the Xuanling faction also said to go with the tiger head man, Yi Tian had no choice but to let him follow.

After the two slowly touched the cliff together, they hid on the mountain and looked down into the valley below with their spiritual eyes. They saw an adult manticore resting in its den. It was about three hooves in size. The cows add up to that size.There is a pair of wings on the back, a tail at least as thick as an adult's arm, and the tip of the tail is as dark and shiny as a scorpion's poisonous hook.Even if he knew that being stung by it was just paralysis, he looked really flustered like this.

After looking at it clearly, Yi Tian was about to go down the mountain, when suddenly the big painted face next to him came over via voice transmission, and he didn't say much, only the word Heilongtan.After listening, Yi Tian was startled, and after a slight pause, his body returned to normal.Turning their heads, the two looked at each other, and then they remained silent.

Now Yi Tian understands in his heart, no wonder this Xuanling Sect disciple looks familiar, he is clearly Xie Chuanxiong, but what Yi Tian didn't expect is that he is the undercover agent of the Bone Sect in the Xuanling Sect.

It seems that the other party has recognized him and followed him up the mountain on purpose, which is a good thing for Yi Tian.Seeing that the sky above the valley is surrounded by smoke, Yi Tian took out the array disk from the storage bag, put a formula on the disk and spread the disk on the cliff, and then it was not activated.

Xie Chuanxiong, who was standing behind, was surprised when he saw it, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he walked over to help Yi Tian watch the wind.A moment later, the two went down the mountain one after another, and then they pretended to be indifferent and were busy with their own affairs.

After three hours, Wu Xing finally refined the Beast Spirit Pills with ingredients. There are three bottles of [-] pills in total. In addition, the slag of the demon-inducing incense wood is mixed in it. The things provided by the Yin Corpse Sect are relatively reliable. .

Jiang Xinwei casually took out a spirit animal bag and released a second-order porcupine, then took out a beast spirit pill and fed it.I saw that the pig died of intestinal rot within a quarter of an hour after eating it. A burst of green liquid burst out of the stomach and emitted a foul smell.

After the experiment, Jiang Xinwei nodded to Liu Piaopiao, which meant that it was time to start.Following the order of the Seven Fiends Witch, everyone took their places, and even Wu Xing had to participate in this unreasonable battle under the coercion of the disciples of the White Bone Sect.

Ambushing in the grass near Taniguchi, Yi Tian thought about the variables of this operation.

First of all, I disrupted the plan of the Seven Demon Witches for no reason and released Zhu Chen from the Qihuang Gate.

The second is that He Xinsheng and Sheng Kang who were supposed to come were resolved by themselves.
The third Yuxing's leaving the team halfway seems reasonable, but it doesn't feel right.

The fourth Wu Xing was kidnapped, and now he is forced to participate in the hunt,
The fifth Anzi from the Xuanling faction has recognized him, but fortunately he still misunderstood him.

Sixth, the hunt this time is not that simple. Liu Piaopiao's goal is definitely not as simple as collecting spring water, but is closely related to this manticore.

Now Yi Tiancai realizes that things are out of his control, the most important thing at present is not to deal with these people, but to evacuate safely with Wu Xing.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out a fireball talisman from the storage bag. After a while, he and several other people were responsible for attacking the manticore.

Jiang Xinwei had already started manipulating the corpse refining at this time, and saw an iron armored corpse crawling out of his body bag, Yi Tian saw that the corpse refining was wearing the clothes of an outer disciple of the Yin Corpse Sect, and he was very sad from the bottom of his heart. Very repulsive to Jiang Xinwei.They don't even let off their fellow disciples, these monks of the Infernal Sect are really vicious, and several other people feel the same way, but they dare not speak out.On the contrary, the people from Baigumen looked normal, as if they knew it early on.

Under the control, the refined corpse could actually walk like a normal person. It picked up a bottle of Beast Spirit Pill from the ground, lifted the lid, and walked towards the manticore nest with the bottle in its arms.

The resting manticore woke up with an unexpected guest on his back, shook his mane and strode out of the den.This is the first time Yi Tian saw Manticore come out, its huge body was bigger than a bullock cart.

Glancing at the corpse that was slowly approaching, the manticore spread its wings and flapped twice, its whole body jumped in front of the corpse, and with a wave of its front paws, it swept away the corpse with a layer of dirt.

Seeing Jiang Xinwei deflated, everyone felt contemptuously and then tightened their hearts. It seems that this method is ineffective, so what should we do next.

Everyone turned around and looked at the Qisha Witch, hoping that she would come up with an idea, and then saw Liu Piaopiao pointing to Wu Xing, the deputy beside him.After three breaths, Wu Xing was pushed out to be the second bait. Wu Xing thought that the happiest thing would be to pass out now, but as long as he dared to take a step back, he would be beaten up by the people behind him immediately.

Jiang Xinwei looked at Wu Xing who was staggering, and urged him to hurry up from time to time, so as not to let the manticore turn around, but Wu Xing couldn't move his legs after picking up the Beast Spirit Pill.Suddenly a figure flashed beside Wu Xing, Liu Piaopiao saw the tiger-headed man rushing up, grabbed the porcelain vase with one hand, kicked Wu Xing and kicked him to the side of the big painted face, then took out the flying sword Yu The weapon flew at low altitude and rushed towards the manticore.

The sudden appearance of the tiger-headed man immediately attracted the attention of the manticore, but his flight trajectory was erratic. Before he got close to the three fireball symbols in his hand, he was fired and shot at the manticore. After a burst of fire, the manticore rushed out of the smoke. Out, the tiger-headed man flew in an arc, turned with the trend, and from time to time fired the fireball talisman to hit the manticore.

Everyone saw the manticore roar, spread its wings, and flew into the air several times.As he walked and retreated, the tiger-headed man began to throw the fireball talisman in his hand at the manticore desperately.

After leading the manticore to the position of the ambush circle, the tiger-headed man took out a tattered white bone shield and a small round shield with a dark gold inscription on it, and after infusing the spiritual energy in his hands, the two shields instantly became half-human tall and blocked him Before him, he lifted the lid of the Beast Spirit Pill with one hand.

The manticore pounced vigorously and directly hit the shield, knocking the tiger head back several steps.The scorpion hook on the tail whizzed down from above and directly pierced through the bone shield, knocking the round shield into the air, and then plunged heavily into the soil. Looking straight ahead, there was no tiger-headed figure in sight.

Everyone saw the manticore roar wildly, and suddenly saw a bottle of pills being thrown into its mouth.It turned out that the tiger-headed man had already used the wind escape technique and dodged to the side before the fierce attack. When he saw the manticore open its mouth, he took advantage of the opportunity to feed it the beast spirit pill.

Most of the beast spirit pills leaked out from the corner of Manticore's mouth, but two of them were finally swallowed.Now the tiger-headed man didn't care anymore, the blue light on his body flashed, followed by a few gusts of wind, and he fled to the outside of the Taniguchi.

Liu Piaopiao and Jiang Xinwei saw that the manticore who had eaten the Beast Spirit Pill had a little reaction, and his face began to twist. They were overjoyed, and after secretly glancing at the tiger-headed man, they waved their hands, and the spells in everyone's hands lit up. Manticore greeted him.

The happiest thing is Wu Xing. I thought I was going to fall here today, but I didn't expect that tiger-headed man to fall into the stone and kick himself, but seeing so many fireball symbols and small bucklers, how could he not The tiger-headed man was recognized as Yi Tian.Thinking about that kick just now was really timely, I don't have the ability to lure the manticore, and my hand skills are also sloppy, scanning the eyes around to see if there is a suitable opportunity to escape.

The manticore was stunned by the onslaught of the crowd, but he stood up again with a lion's roar. Although he didn't seem to be walking very steadily, he still flapped his wings and pounced up like a hill.

At this time, everyone didn't hold back their hands, and each of them showed their real kung fu and began to fight with the manticore.Jiang Xinwei released the bronze armored corpse to fight at the front, and the manticore's claws swept across the bronze armored corpse, sparks flashed. Under the blessing of the spell, the bronze armored corpse just retreated steadily, and did not appear defeated.

Even the bone spear shot by the Witch of the Seven Shades couldn't break through the thick skin on the manticore's back.On the contrary, Shi Feiran's flying sword is very powerful, and under the control, he stared at the weakness of the side belly and slashed.The painted-faced man's awl and Ouyang Mei's steel whip attacked the manticore's front paws and hind legs from time to time.

Even Wu Xing blasted up with the fireball technique, although the power was not great, but the bursts of black smoke made the scene chaotic, and he was stared at by the people next to him from time to time.

The Seven Shaw Witch turned her head and nodded to her assistant, and saw the disciple of the White Bone Gate take out a large crystal bottle, rush into the valley and go around behind the manticore's nest.It's enough to take care of the manticore in front of him. Yi Tian also shot a lot of fireball symbols in his hand with a shake of spirit, and shot at the manticore's head.

Seeing that the manticore could no longer hold on, Liu Piaopiao told everyone to hold on for a while, and they didn't let up, the white bone spear was already covered with ghost fire.Jiang Xinwei's manipulation of the bronze-armored corpse also consumes a lot of energy. Every time he receives an attack, he needs to inject a little more spiritual energy. In the end, he directly bites his fingertips. Flash, actually made a counterattack.

This is another clear howling sound from the valley, and then I saw that disciple of the White Bone Sect was stung by a scorpion hook, and the crystal bottle fell to the ground, but the man stood still, and another scorpion The lion rushed out of the den, and swallowed him whole with one bite.

After everyone saw it, they couldn't help but slow down a little bit, and then heard Jiang Xinwei complaining to Liu Piaopiao, how to find out information, it was obviously two manticores.Had I known this was the case, this operation should not have come.Now depending on the situation, it is difficult to ride a tiger, and it is half dead to deal with one, let alone two.

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(End of this chapter)

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