Chapter 97
The Seven Evil Witch is also depressed for a while now, and the situation is starting to get out of control, but blood is dripping in her heart, and it is the first time in her life that she has been tricked.

The original plan can be designed to feed the poison first, then surround the manticore, and then slowly consume it to death.

Although the beginning was a little unexpected, the tiger-headed man was still very agile in his work, and successfully fed the beast spirit pill to the manticore. The subsequent ambush was more laborious than expected, but it was gradually seeing results.

Just when I was preparing to harvest, suddenly there was a variable, and no one would be able to stand it.

It's like a hungry man sees a flower girl, and he is killed by the side before he jumps up and is about to be caught.

It was too late to make adjustments now. Everyone looked at Liu Piao Piao and hoped that she would give her a letter of approval, whether to advance or retreat in a single thought.

Jiang Xinwei over there also began to swear in his mouth, calling him a fool at the White Bone Gate.

Seeing everyone like this, Liu Piao Piao also gritted her teeth and pointed at Ouyang Mei and Hutou Ren, indicating that the three of them should go over to deal with the manticores in the valley. This time I missed the opportunity, and I will lose my share next time. is the most fatal.

Ouyang Mei was separated from her for a while and joined with Liu Piao Piao, but what surprised her was the tiger-headed man who stood three feet away from her after a gust of wind flashed by, stretched out his palm and said the word 'white bone spirit paste', Then he stood and waited for Liu Piao Piao's reply.

In fact, Yi Tian is also watching people order the menu. At this time, I'm really sorry for not blackmailing some good things out.After seeing Liu Piao Piao thinking for a while, she made a decision, took out a small bottle from the storage bag and threw it over.

Yi Tian reached out and caught it, opened the lid and smelled it, and saw a peaceful aura emerging from the bottle.

At a glance, the white bone spirit paste was as clear as fresh water, but it was full of spiritual energy. Knowing that it was a good product, it immediately closed the lid and put it in the storage bag.

The three quickly walked towards the valley, and when they passed by Liu Piao Piao's side, they heard the words 'I hope you don't let me down'.

After a cold snort, Yi Tian said without looking back that it is still up to him to attract attention.

After speaking, regardless of the reaction of the two, he took out the body of the Shining Wolf that he had snatched from the Jasper Scorpion from the storage bag.

After rushing into the valley, the three people dispersed immediately. After Yi Tian shuttled back and forth in a zigzag shape, he slowly approached the manticore's nest.

Taking a closer look at the manticore inside, it was obviously a little smaller. It should have just arrived at Tier [-]. Although Lingzhi is turned on, it is not as good as Yi Tian, ​​who has been in the world for a long time.

With the seal of both hands, the tiger-headed man concentrated his main spiritual power on his limbs, and then suddenly activated it in the surprised eyes of the two women.

He suddenly approached the manticore and threw the Shining wolf in his hand.The little manticore bit the wolf's body in one bite, and its sharp teeth cut the whole body into three pieces, and swallowed the middle part.The front paws are constantly sweeping the tiger-headed man.

Seeing that the other party was trapped, Yi Tian also dodged to the side a few times in the air, and then signaled that the two could start.

It's a pity that the poison of this jasper scorpion is not as powerful as that of the corpse gu, at least that little manticore has no signs of weak legs.

Ouyang Mei's steel whip hit the air again and again, and Liu Piao Piao's bone spear also hit the air several times. The two glared at the tiger-headed man for a while, only to see him pointing at the manticore's legs.When Liu Piao Piao turned around, she saw that the four pillar-like legs began to tremble.

Under Liu Piaopiao's coquettish sigh, Yi Tian was no longer able to paddle. He took out a magic talisman in his right hand and poured it into his hand, and the two mid-grade spirit stones in his left hand constantly replenished the consumed spiritual energy.

More than a dozen fireballs rushed forward in three waves. After a burst of fire, at least [-]% of them were hit, and obvious black spots appeared on the manticore.

Under the spells of Liu Piao Piao and Ou Yang Mei, the little manticore was beaten into a daze. After staggering, he roared into the sky, and then flapped his wings on his back. After flying out of the valley like a gust of wind, he did not forget to look back. Taniguchi's adult manticore.

A crisis was finally resolved temporarily, Liu Piaopiao looked at it and nodded to the tiger-headed man, and most of the depression in his heart also disappeared.

Yi Tian saw that she picked up the crystal bottle on the ground and hurriedly went around the nest with the imperial weapon. Before leaving, he did not forget to shout: ''Go ahead and help''.

Yi Tian spat to himself and said to himself: ''You really think I'm a janitor'', thinking secretly in his heart, and ask her to pull the list in a while.

Yi Tian really had to go back to Taniguchi to take care of him. The guy Wu Xing was still in front. If he was trapped in the secret realm as a spearman, he would feel bad about it.

Going back to Taniguchi to see that the situation was not good, the manticore, who had been suppressed by the crowd just now, was at a disadvantage, but now the manticore was able to resist the effect of the corpse poison and began to fight back.

That Jiang Xinwei's bronze armored corpse was swept away with an arm, and now his strength has been greatly reduced.

As for Shi Feiran's flying swords, two of them were stuck in the manticore and could not be pulled out, so he had to take out seven small swords from the storage bag to form a sword array to attack the manticore.

The worst is Xie Chuanxiong, who is in a state of embarrassment, the awl in his hand has been broken, and there are three blood marks on his chest.

Wu Xing, who was hiding in the distance, used fireballs to attack the manticore, which did not cause much damage, so he was ignored.

Seeing Yi Tian and Ou Yangmei coming back, the four of them were overjoyed. They were still drumming when they saw a manticore flying away in the air just now, and now they are finally relieved.

The six made another move, and under the attack of a spell, the Manticore's defeat was revealed.

Jiang Xinwei was determined to keep the manticore here this time, and summoned another bronze-armored corpse from the corpse bag, which frightened the people around him for a while.

Fortunately, he is not that strong pervert. Looking at the corpse that was beaten to the point of being bruised and bruised, it was also a pain in the flesh. As soon as the spiritual power in his hand was exchanged, the bronze-armored corpse on the field was also replaced.

In Yi Tian's opinion, no one here is a fuel-efficient lamp. The manticore could not support it slowly. Seeing that he was about to retire, he suddenly heard Jiang Xinwei shouting: ''The manticore is going to die''.

Yi Tian didn't even want the wind under his feet, Gale Wind Flash jumped with all his strength, jumped ten feet away, and set up the round shield for defense.

The manticore rushed up and swept its two front claws. Before dying, it swept all six people with a deadly blow, and then died of exhaustion. The whole body fell to the ground with a ''bang''. slowly closed.

There were three scratches on Yi Tian's shield. Fortunately, after many sacrifices, the shield was defended, but he was pushed away by the strong force.

The bronze-armored corpse stood in front of Jiang Xinwei, and Ouyang Mei did not know when to summon a female corpse to defend in front. The two quickly retreated, and the corpse refining helped them block the attack, but she was just a little embarrassed by the consumption of spiritual energy.

Shi Feiran's sword formation was shattered by a single blow, leaving a three-inch scar on his chest. Fortunately, he retreated in time without serious problems, but the blood on his chest was overflowing.

Wu Xing stayed far away, and saw the opportunity to prop up the pill furnace in front. Three claw marks appeared on the side of the pill furnace and penetrated the furnace wall. It seemed that the entire pill furnace was useless, and people were just knocked into the air.

Turning to look at Xie Chuanxiong, he saw that after his body was swept by the claws, it was divided into two parts, and it seemed that he could not survive.

Yi Tian hurriedly ran to him and helped him up, only to see Xie Chuanxiong's mask falling off, after looking at himself, he told him in a thin voice like a gossamer: ''Please help to hand over the contents of the storage bag to In the hands of Xie Chuanjie of the Xie family in the Jade Dragon City of Shengjiang.And I will be very grateful to be able to take care of the Xie family in the future.”

After seeing Yi Tian nodding, Xie Chuanxiong forced a smile on his face.In the end, he sighed: ''I can't help myself'', and I died after speaking.

After taking Xie Chuanxiong's storage bag, Yi Tian looked at the place where there was no burial and had to use the fireball technique to burn the corpse to ashes, which was better than the corpse being eaten by those monsters.

The two members of the Yin Corpse sect ignored everyone's situation and ran forward to take out the manticore's heart with a sword. The blood was still flowing all over the place. Ouyang Mei used a mercury bottle to catch the blood in her heart, and then looked When Liu Piaopiao waved to them on the manticore's nest, the two hurried over.

Seeing the tiger-headed man wave his hand, Wu Xing and Shi Feiran endured the pain on their bodies, and followed with Yu Qi.

The six people met in the center of the nest. The Seven Demons Witch waved the spring water in her hand, and Ouyang Mei lifted the mercury bottle in her hand. The two of them came to the center of the nest together and seemed to be looking for something.

Wu Xing, who was on the side, looked at it and shouted out the three words 'Lionheart Grass'. Seeing that there was a person next to him who didn't understand, he pretended to be deep and explained: "This lionheart grass is associated with the manticore's den. A kind of spiritual grass in the depths can be used as long as it is irrigated with spring water containing a lot of spiritual energy and the blood of the manticore's heart is ripened.This is usually used by Jindan cultivators to heal wounds. ''

After listening to this, Yi Tian looked at Jiang Xinwei and the Qisha witch in the distance. It turned out that the two of them were working for their respective backers. No wonder they worked so hard to bring out the hidden secrets that have been hidden for many years. .

While thinking about it, they suddenly heard the quarrel between Liu Piao Piao and Ou Yang Mei, and the four of them immediately ran up to take a look.

Liu Piaopiao held two jade boxes in his hand, and Ouyang Mei had one in his hand.

Listening to the words of the two, there was a dispute over how to distribute the lion heart grass in the jade box. The spiritual spring water and manticore blood received this time were just enough to ripen three lion heart grass.

After the Seven Demons Witch had packed them in three jade boxes, she took two boxes herself and gave Ouyang Mei one box, and then the dispute came.

The six people were divided into two parties to hold, and the sternness in their eyes was full.Although they fought side by side just now, they are now on the opposite side again.

After Liu Piaopiao put the jade box in the storage bag, he didn't talk too much with the other party. Anyway, it meant that the White Bone Gate had summoned the dark son who had been lurking for so many years to complete this matter. one.

Ouyang Mei refused, and said that if Jiang Xinwei hadn't resisted the manticore, would he be able to get the lion heart grass so easily.

He also pointed to Wu Xing, is that a help? After the whole battle, the smell of gunpowder on both sides instantly rose.

On the other hand, Jiang Xinwei laughed horribly, and Yi Tian heard the cold sweat behind the laughter, which was not his original voice.

I only saw Jiang Xinwei's face twisted for a while, and then his face was a little old, and he said with a jiejie laughter: "Little boy, you have worked hard for you, and then let's all stay."

Liu Piao Piao's face changed, and she called out the name 'Yun Li Xing' in a panic.

The seven evil witches were like a great enemy, and she sent a voice transmission to the three people next to them: "This is the spiritual consciousness of the ancestors of the Jin Dan of the Yin corpse sect on Jiang Xinwei, and she came out to control Jiang Xinwei's body at a critical time, and she could even use the two successes of the deity, There is basically no one here who can handle it''.

After hearing that Jiang Xinwei laughed, he said, "Eldest niece, your manpower is not too many to die. Just stay and be my apprentice's corpse refining."

"Delusion," Liu Piao Piao swooped out with a full speed imperial weapon search before she could finish a sentence.

But that Jiang Xinwei's speed was even faster, and his whole body was filled with yin and spiritual energy, and he stopped in front of Liu Piaopiao with a leap.

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(End of this chapter)

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