964 Escort

Compared with Luoxia City at this time, because of the birth of a new spiritual weapon in the Earth Shabang, Yi Tianzheng, who is five thousand miles away, drives an assault boat full of goods to shuttle between various cities of cultivation.

Most of the missions this time are not difficult to complete, basically they are all trivial matters like transporting supplies and waiting for people to pick them up.But after these tasks, Yi Tian learned that in addition to the cultivation towns, there are some secondary cities in the spirit world.

Almost all Nascent Soul monks sit in these places, and there are very few of the same level.Moreover, most of these methods exist in the form of families, and many of them were established in remote places by outer disciples who came out of the sect.

Usually, they also pin their hopes on their descendants. If the sect finds any potential descendants, they can directly recommend them to the original sect through the original door.

Once you enter the gate wall, it will soar into the sky. If you are successful in cultivation, you may be able to enter the inner gate.For example, the last errand task that Yi Tian completed now was to escort the three disciples of Qingpinghe Zhai's family to participate in the entry selection of Sanyuanzong.

These tasks are troublesome and time-consuming, so few inspectors in Luoxia City would take the initiative to take them up.But the client spent a lot of money and asked to send a late-stage Nascent Soul monk with comparable strength to escort him.

Coincidentally, the deacon of the inspection department had no one to send, and Yi Tian happened to hit the gun, so he directly changed the task level to Huashen level with a swipe of a pen, and let Yi Tian do it for him.

Although Yi Tian couldn't see what the deacon did, but whoever asked him to promise this was still a task, and after completing it, he could record it in his accumulation of achievements.

So Yi Tian felt that he had cut a big deal, so it was considered a task, and it was very worthwhile.

Zhai Yugui, who lives in the Zhai family's mansion in Qingpinghe, introduced to Yi Tian the disciples of the clan who were about to take the entrance test of Sanyuanzong with a happy face.

The three candidates are two men and one woman, named Zhai Ping, Zhai Jie and Zhai Xiaocui.The cultivation bases are all in the late stage of Qi refining, and the bone age is not more than 20 years old.

After Yi Tian saw it, he was very generalized in his heart. The conditions in this spiritual world are really much better than those in the lower world.When I was 20 years old, I hadn't reached the late stage of refining. The biggest difference was that I could enter the sect at the fifth level of Qi refining, but they had just passed the entrance examination at the peak of Qi refining.

After the establishment, Yi Tian directly took out the quest jade slip. Zhai Yugui only had the mid-Yuanying cultivation base. He thought that the person coming was similar to him, but he didn't expect it to be a high-level monk.

After receiving the jade slips handed over, Zhai Yugui hastily took out a seal and stamped on it to complete the preliminary handover.After sending the person to Sanyuanzong, someone will check and seal it for confirmation.

Seeing that after the handover was completed, Yi Tian didn't say much, but just ordered the three of them to be discharged from the hospital.After coming outside the house, he took out a five-inch assault boat model and threw it into the sky, and it instantly turned into a ten-foot-sized boat.

He didn't talk too much and just yelled: "Get on the boat, let's go."

The three Cui family disciples turned around and bid farewell to the Patriarch, then set up their spirit weapons and flew onto the assault boat.After the four people came to the inner cabin, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed around and said: "Just find a place to sit down, and I will send you to Sanyuanzong safely."

It was also the first time for the three of them to see the cultivator of Huashen, and they naturally heard and saw it in the clan on weekdays.The person in front of him was a cultivator who was one level stronger than the head of the family, so he naturally didn't dare to make mistakes, and heeded the order, sat down cross-legged and waited.

Immediately, Yi Tian drove the assault boat towards Sanyuanzong, and the distance was not far, only less than two thousand miles away.But on the way, he had to pass through Heifeng Village, where there were a few casual cultivators gathered, and the one with the highest cultivation was only in the late Yuanying period.

Originally, the patrol envoys from the Nascent Soul Stage were invited to escort them to target them, but now that the cultivator Zhai Yugui had made a move, he naturally felt that he had made a lot of money, and he gave a gift as a thank you to Yi Tian for his help.

The flying boat turned into a white light and flew across the sky. The journey of less than two thousand miles didn't take long for me. Even if I took three burdens to drive the flying boat, it only took two or three hours.

Thinking about it, it's not likely to encounter anything along the way, so Yi Tian sat in the driver's seat and began to control it with limited control.It's okay to fly all the way, and after an hour, it's almost the boundary of Heifengzhai.

But at this time, it seemed that the wind and waves along the way were calm, and the casual cultivators of Heifengzhai did not see a trace.

Yi Tian, ​​who was driving, suddenly frowned and found that two waves of people surrounded him not far ahead.Judging by the speed, it should be a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Although I am not afraid of them at all, I don't want to be troublesome.Completing the task ahead is the most important thing, and I don't want to take care of things like suppressing bandits.

Afterwards, the speed of the flying boat was increased by one level after the acceleration of the palm's mind power was injected into the console, and it rushed straight forward.

Those black wind casual cultivators did not expect to meet such an approaching person. Seeing the flying boat gradually speeding up and passing overhead, they turned around and chased up from behind, and there were two other people who seemed to be escaping a little too fast. Hold on.

After flying for a while, Yi Tian found that they seemed to have distanced themselves from the large troops behind, then slowed down the speed of the airship and said to the three of them: "Sit in the cabin, I will come as soon as I go."

After opening the hatch, an afterimage appeared at the position where he was standing, and the afterimage just dissipated when the hatch was closed.The eyes of the three qi refining disciples of the Zhai family were naturally brightened, for this hand alone was much stronger than the Patriarch.

After coming outside, Yi Tian parked the flying boat in the air, while he stopped in front.Half a moment later, I saw two escaping lights flying not far in front of me and stopped.Seeing Yi Tian waiting there, he surrounded him from left to right.

Restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, Yi Tian shouted loudly: "Why are you following me, this is the escort ship of Sanyuanzong, do you want to make enemies of the sect?"

The man on the left smiled and said: "We are just asking Sanyuanzong to trouble you, so what do you dare to do?"

But the man on the right said in a deep voice: "We, Brother Heifeng, are waiting here to do this business, and no monks who go to the Sanyuanzong's entry-level selection are allowed to pass. I want to see that the Sanyuanzong's recruiting ceremony is a little less How will people do it?"

Yi Tian frowned and listened to the words of the two people in front of him, as if he had specially intercepted them here, and he was not afraid of the sect's influence.When things go wrong, there must be demons, so it can be seen that there are corresponding sects behind them.

Thinking of this, he shook his head helplessly and said: "I advise you to turn around, don't risk your life in vain. It's not easy to cultivate to the late stage of Nascent Soul, so why bother?"

"Bullshit," the two began to curse after hearing this, and then they took out the spirit weapon and were about to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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