
Chapter 965 Blocking

Chapter 965 Blocking
Halfway through the escort mission, he was targeted by a group of casual cultivators when he passed by Heifengzhai. Yi Tian wanted to take advantage of the speed of the assault boat to throw them away.

But I didn't expect that the two leading Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivators were not bad at escaping, and they could bite themselves tightly.

Therefore, under the balance, Yi Tian decided to test the situation first.But after a short confrontation in the air, the two seemed to want to keep the disciples of the Zhai family who were running for the election without further ado.

So Yi Tian is a little angry. Although the three members of the Zhai family are not strong in cultivation, what is important is their own mission goals.If there is a slight mistake and you can't complete the task, it is really not worth the loss.

Seeing that the two of them took out the spiritual weapon and prepared to surround him, Yi Tian snorted coldly, then stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan sword to sacrifice.At the same time, I don't need to pretend any more, just let go of my aura coefficient.

Immediately, the overwhelming spiritual pressure rushed directly towards the two of them, and the power of the cultivator of transforming spirit was released from his body in an instant, shocking the two of them in a blink of an eye.

A trace of panic suddenly appeared on the face of Brother Heifeng, looking along the source of the spiritual pressure, it was the monk in front of him.It was too late to react, but saw Yi Tian stretch out his hand and wave thousands of slender cyan light threads, and then hit the two of them indiscriminately.

The ray of light was infinitely magnified in the eyes of Brother Heifeng. I am afraid that they have hardly fought against the cultivator of Huashen in their life.After one blow, there was no time to dodge, so he had to block the portable spiritual weapon in front of him and inject spiritual power into it desperately.

It's a pity that the number of sword wires is so large and dense, and they are surrounded from all sides. In an instant, both of them were sieved before they could say anything in the future.

After one move, he subdued the opponent, and Yi Tian didn't hesitate to kill the two of them, and then cleaned up all their belongings.Then a fireball cleaned up the rest before turning around and flying back into the assault boat.

After ten breaths, he continued to fly away in a flying boat over the territory of the Sanyuanzong sect.

The three disciples of the Zhai family sitting on the assault boat showed fear on their faces, and the escort monk in front of them was too scary.The three of them saw it clearly in the cabin when they fought just now, the two Nascent Soul cultivators were stronger than Patriarch Zhai Yugui, but they couldn't even face each other in front of this person.

After thinking about it, seeing Yi Tian's relaxed face, the three of them didn't dare to talk too much for fear of offending the senior.

Yi Tian, ​​who got rid of Heifengzhai in this way, became more comfortable after driving the flying boat out of this area. Although there were some twists and turns during the escort, it was safe and sound.

After half an hour, he finally got close to the Sanyuanzong's sect territory, Yi Tian gradually slowed down the speed of the flying boat, and slowly flew forward.

It didn't take long for him to feel someone staying not far in front of him in his divine sense. After reducing the speed of the assault boat again, he slowly leaned over.

After approaching the position of fifty miles, I heard someone from the front say: "Cultivators in the flying boat ahead, stop for a while, please enter from the ground if you want to go to the Sanyuan Sect.

After hearing this, Yi Tian curled his lips and said troublesomely, there is still more than 500 miles away from the Zongmen, and it will be a waste of time to walk on the ground with three burdens.

After flying close, he parked the flying boat in the air and flew out of the hatch slowly, only to see a Nascent Soul cultivator in Sanyuan Zong costume yelling to stop himself in mid-air.After looking at it, Yi Tiancai shouted at that person: "I escort the disciples of the Zhai family to Sanyuanzong to participate in the entry selection. I don't know which way to go."

The man was obviously stunned when he heard this, and then hurriedly replied: "Since you are participating in the entry selection of the disciples of the Zhai family, please leave it to me. I will take them into the hinterland of the sect later."

Yi Tian didn't doubt that he turned his head towards the hatch and shouted: "Okay, come out, people from Sanyuanzong will take you in on the next road."

Later, the three of them controlled the spirit weapon and slowly flew out. Zhai Ping and Zhai Jie flew straight towards each other, but Zhai Xiaocui had a weird look on his face after taking a few glances.After a while, he screamed: "He is from Cangshanmen, the enemy sect of Sanyuanzong. The two elder brothers come back quickly."

As soon as the words were spoken, the atmosphere in the whole scene was tense, the monk on the opposite side didn't expect to be exposed by a little girl, and immediately became angry from embarrassment and directly shot towards Zhai Ping and Zhai Jie.

When Yi Tian saw it, he found that something was wrong. The person opposite didn't want to put people to death, but wanted to rob them.Thinking that there were actually two waves of people blocking him along the way, he suddenly became angry.And in front of him was a kid in the Nascent Soul stage who turned around when he was playing, and a burst of anger appeared on his face instantly.

With a cold snort in his mouth, he uttered the eight sounds of heavenly thunder and attacked that person, then stretched out his finger and flicked lightly, and shot a ghost face flower seed at that person.

The smiles on Zhai Ping and Zhai Jie's faces suddenly changed when they heard the shout, then they turned around and ran back with the spiritual weapon in all directions.But the spiritual power behind him came even faster, restraining the two of them in an instant.

But a gleam of green light flashed even faster in front of his eyes, passing between the two of them in the blink of an eye.After hearing the scream from the person behind them, the two regained their freedom of movement.But when they turned around and looked back, they all showed fear on their faces. The man was covered with thorns at the moment.

Those vines seemed to have taken root on his body, and a five-foot-large flower bud was slowly falling from the top of his head.Suddenly the flower buds opened to reveal a blood basin about ten feet in size, and the big mouth swallowed the person completely in one go.

At this time, Yi Tian said coldly: "Everyone go back to the boat, no one is allowed to reveal anything about today's matter."

Perhaps because they were frightened, the three of them hurriedly nodded in response, and then quickly hid back.

Half a moment later, when the assault boat started again, there was no trace of that person here.Yi Tian, ​​with a livid face, controlled the flying boat and gradually accelerated to fly forward.In fact, I was upset, this mission almost failed, I didn't expect these sects to do such a nasty thing in order to compete for disciples.

And when the three saw that he almost fell into their trap because of his negligence, Yi Tian was also eager to restore his image, so he pretended to be serious and stopped talking.

In fact, the three of them looked at Yi Tian with three-point admiration in fear.

It took only a quarter of an hour to reach more than 500 miles, but the three of them seemed to feel that several years had passed.And under the oppressive atmosphere, no one dared to make a sound, but Yi Tian was also panicked, but in order to maintain his image, he kept silent.

When the assault boat slowly landed in front of the Sanyuanzong's mountain gate, a few disciples in charge came up to inquire.When he saw that it was escorted by a cultivator of Huashen himself, he hurriedly asked the deacon of the mountain gate to greet him.

Yi Tian was also polite and briefly talked about the encounters along the way.Those Sanyuanzong disciples who listened to each other were emotional and wanted to talk to the Cangshanmen.

Yi Tian was not interested in this matter, so he took out the task jade slip and handed it to the deacon of the mountain gate.Perhaps seeing that Yi Tian was a cultivator of Huashen, the deacon took out his seal and stamped the end of the jade slip without saying a word, and sent him away in such a hurry.

 Thank you for using history as a mirror to know the rise and fall, book friend 160610155927962 for the monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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