
Chapter 966

Chapter 966
There is a group of bloodthirsty casual cultivators entrenched in the Black Wind Village on the Black Wind Mountain. This group collects resources near the Black Wind Mountain on weekdays, and rarely accepts some assigned tasks.

But most of these are shady things, and the delegates also take advantage of their advantageous status as casual cultivators to complete some more difficult things.

For example, this time they accepted the arrangement of the Cangshan Sect to intercept all those who passed through their territory and went to the Sanyuanzong to participate in the entry selection.

The two factions have been entangled for a long time, and they would fight against each other on weekdays, let alone at such a juncture.Suppressing the opponent is the only way to strengthen yourself.

In addition, all the people who were sent to the selection this time had good aptitudes, so the Cangshan faction also planned early in the morning to intercept these people for their own use.

It's a pity that it was a coincidence that Yi Tian was offended by a coincidence, and it was an underestimation that he didn't expect that the monk who escorted Qi Refining would find a monk who transformed God.

After coming out of Sanyuanzong, Yi Tian put away the task jade slip, and only then did he show a knowing smile on his face.Counting that I have completed all the recent tasks, I can find a place to retreat for five years, and when the time is up, I will help to collect Baihua nectar.

But during this period, I have too many things to deal with. This time, Heifengzhai provoked me. Although the two leaders were killed, those gangsters were still left behind.

This group of people is also involved in intercepting him, so now that he has free hands, he doesn't mind passing by Heifeng Village and talking to them.

After thinking about it, a playful smile appeared on his face, and then he used the escape technique to change direction and fly straight towards Heifeng Mountain.

This time I went into battle lightly, without many scruples, but I can let go.The distance from here to Heifeng Mountain is only more than 1000 miles, and the outline of Heifeng Mountain can be faintly seen within a short while of flying at full speed.

But as soon as he approached the range of five hundred miles, he saw several fires shining on Heifeng Mountain.The secret luck in the body accelerated the escape speed, and after flying nearly half the distance, he suddenly heard a burst of rapid spell bombardment.

It was obvious that something happened to Heifeng, and he secretly wondered in his heart that after the two leaders were killed by him, they started to turn against each other.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still any longer and hastily accelerated his escape technique and flew towards it.

Not long after reaching out to the sky above Heifeng Mountain, I found that there seemed to be a monk below who was fighting with a group of Heifeng loose cultivators.

It's just that the monk single-handedly defeated the Black Wind Sanxiu with one against four.However, after scanning with his divine sense, he discovered that he was a cultivator at the transformation stage.

Yi Tian asked himself that he could do it. It seems that this gang of Heifeng casual cultivators had provoked quite a few enemies, and they were wiped out in a blink of an eye.

Just as he was thinking, the man below seemed to have noticed the movement in the sky, and then he reached out and killed the four Nascent Soul cultivators in front of him with a wave.

Then the figure jumped into the air in a flash, and another teleportation flew directly in front of him to confront him.

Yi Tian glanced at him, who was a burly man with a beard and a black steel knife in his hand.He looks like a big boss, but he instinctively tells himself that this person is not easy to mess with, especially when his strength is higher than that of Hong Fei or Qing Yuan.

Seeing that the other party is a late-stage cultivator, Yi Tian knows that he is not capable, but he shouldn't be some kind of treacherous and evil person after he eradicated the Heifeng Village.

After thinking about it, he was about to ask a question, but he didn't know that the other party opened his mouth first and shouted: "Who are you? It seems that there is no cultivator who transforms the spirit among the black wind loose cultivators."

"I passed by here to earn money and saw that there is something different about Heifeng Mountain, so I came here to see it. I don't know that fellow Taoists are here to punish rape and eliminate evil," Yi Tian replied immediately.

"Oh, you came here to check it out so coincidentally," the cheeky man asked with a grin, but there was an expression of disbelief on his face.

Yi Tian thought for a while, took out his identity badge and raised it in his hand: "This is my identity jade badge, and the inspector of Luoxia City was ordered to escort the monks of the Zhai family to Sanyuanzong to participate in the entry selection. Do you know who your friend is?"

After sweeping his divine sense, the man stared at the identity jade badge and asked with a strange expression on his face: "Why did you escort the Qi-refining cultivator to send out the Huashen cultivator? You didn't take care of me, did you?"

Yi Tian was also pissed off by the other party, so he had to take out the mission jade slip again and spread it out in his hands, saying: "This is the mission jade slip issued by the inspection department of Luoxia City, with the inspection department's seal on it, and the Zhai family next to it." And the confirmation seal of Sanyuanzong. Friends of the Taoist will know it at a glance."

The man stretched out his divine sense and swept over the jade slips for a few times, then his face softened, and then he said: "My name is Xi Tianying, and when I passed by here, I encountered black wind casual cultivators who robbed them in a fit of anger. The family was fried."

Yi Tian put away the jade slips and waist card in his hands before he cupped his hands and replied: "It turned out that it was Daoist Xi in person. Heifeng Loose Cultivator also intercepted me halfway before this meeting. It's a pity that I had an escort mission at the time and I didn't have time to clone. The two leaders of this group have been killed, and now they are about to come back to settle accounts with them, but I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Xi to take the lead."

Xi Tianying looked at Yi Tian now, and then said with a smile: "No wonder the group of gangsters I heard just now are yelling about what will happen when their two gang leaders come back."

"Even if those two come back, they won't be the enemy of Fellow Daoist Xi, and the fourth place in the Disha list is not something that can be rivaled by the late Nascent Soul monks," Yi Tian joked.

"Oh, you finally recognized it, I thought you had selectively forgotten it," Xi Tianying said carelessly.

In fact, when he announced his name, Yi Tian was excited in his heart, but he was not moved at all on the face.While still looking at this person carefully, it is definitely not a coincidence that Xi Tianying can occupy the fourth place on the earth evil list.

Standing in front of him, I could feel a sharp aura rushing towards me, and he was like a steel knife with sharp edges, showing aura all over his body.

It's just that in his breath, I feel as if something is missing, but I can't tell the reason for a while.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "It is also my honor to meet the top monks on the earth evil list, but I find that there seems to be room for improvement in the strength of the former fellow daoist, and I think I can improve the ranking before the advanced level is distracted."

Xi Tianying sighed softly when he heard the words, then stared at Yi Tian and said: "I didn't expect that you are only at the early stage of transformation, but your eyes are extremely vicious, telling the truth about my situation. It's just me I just don’t know where to start.”

Let's talk, staring at Yi Tian with a thoughtful expression in a blink of an eye, and after three breaths, he said again: "Since Daoist Yi can see the clue, please help me find out what's wrong."

Yi Tian felt a burst of inexplicable helplessness when he got cold, so he had to bite the bullet and say: "How do fellow Taoists want me to help you?"

"The person who knows me best should be my opponent, why don't you take my trick and see what you find out," Xi Tianying suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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