
Chapter 968 1 trick

Chapter 968 One Trick

The spiritual pressure fluctuations aroused in the Heifeng Mountains quickly dissipated towards the surroundings, and a hurricane formed in the sky here later.Fortunately, the time that lasted for [-] breaths quickly dissipated, and after the world became calm again, it can be seen that it was not affected at all within the range maintained by the formation.

But it was affected outside the formation, especially near the outer edge, where the hurricane was obviously stirred up by the spiritual pressure and raged without any scruples.Nearly a mile or so along the outer edge of the formation, all the trees were blown down, and the ground was cracked and even the raised hills were blown down by the hurricane.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the center of the formation, was also uncomfortable, and he still underestimated Xi Tianying's strength.Relying on the array to mobilize the vitality of the world and the blessing, the vines are entangled and formed into a thick net.After the rattan net, a protective shield was offered, plus the protective shield on his body and the moon-watching rhinoceros armor for a total of four layers of protection.

Fortunately, the protection was in place and there was a large formation to maintain it. Xi Tianying didn't even split the rattan net.But the aftermath of his saber force could hit the second layer of defense through the gaps in the rattan net.Although he was carried by himself, he was pushed ten feet away alive.

At this time, I only felt some soreness from excessive force, which was something I had never experienced before.After looking inside, I found out that this happened because of excessive output of spiritual energy.

Yi Tian put away the magic spell in front of him and revealed his real body. Yi Tian also sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a few pills, put them in his mouth, and knocked them down.It took half a moment to absorb the spiritual power in the pill before slowly standing up.

At this time, Xi Tianying also hurried forward and asked Yi Tian: "Friend Yi Daoist is really amazing, and it's been a long time since I've done my best like this. It's such a joy."

Yi Tian gave him a blank look, thought carefully for a while, and then said lightly: "I found the problem, I think there are two problems with Fellow Daoist Xi."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, please state clearly, I am very grateful," Xi Tianjiu replied eagerly.

"First, the sharpness of the Daoist's body is in line with the essence of bravery and diligence in the sword, but if you want to go to the next level, you must be able to hide the front. You must know that the sword technique coincides with the essence of the art of war, 'as fast as the wind, Xu as the forest; aggressive as fire, It is as immovable as a mountain; difficult to know as yin, and moving as thunder. If you do these things, you will be able to defeat Chi Wuji," Yi Tian explained.

"Zang Feng," Xi Tianying repeated with surprise on his face, suddenly slapped his forehead and said to himself, "I remember, the master mentioned this before, but he didn't explain it as well as you Detailed. I have forgotten these words after so many years of experience abroad."

When he turned around, his eyes showed a bright light and he said, "Then what is the second point?"

Without hesitation, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the saber in his hand, meaning it couldn't be more obvious.

But Xi Tianying sighed and said: "I'm not hiding this from Daoist Yi, I don't know many master craftsmen, and this time I want to take advantage of the Grand Ceremony of the Craftsman Alliance in Luoxia City to make friends with a few. Thinking that Chi Wuji has Ji Xingzhu to help, I have to find a master-level person to help me no matter what."

"Who is Ji Xingzhu?" Yi Tian asked, but Xi Tianying mentioned this name twice.But I don't know anything about it, and it seems that I should be a great person.

"I really don't know if you're really confused or just pretending. She made the Xingyao Sword, which ranks No. 40 and [-]th on the refining list," Xi Tianying said unwillingly, "It's a pity that it's now bit."

"What's the matter with this artifact refining place?" Yi Tianye greeted Xi Tianying with a contemptuous look as soon as he opened his mouth.Then I listened to him talking about the reasons for this incessantly.

After a moment, he nodded and said: "It seems that Ji Xingzhu really got the true biography of the Lihuo Palace, and the refining masters of the transformation stage can refine the earth-level spiritual weapons. He also forced the people of the refining masters alliance to wait for themselves Dangerous, occupying the 49th ranking."

"You're wrong, those masters of the Artifact Master Alliance will be trampled by her sooner or later. Once Ji Xingzhu breaks through to the stage of distraction, he can directly attack the top of the list. But now the Xingyao Sword has fallen. One, the new one appears to be a spiritual weapon called 'Purple Lightning Sword', which happens to come from Luoxia City. So I want to make friends with this new master craftsman and get acquainted with him. Take care," Xi Tianying said solemnly.

Turning around to look at Yi Tian who seemed to be in deep thought, he hurriedly called out: "Friend Yi Daoist, friend Daoist Yi, are you listening?"

"Oh, you're going to participate in the Grand Ceremony of the Artifact Master Alliance to find someone to order spiritual weapons?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"That's true. From Luoxia City, fellow Daoist Yi, have you heard of the name of a famous master craftsman?" Xi Tianying asked.

Suppressing a smile, Yi Tian turned his face darkened and said: "Don't mention it, it's all caused by this Grand Ceremony of the Artifact Refiner Alliance. Only by doubling the task can we solve the matter at hand."

Xi Tianying showed a sympathetic look on his face and said: "You must have come out after seeing that Daoist Yi was forcibly forced into many missions."

"That's right, and under the shortage of manpower, I even gave me all the tasks in the Nascent Soul Stage. Fortunately, the merit points are calculated according to the Transformation Stage. Busy work," Yi Tian said angrily.

Xi Tianying said in agreement: "This is really hard for Daoist Yi, but I also want to make friends with a master craftsman during this trip so that I can find someone to help in the future. Is Daoist Yi familiar with any master, can you introduce him?"

Yi Tian burst into laughter in his heart at this matter, the Zidian sword he refined could beat Ji Xingzhu, the No.And Xi Tianying in front of him just wants to go to Luoxia City to make friends with him, I really don't know if it is God's will.

But I still have doubts in my heart. Since the birth of the Zidian Sword can be found on the evil list of the refining place, wouldn't it mean that his name has also been revealed to the world.

But looking at Xi Tianying's appearance, it seems that he is not a fake. If he had reported his name early in the morning, he should have known that Zidian Sword was made by himself.After thinking about it, I decided to test it first and asked: "I don't know who made the new spiritual weapon 'Purple Lightning Sword' on the list?"

Xi Tianying said with a serious face: "I think it should be an open-minded refiner, or someone who has been hidden by the alliance of refiners, and is going to make a blockbuster in this grand ceremony."

"Why didn't the list mention who made the spirit weapon?" Yi Tian asked today.

"Not necessarily, sometimes only the source and quality of the spirit weapon will be written on the earth evil list, but the refiner may not be able to specify it. For example, some spirit treasures are naturally formed, so the source is usually not marked," Xi said. Tianying explained it in this way.

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(End of this chapter)

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