
Chapter 969 Feather Fan

Chapter 969 Feather Fan
After some exchange with Xi Tianying, Yi Tian also benefited a lot. After chatting for a while in Heifeng Mountain, the two exchanged communication jade talismans.Later, Xi Tianying said that he wanted to rush to Luoxia City, but Yi Tian knew what he was thinking and didn't stop him.

Watching him leave, the corner of Duan Guang's mouth twitched and smiled secretly, anyway, his going to Luoxia City was a waste of time, but luckily he met himself in Heifeng Mountain.

It can be regarded as a confidant after a friendship, but now the status is very different, and I still have a lot of things to do.This matter of refining the spirit weapon for him will be discussed later.

In the future, in the advanced distraction stage, I will need to find someone to help kill the big monster in the distraction stage. This Xi Tianying is a good help and can help.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and took all the arrays back, and the scene around him seemed to shake in an instant.Then a cyan ray of light rose from the ground and flew straight to the southwest.

My idea is very simple, now that the Grand Ceremony of the Artifact Refiner Alliance in Luoxia City has attracted everyone's attention.Didn't I just hide in an inaccessible place to refine the Lihuo Fan?

Counting down the tasks at hand, the only remaining task is to assist in collecting Baihua nectar. During this period, there are still about five years of free time, which is enough.

Immediately, the spiritual power in his body slowly converged, and the light of the whole person became almost transparent, flashing across the air in an instant.

Going south from Heifeng Mountain all the way to avoid those cultivation towns, Yi Tian chose to walk in a sparsely populated place, this time the goal was the Magic Flame Mountains.It was said that this mountain range was a relic of a battlefield where the forces of the spirit world and the demon world fought.

For thousands of years, the battle there has already subsided, but the black blood of those demon generals after their death polluted the lava mountains there.Over time, the flames that came out of the ground turned into a pitch black color, and the Devil Flame Mountain got its name from this.

The reason for choosing that place is that people from the spirit world seldom come close after being polluted by the magic blood, and the magic flame there can also pollute the spiritual power of spiritual cultivation, so the monks in this world are all respectful and far away.

But for me, it is a good place to be visited by few people. The power of the Buddhist sect that I originally cultivated can firmly restrain the remnants of the magic flame.The environment there didn't affect him much.

After flying along the way, I found that the closer I got to the Magic Flame Mountains, the fewer people I could see.Until he saw a towering black mountain in the distance, Yi Tian was overjoyed and secretly glad that he finally arrived.

After opening his spiritual sense, he found that there was a force in the Demon Flame Mountain that seemed to block his spiritual sense from prying.The scope of his divine sense was compressed to a radius of a hundred miles.

Even so, it was enough for him, and after slowly using his concealment technique to fly across the air, Yi Tian quietly sneaked in from the side of the Magic Flame Mountain Range.

Two days later, a golden flame suddenly spewed out from a magic flame cave deep in the magic flame mountain range, and quickly eroded the surrounding magic flames.

The golden flame directly purified the surrounding black lava to its original appearance.It's a pity that the area is not that big, only about three li in radius.The golden flame didn't seem to want to continue to expand the scope of purification, it was just maintaining this environment.Shaoqing saw eight golden lights flying up to the sky and laying the foundations around the three-mile range.

Then another white light lit up, and in the white light was a circular array.A mana shot from below directly hit the formation disk to activate it, and then connected to the eight formation foundations to protect the three-mile radius.

A moment later, there seemed to be a layer of spiritual fluctuations flashing inside, turning the originally unusually conspicuous purified lava mountains back to their original pitch black color.

A blue light flashed through it and flew into the sky, showing Yi Tian's figure.After looking down at his masterpiece, he turned around and entered the big formation with satisfaction.

What was laid this time was just a phantom array, and the magic flame lava here had been purified by his own Buddhist power and had returned to its original state.Thinking about the range of three miles is enough for my own use, this place was originally an active volcanic crater.It was only polluted by a large amount of magic blood falling into it.

It took Yi Tian nearly a month to purify all the remnants of the devil blood in it.

After completing the preparations, he found a leyline node near the crater and dug a cave for himself to practice here.

After setting up the concealment formation and restrictions outside the cave, Yi Tian walked into the cave, sat down cross-legged on the node of the deepest spirit vein in the cave, and began to practice.

After sacrificing Asura's agility, the cultivation and refining started at the same time.This time I want to refine the Lihuo Fan, which is recorded in the secret volume of the sect and can be used as a talisman for sacrifice.

And it is so powerful that it can be used up to the Mahayana stage without any problem, but I don't know if there is the same spiritual weapon in Lihuo Palace.

If there is, it will be troublesome, if you take it out and use it, you will definitely expose your identity, and if you kill him at that time, you will have nothing to do with Lihuo Palace.

But compared to the other two, it's still good, at least not so conspicuous.

Sitting inside the cave mansion, he took out Mengxin's feathers and ink jade bamboo, and then took out several auxiliary materials, and then began to refine them according to the records in the Lihuogong secret scroll handed down by the ancestor Wuye.

Taking out the two feathers left by Mengxin immediately illuminated the inside of the cave, the scorching flames above were mixed with Mengxin's original demonic aura fluctuations, making it impossible to look directly at.

Yi Tian had no choice but to sacrifice the real fire in his body to wrap the feathers, and then gradually sacrificed and practiced to overlap the two feathers into one.Under the burning of the flames, all the essence of demon power in the original phoenix tail feathers was purified.

He took out Mo Yuzhu casually and put it in the real fire for a sacrifice. The bamboo branch, which was about two feet long and thick as a little finger, was slowly compressed into a diameter of about half a foot and three inches.

After taking out the real fire gilt financial liquid, he took out strands of real fire and began to inscribe it carefully.

This time, the old trick was repeated, and the inscriptions were carved at the same time of refining to achieve a one-time shape.

Magic Flame Mountain has always been peaceful and peaceful, until one day four or five years later, thunderclouds in the sky suddenly rushed towards this side of the world.

Fortunately, there was no one here in Moyan Mountain who came here on purpose, so this unparalleled thunder disaster has never been seen by anyone.

But there will always be exceptions to everything. The scale of this thunder catastrophe can be clearly seen from three or four thousand miles away.At this time, there happened to be two white rays of light passing by, and their original direction was not the Moyan Mountain.It's just that after the thunder disaster was formed, they all stopped in the air and turned around to look at it, then turned around and flew straight towards the magic flame mountain.

This kind of situation is mostly due to the birth of strange treasures, and everyone knows the simple and easy-to-understand reason why those who are destined to get the treasures of heaven and earth can get them.

But when the two escaping lights flew away, it didn't take long to see several golden thunders falling in the calamity cloud, and then a red flame rose rapidly on the ground and resisted the calamity thunder.

Two figures appeared in the white light, and one of them, a woman in a yellow shirt, said coquettishly, "Sister Yun, can we go or not, or the spirit treasure will fly away."

After the white light faded to the side, a woman in green shirt appeared, stared at Jie Lei for a while, then shook her head and said, "No need to go, it belongs to the owner, I'm afraid that if we go now, it will be annoying. Happy. And judging by Jie Lei's appearance, the other party is at least a distraction-stage craftsman, and we won't be able to bargain for it if we go."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and returned directly towards the long road.

(End of this chapter)

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