
Chapter 972 Relief

Chapter 972 Relief
Being chased by the group of purple jade bees, Yi Tian flicked a drop of purple cloud honey in the jade bottle in his hand directly into the phantom array, and most of the purple jade bees following behind were attracted by the fragrance of the purple cloud honey. Drilled into the phantom array.

A little later, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and the purple jade bees that had entered the phantom array began to scurry around irregularly.But most of them flew directly in the direction of the purple cloud honey fragrance, and then slammed down on the place where the drop of honey fell.

After a while, a black bee ball appeared, and these purple jade bees gathered together and sucked the ground desperately.

Suddenly a ray of light pierced through the fantasy and directly lit the insect repelling incense in the middle.The stick incense made of ghost crying pine gave off a faint fragrance after burning, but after smelling it, the purple jade bee seemed to be on the verge of a formidable enemy.It flew out of the ground suddenly and then retreated towards the back.

These Ziyun peaks were dispelled, Ketian didn't look relaxed at all.The queen bee followed closely behind with several soldier bees, as if the last drop of purple cloud honey in the jade bottle in her storage bag was still fatally attractive to them.

After looking at the strength comparison, Yi Tian made a decision in his heart. In terms of one-on-one, he may not be the opponent of the queen bee, let alone there are many helpers on his side.

Simply, his escape speed is not slow, and after flying for a certain distance, he found that they seemed to be still closely following, but a few fell behind.

After calculating the time, Qing Lianyun and Cui Fuling should have succeeded, Yi Tian gradually increased the flying height and speed, and in a blink of an eye, he threw away the chasing bee swarm behind him.

Then he took out the communication jade talisman to activate it and contacted those two people, but there was no response for half an hour after the communication talisman was sent out.

After staying in the air for a while, I felt that something was wrong, and I was a little worried.After all, Qing Lianyun is a direct disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, if he gets stuck here, I'm afraid that he won't have a good fruit after joining the sect in the future.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and turned around and flew straight towards the honeycomb in the Qingxi stream.After flying to the outskirts of the valley, Yi Tian glanced in the air and saw that there were two figures on the outskirts of the beehive, which were Qing Lianyun and Cui Fuling, but at this moment they seemed to be entangled by the swarm of bees and couldn't get away.

Seeing this, Yi Tian took out several spiritual seeds and put them in his hands, quickly pouring spiritual power into them.Then flicking with ten fingers, the seed shot directly towards the position of the second girl.

The sudden change surprised Qing Lianyun, she entered the hive and took out three bottles of Baihua honey.But when he came out, he found that Cui Fuling couldn't resist, and gradually became powerless under the siege.

Then Qing Lianyun decisively rescued Cui Fuling, but more and more bee swarms came back from outside.Finally, the strong return of the queen bee directly made the two of them only have the power to parry and could not wait for an opportunity to fight back.

After the several spiritual seeds fell, they were directly buried in the soil, and in an instant, sprouts and twigs were drilled out to weave into a dense vine net the size of two feet, blocking the surroundings of the two women.Then several golden fireballs fell from the sky and landed directly on the tree vines, igniting them and forming a fire net to separate the purple jade bees.

Yi Tian hurriedly sent a message: "You two are ready to break through, and I will open an opening in the sky after ten breaths."

Regardless of how they responded, they stretched out their hands to point at the vine, and saw that the branches below began to grow crazily, and the rattan tennis ball protecting the two of them was directly pushed up into the air.

Shaoqing made seals with both hands and said "open" to the fire rattan ball, and after the upper branch was quickly pulled away, a gap of three feet in size was exposed.

Two figures, one blue and one yellow, flew straight out of the middle to a high altitude and rushed towards him.Yi Tian saw Qing Lianyun's face was solemn, but his expression was still normal.

As for Cui Fuling, his expression is sluggish. If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that his arms seem to have been stung several times by Ziyu bees.

Only Qing Lianyun yelled sharply: "Leave this place first," then flew towards the distance with Cui Fuling.Yi Tian didn't talk too much, who said that he was weak and had no right to speak, so he followed closely by performing escapism.

After flying more than 1000 miles, the three found a clearing in the mountains and landed on the clouds.Later, Yi Tian didn't talk too much and started to be vigilant nearby. As for their situation, he didn't bother to care about it.

After a while, I only heard a miserable cry and looked back to see that it was coming from Cui Fuling's mouth.Her arms were obviously swollen like steamed buns, and Qing Lianyun was using a slender hairpin to poke through the places that were stung by the purple jade bee one by one.

What came out of the wound was a slightly green liquid, which was extremely corrosive at first glance.Qing Lianyun had no choice but to give her an antidote elixir, frowning and continue with the work at hand.And Cui Fuling screamed in pain, and a layer of crystal clear cold sweat faintly appeared on her forehead.

At this time, Yi Tian looked at Xinbu and walked forward and said: "If you continue this way, I'm afraid that her hands will be disabled if she doesn't die. And it is obvious that these bee acid poisons cannot be completely removed by the power of pills alone."

"Then do you have any good solution?" Qing Lianyun asked coldly with a solemn expression.

Yi Tian thought for a while before arriving: "If there is, I'm afraid that Fellow Daoist Cui will find it hard to see."

Cui Fuling struggled and said: "Is there any way to do it quickly, my aunt's hands are almost itching to death."

Qing Lianyun was shocked when she saw it and said: "Don't use your kung fu to resist Poria cocos. The bee acid is so poisonous that it will flow upstream along your true qi and corrode your meridians. If it reaches the internal organs, even the master may not be able to save you." .”

"Then I can still escape from the Nascent Soul and retake the house and rebuild it," Cui Fuling said angrily.

"I think Xuan," Yi Tian interjected in a timely manner: "This bee acid poison seems to be able to corrode the Nascent Soul, you'd better not make this plan, or Da Luo Immortal will not be able to save you."

"Don't be sarcastic, come up with something quickly," Qing Lianyun said impatiently, "I, Qing Lianyun, owe you a favor for saving my junior sister."

Before she finished speaking, Yi Tian curled his lips and said: "Forget about favors, let's talk about it after saving people." After speaking, he stepped up and stopped beside Cui Fuling, reached out and patted the beast-controlling bag on his waist, and a green light flew out fell on the palm of his hand.

When the light faded, an ugly toad appeared, and it croaked a few times towards everyone.

Qing Lianyun's shoulders and face became extremely ugly, just looking at the toad's appearance made him feel sick, the corner of his mouth was still drooling and he grinned at the three of them.

Cui Fuling screamed even more, and the whole person jumped back and shouted: "I don't want this thing to heal my wounds, it's too disgusting."

Yunmeng Toad seemed to understand people's words, and immediately turned with a smile on his face, turned to his master and croaked twice, as if he had been wronged and was about to turn around and go back.

Seeing it, Yi Tian couldn't allow her to be presumptuous, and said to Qing Lianyun with a straight face: "Stop her, or the poison will soon spread to the whole body."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the poisonous gas on Cui Fuling's hands had already reached his shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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