
Chapter 973 Detoxification

Chapter 973 Detoxification
When Yi Tian summoned Yunmeng Toad, he was despised by the two women.But seeing the poisonous gas on Cui Fuling's fingers rising rapidly to her shoulders, Qing Lianyun who was beside her couldn't sit still anymore, her figure flashed to her side, she stretched out her hand to directly restrain her and let her lie flat on the ground.

Then turned to Yi Tian and shouted: "Hurry up and do it."

Yi Tian nodded, then stretched out his hand to lift Yunmeng Toad and gently placed it on Cui Fuling's dark green right arm.Yunmeng Toad looked at the three of them with extreme reluctance, then stuck out his tongue under Yi Tian's urging and began to lick the wound continuously.

After ten breaths, the color of the entire arm began to gradually fade, and the original signs of toxins flowing upstream towards the veins were also greatly alleviated.

Not long after, I only heard the sucking sound of Yunmeng Toad's tongue, and after about half a moment, Cui Fuling's right index finger could be seen moving slightly.At this time, Qing Lianyun's brows stretched and she turned to her junior sister and said, "Be patient if it's useful, I believe that the poison in the entire right hand can be removed soon."

Cui Fuling looked at Yunmeng Toad with a trace of disgust on her face full of tears, but she couldn't move and had to let it suck it down wantonly.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the poison on the entire right arm was completely removed, and now her arm could move freely.

Then Yi Tian followed the same pattern and placed Yunmeng Toad on his left arm to clean up the bee acid venom.It took nearly an hour and a half to remove all the venom from Cui Fuling's hands.In the end, Yi Tian picked up Yunmeng Toad and secretly ordered it to take a sharp breath at the two daughters, and then quickly slipped back into the beast sack.

Cui Fuling only sneezed twice, then threw herself into the arms of her senior sister and burst into tears.Qing Lianyun seemed to feel something strange, but she couldn't express it for a while.

In addition, my junior sister recovered from a serious illness and didn't have time to study it carefully, so I had to calm down first.After a while, Cui Fuling performed the cleansing technique on her body several times before giving up, but her face returned to her usual proud look, but the look of contempt in Yi Tian's eyes was less, and more disgusted.

After apologizing to his senior sister, he set up his escape technique and flew away alone.When Yi Tian saw it, he was really afraid that Qing Lianyun would follow him, and then he really didn't know who to turn to for this task.Hastily opened his mouth and shouted: "Friend Qing, go slowly."

After three breaths, Qing Lianyun turned around and said, "Thank you Daoist Yi this time, please forgive me for offending my junior sister."

"Don't dare," Yi Tian hurriedly replied, "I'm just doing my duty as an inspector, but this time there is still a drop of purple cloud honey left, I don't know."

Qing Lianyun smiled and said: "It is your ability to save, so I will leave that drop of purple cloud honey to you. Bring your task jade slip, I want to confirm it."

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he heard the words, reached out and took out the task jade slip and handed it over.Qing Lianyun took out the seal and stamped it on the last part of the task jade slip, and then took out dozens of white particles and put them into a jade box.Handed it over later.

After Yi Tian took the jade slip and put it away, he looked at the jade box again and asked suspiciously, "I don't know what this is?"

"Ziyun bee eggs, you can find some insect-repelling techniques to cultivate Ziyun bees later. In the future, the brewed honey can be used not only as medicine, but also to make wine or as an auxiliary material for other medicines," Qing Lianyun said lightly road.

After hearing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, and then hurriedly took out the talisman to seal the jade box to prevent the leakage of spiritual power.After putting away the jade box, he said happily: "Thank you for your generosity this time, Fellow Daoist Qing, and please let me know that although my spiritual pet has cleaned her of toxins, Fellow Daoist Cui still needs more cultivation to recover."

Mentioning that Yunmeng Toad knew that Qing Lianyun's face was not good-looking, and then he had to force a smile and left hastily.

Only after he was left alone, Yi Tian sorted out the harvest this time, and the effect of that drop of purple cloud honey was comparable to that of white jade lotus root.Moreover, he doesn't have mature lotus root for self-defense, this drop of purple cloud honey can relieve his urgent need.

The biggest harvest is the larval eggs of Ziyun Peak. Although they haven't fully hatched yet, I have to go back later to find a suitable place to store them and raise them.It is believed that after two or three hundred years, a certain scale can be formed and a new queen bee can be bred.At that time, I will have a steady stream of Hundred Flowers Nectar available.

Thinking that Qing Lianyun's honey gathering this time is only secondary, and collecting bee eggs is the main thing.So far, you only need to go back and take good care of it, and you don't have to come out to take risks in the future.

But this time, the girl Cui Fuling was taught a lesson, who made her look arrogant.She despised her for summoning Yunmeng Toad out of her good intentions, so it was a courtesy to absorb her luck like this.

As for Qing Lianyun, it was by the way, but obviously she was a little suspicious but couldn't determine the type of Yunmeng toad.In this way, he still sacrificed his spiritual pet so as not to be recognized as a bad thing by someone with a heart.

Later, Yi Tian put away his equipment and flew slowly in the direction of Luoxia City.But he thought about it in his heart. According to the current time, when he returned to Luoxia City, the temple of the Artifact Master Alliance would also be over.

In this way, there is no rush along the way, and the speed has dropped to that of the Nascent Soul Stage.Ten days later, when I returned to Luoxia City, I saw that the celebration seemed to be still going on, and the calculation time was at least ten days beyond the scheduled time.

But after entering the city, I found that there seemed to be many foreign monks carefully selecting among the shops selling spiritual weapons and treasures.Not long after I walked, I passed by 'Thousands of Trials' and found that the middle door of the store was open, and even the shopkeeper Xue Liqi was sitting on the middle hall to receive customers.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian felt suspicious and went straight in. Those guys saw that the person was wearing a public uniform.But I don't know why the patrol envoy came to the door specially. Due to his strength, he had to quietly inform the shopkeeper.

Afterwards, Xue Liqi greeted him with a smile and said: "It's really a rare customer. Yi Daoyou hasn't visited the shop for a long time. When I came here, there happened to be a good spiritual artifact. Everyone, old friends, give you a [-]% discount , pick a few."

Only then did Yi Tian realize that he hadn't changed into his casual clothes, so he hurriedly apologized, and then asked bluntly, "I just returned today after going out on missions for many years. But I don't know that the city is so lively, and I'm regretting that I didn't catch up with this grand ceremony."

After hearing this, Xue Liqi smiled and said, "You are lucky now. Originally, this event should have ended three days ago."

"Why is the city lord planning to delay for a while?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"The city owner doesn't have the right to set a date, but we have entrusted Master Cheng's wealth, so we will continue for one month," Xue Liqi blinked.

"Oh, it turned out that the high-level master of the Artifact Refiner Alliance spoke, so I can just get a little bit of light," Yi Tian said with emotion.

"It's not necessarily true, but at this time, the big shots of the Artifact Master Alliance are probably all near the Demon Flame Mountain," Xue Liqi replied with a sigh.

"Magic Flame Mountain," Yi Tian's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and suddenly an uneasy thought came to his mind.

 Thanks to the monthly ticket of book friend 160610155927962, who can know the rise and fall of history as a mirror.Thank you Shufei for your generous tip.

(End of this chapter)

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