
Chapter 974 Preparation

Chapter 974 Preparation
The Grand Ceremony of the Artifact Refiner Alliance in Luoxia City lasted for more than ten days before it was completely concluded. As an ordinary monk, he gained a lot of benefits from this event.

And those foreign craftsmen also increased communication with each other, and at the same time scattered all the spirit weapons that were not in use at hand in exchange for a lot of spirit stones and precious materials.

As for Yi Tian, ​​after passing by, he hurried to Tongtian Pavilion and spent some spirit stones to buy a copy of the latest earth evil list.

Then he went to the inspection department and handed in all the tasks on his body to exchange for merit points.The deacon on duty of the inspection department checked the task jade slips and put the rewards of the seven tasks into Yi Tian's identity jade slips.

In the end, he marked it on the Jade Slip of the task of picking honey from flowers, and gave out double merit points at the same time.Of course Yi Tian knew that this must be an extra reward given to him by Qing Lianyun.He accepted all of them without any hesitation.

After handing in many tasks in a row, Yi Tian found that he would not have to take the initiative to pick them up for at least ten years, that is to say, he would be free until Hong Fei gave him a recommended quota.

Afterwards, the little girl like Hua Yuxin will also be eligible to be sent to Luoxia City after serving for a hundred years.

After the incident, Yi Tian still didn't forget what he promised Mi Jun back then, and made a spiritual weapon for his husband and wife each.After asking the deacon, I found out that the two of them happened to be out to perform an important task during this period.

After thinking about it, he put the two spiritual artifacts he had prepared in advance into the storage bracelet, and then deposited them in the logistics department of the inspection department.In the end, he also left a message for Mi Jun, telling him to go directly to the logistics department to pick up the spiritual weapon after he came back.

After finishing all this, Yi Tiancai hurried back to his cave, opened the barrier after entering the door, and put up a sign outside that said, "Practice in seclusion, don't bother idlers." '

After entering the cave, he went to the Lingzhi Garden to check his two spiritual plants.The purple gold gourd has grown here for nearly a hundred years, and the original two-inch-sized gourd has grown to about half a foot.It has grown up in size, but the top of the gourd is still covered with a layer of green fluff, and there is no trace of purple.

As for the white jade lotus root kept at the bottom of the pool, long tender stems have grown, and there are still four or five lotus leaves floating on the pool.There is also a red lotus among the lotus leaves, but the lotus buds have not yet bloomed.

After reading it, Yi Tiancai closed the Lingzhi Garden again, and then he went back to the depths of the cave and sat down cross-legged, took out the list of evil spirits and looked at it carefully.

The content above gave me a new understanding of the situation in the spirit world. I had only seen the list of monks before, but I didn't expect that there were different lists for the spirit weapon and the pill.

When his eyes glanced at the words Ziyan Fenglei Fan, he frowned, but when he looked at the name behind, he suddenly became suspicious again.How could this thing be attributed to Cheng Yanyun, who was obviously made by himself, was beyond my comprehension after thinking about it.

It was thanks to Cheng Tianyun's blessing that the Artifact Master Alliance was able to last for more than ten days. If the people of the Artifact Artifact Alliance were not in a hurry to find this master, they would not have extended the grand ceremony.

But look at the source of the spirit weapon is the Magic Flame Mountain, where he does not face up to the place where he refines the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan.The content on this list must have been edited by the chief minister of the Taiqing Pavilion Qing Tiansi.But why did the other party defend themselves in such a way that they even went so far as to find an unfounded Master Cheng Yunyun to cover themselves.

After thinking for a while in Yi Tian's mind, suddenly a gleam of light flashed in front of his eyes, isn't Cheng Yunyun just Cheng Tianyun.These things seemed to be reminding himself, so it seemed that the chief lord must have some understanding of his own affairs, or he did not know about it after receiving someone's instructions.

Thinking that there is such a person who has insight into his own situation, he began to feel a little uneasy.It is unknown whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, but after entering the Taiqing Pavilion in the future, he must find a way to go to Qing Tiansi to check it out.

After thinking about it, Yi Tiantian put away the jade slips of the local evil list, and then took out the jade bottle containing Ziyun honey for a closer look.After opening the bottle cap, I stretched my divine sense in and took a peek, only to see a drop of crystal clear honey water placed at the bottom of the bottle.

Thinking about Qing Lianyun's mention that this purple cloud honey can also be used to make wine, he has an idea in his mind.Taking this purple cloud honey alone is very effective, but it is only a one-time consumable, but if it is brewed with several kinds of spiritual fruits from the spirit world, it may not be possible to brew a large pot.

Although the efficacy will be weakened by three points, it is valuable that it can be used many times in large quantities.After thinking about it, he took out all the treasures and spirit fruits collected in his storage ring and began to screen them one by one.

As for the jug for wine, I have long thought that I can make one by imitating the Jingling bottle.I have no interest in Ou Jinglong's flagon at all, it is the flagon used by Ou Jinglong, and I despise it in every possible way.But that thing is also a spirit weapon refined according to the spirit purification bottle, and it has the special effect of concentrating the spirit liquid.

After taking out the emerald jade bottle, I checked the material and found that it can still be used.Then the emerald jade bottle was directly dissolved and refined into other spiritual weapons.He also secretly planned in his heart to try to repay Ou Jinglong if he had the opportunity in the future, thinking about how he treated him back then, he would repay him ten times.

After taking out several copies of mineral essence and precious materials, Yi Tian also gestured at the appearance of the Jingling bottle and began to refine fakes directly.

Five years later, Yi Tian stayed in the cave and practiced in seclusion, and no one came to bother him.During this period of time, I took some pills to improve my cultivation, and combined with the spirit wine I brewed, I finally made my cultivation reach the peak of the early stage of transformation.

As long as there is a slight opportunity, you can directly enter the mid-term stage, but at this time Yi Tian is not happy at all.The improvement of the cultivation level indicates that the Thunder Tribulation of entering the world will definitely come sooner, and the original period of 500 years will definitely be shortened because of this.

In addition, I can't control the time when Lei Jie appears, so I still have some scruples about it.According to the number of tasks I have completed now, only two-thirds of the amount is enough.

Although there is still a lot of time left, there is also a recommended entry screening test for the Taiqing Pavilion, and God knows what will happen in it.

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly saw a golden light flying over from the restriction at the entrance of the cave. He stretched out his hand and held it in the palm of his hand, and then glanced at it. It was Mi Jun's message.

Thinking that the five-year period has come, I personally promised to be a witness back then.After thinking about it, he had no choice but to shake his head helplessly, put away the Faxiang body and arrange the spiritual weapon in front of him.Then with a smile on both sides, they took out the newly refined Jingling jug from the storage bag and put a portion into a small jade bottle.

After completing the preparations, he leisurely left the cave and flew slowly towards Mi Jun's house.

Half an hour later, I came to Mi Jun's mansion and happened to see Hong Fei just arrived. After careful inquiry, I realized that this time it was Mi Jun who challenged Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's Ding Xuan.But on a deeper level, it was still a private battle between the two rows, so the disciples from the Taiqing Pavilion also came to cheer for Mi Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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