
Chapter 975 Entanglement

Chapter 975 Entanglement
Entering Mi Jun's mansion, I saw Hong Fei and Mei Xin'er were sitting, and there was another unknown female cultivator sitting beside Hong Fei.Seeing such a situation, he could probably guess that it was Hong Fei's Taoist companion, Yi Tian then stepped forward and bowed his hands to everyone, saying: "I'm really sorry to let you all wait here."

"Brother Yi, you don't need to be polite, we just arrived not long ago," Hong Fei waved his hands and smiled, and then motioned for Yi Tian to sit down and talk.

Going forward and sitting down opposite Hong Fei, Mi Jun said, "Thank you all for coming to support me this time. I think that Ding Xuan is also my old opponent. The [-]-year appointment is coming in a blink of an eye. Yixue must take revenge for being humiliated by him back then."

Mei Xiner, who was sitting next to her, was not so optimistic. She wrinkled her forehead slightly and said, "Husband, don't underestimate the enemy. I think you and Na Ding Xuan have been rivals for thousands of years. This time not only to take his rank but also You want to be ashamed, but how can the other party let you do what you want."

Yi Tian heard a lot of news from these words. Later, Hong Fei first introduced the person sitting next to him, named Mao Ruoxi, who was his Taoist companion.Yi Tian then extended his hand to salute, and then he saw Hong Fei sighed and said: "Mi Jun and Ding Xuan originally came from the same city. It's just that they parted ways by accident and worshiped in different sects. But Ding Xuan was lucky enough to enter the direct line of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, while Mi Jun entered the branch line of the Taiqing Pavilion's Shangqing Dao Sect."

Ding Xuan has always held Mi Jun on top, this time they also have an agreement to compete again to see how much each has improved after entering the sect.

After Hong Fei finished speaking, Yi Tian glanced at Mi Jun in a blink of an eye, secretly thinking in his heart that the spirit of fighting was still at work.They don't know if it's a blessing or a curse for the two of them to turn from good friends to rivals. If I have such a playmate who has practiced together since childhood, I will definitely think so.

It's a pity that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. You don't compare with others, and you have to prevent others from targeting you.When the master was in the White Horse Gang back then, the words "people are the rivers and lakes" that the master often said would be very appropriate to say at this time.

Then he stretched out his hand and gently handed a jade bottle to Mi Jun and Hong Fei and said, "Small things don't count as respect, maybe you will use them when you fight against people in the future."

Mi Jun's eyelids twitched and he took the hand and jokingly said: "Brother Yi, when did you switch to alchemy? It takes half a quarter of an hour for ordinary elixir to take effect after its power is dissipated. I'm afraid it won't be useful in a duel." big"

After hearing this, Yi Tian smiled and said: "This bottle is the honey wine I brewed, and a drop of concentrated purple cloud honey is mixed in it. If ordinary monks drink a bottle, they can instantly replenish half of the consumed spiritual power. So brother Mi can definitely use it."

"Oh, there are such special effects. Doesn't that mean that Ding Xuan and I will win in the stamina competition?" Mi Jun asked.

"That's right. After all, the effect of this purple cloud honey is placed there. Although its effect has been diluted a lot after being mixed with spirit wine, it can still be used. At least I once tried that the recovery effect is better than that of the original purple cloud honey." The original liquid is only three points weaker," Yi Tian slowly explained the efficacy of his newly brewed honey wine.

Mi Jun bowed his head and thought for a while when he heard the words, then lifted the lid and gently drew out a drop of wine with his spiritual thoughts, put it in his mouth, swallowed it later and refined it.After ten breaths, he raised his brows and said: "Good thing, after trying it, I roughly know it. Ding Xuan will be in trouble this time, and the millennium entanglement between me and him is finally coming to an end."

On the other hand, Hong Fei, who was sitting on the side, took the jade bottle and looked at it carefully, then lifted the cap and asked if the taste was indeed mixed with a drop of purple cloud honey.Then there was a smile on his face, and he looked at Yi Tian.Then he said in a teasing tone: "Ziyun honey is Qinglianyun's exclusive brewing, and it takes a long time to brew ten drops every hundred years. On weekdays, the direct disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion can't get a single drop even if they break their heads. You Where did it come from, don't tell me that Qing Lianyun gave it to you."

Yi Tian felt bad when he asked him this question, it seemed that he had accepted Qing Lianyun's favor this time.But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, the other party is probably so generous because of his two shots to help.If the purple cloud honey is so precious as Hong Fei said, then it is really just right to use it to make wine.

Then he smiled and said: "To be honest, Qing Lianyun personally gave it to me." As soon as he said the words, he saw that the four people around him looked at him strangely, as if they were full of disbelief.

Yi Tian conveniently took out a rubbing copy of the task jade slip and handed it to Hong Fei, and then explained the process in general.As for the matter of summoning Yunmeng Toad to detoxify Cui Fuling, I didn't avoid suspicion. Since I didn't even recognize Qing Lianyun last time, I'm afraid everyone here is not very knowledgeable.

Half a moment later, everyone suddenly realized after hearing this, but Hong Fei frowned and said: "Although you managed to save Qing Lianyun's follower, but that girl is savage, even with your help, she may not remember your kindness." And I think that even if you are selected to enter the Taiqing Pavilion's direct lineage, you must be careful not to be caught by Cui Fuling."

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a little embarrassment, and looked at Mi Jun and the others with sympathy in the blink of an eye.He secretly complained in his heart that he had offended the servant of the eldest sister of the inner sect before he entered the sect, so the days to come should be relaxed.

On the contrary, Hong Fei said comfortingly: "Actually, don't be afraid, everything has pros and cons."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

"You hated Cui Fuling, at most you were punished by her, as long as you clamp your tail tightly and don't give her a chance to get mad," Hong Fei said meaningfully: "The most important thing to guard against in the Taiqing Pavilion is Xiang Donghui. , this person is also a famous person in the inner school. But the reputation in the direct line is not very good, and he is jealous of the virtuous and suppresses the backward everywhere. This is the most difficult thing."

"I have never met this person before, and there will be no intersection. How can he be missed by him?" Yi Tian asked.

Mao Ruoxi, who was beside Hong Fei, pouted and said, "That Xiang Donghui is Qing Lianyun's suitor, but any new disciple who shows a little love for the senior sister will be missed by him. I think back then Husband has suffered a lot in his pursuit of Qing Lianyun."

What he said made Hong Fei feel that he couldn't get off the stage, so he could only smile helplessly on his face.Later, he spoke again: "Brother Yi, it may not be a bad thing for you to offend Cui Fuling now, at least it can make Xiang Donghui not guard against you."

"Do I know that the two evils are the lesser of two evils? It's easier to deal with Qing Lianyun's followers than to deal with the powerful direct brother." Yi Tian nodded and said

"Let's do whatever you want. I'm optimistic about you. I think you're definitely not someone in the pool. In the future, as long as you can achieve something, I just hope that you can help my Hong family in Luoxia City," Hong Fei said.

"That's natural, brother Hong's kindness will be kept in mind," Yi Tian said hastily.

 Thanks to Shufei Geshugui Zhongni for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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