
Chapter 976 Witness

Chapter 976 Witness
In the spiritual world, more than half of the land has not been clearly explored, and among the proven land boundaries, the three major sects have set aside nearly half of the land boundaries as the sect's territory.

Those small and medium-sized sects occupy another third of the spiritual veins in the remaining areas, and basically no large spiritual veins remain in the remaining areas.Even if there are, most of them are polluted places left after the last demon world invasion.

This time, the place where Mi Jun and Ding Xuan agreed to compete is a holy and demon relic, named 'Doujiangtai'.It is said that it was the last gathering place of those demon generals who had not had time to escape after driving the demon race out of the spirit world.

The three major factions in Fighting Commander Taichung used to exhaust these remaining demons in a one-on-one competition.Those demon generals who lost were all executed on the spot, and those who won could return directly to the demon world by opening the interface channel on one side.

For thousands of years, this fighting platform has become a good place for spiritual monks to fight duels. Of course, not all of them are life-and-death fights.But monks from the three major sects are usually invited as witnesses.

At noon on that day, several white lights flashed on a hidden teleportation array thousands of miles southeast of Doujiangtai. Later, the protective barrier of the teleportation array was automatically activated to form a protective barrier.

After three breaths, a wave of spiritual pressure flashed inside, and five people appeared, they were Yi Tian, ​​Mi Jun and Hong Fei.

After the halo of the teleportation array faded, Hong Fei led the team and flew towards the fighting platform.It was just a thousand miles away from no one, but it took only half a moment to fly within the range of Doujiangtai.

Yi Tian looked down from the air and saw that Dou Jiangtai was set up in a valley, and a circular stone platform of about three li was carved out of it.Around the garden platform, three high platforms are built in the shape of pins to sandwich them in the middle.

Hong Fei stretched out his finger and said: "A formation is set up here, which can isolate the people inside from coming out. Also, people outside can't get in. Only in the stands of the three monks can there be the formation mechanism to unblock them."

After hearing this, Yi Tian hurriedly turned his head, and after a flash of light in his eyes, he began to check with his real eyes.If you don't see it, you don't know that there is a large-scale blocking formation on the fighting platform below.

The formation nodes are set on the three stands, and the formation pattern on the inner stone platform is actually made of stone stripes on the ground.The most difficult thing for me to understand is that the people who set up the formation are so simple and obvious. Isn't it afraid that the people fighting inside will crack the ground of the Doujiangtai and affect the sealing formation.

Seeing Yi Tian's suspicious expression, Hong Fei said, "Brother Yi, did you find anything?"

Yi Tian didn't hesitate to express his concerns clearly, and then Hong Fei laughed and said, "You'll understand what's wrong with Mi Jun after a while."

After the five people lowered their heads with doubts, it seemed that Ding Xuan's party had already arrived, and there were almost six sect monks among them.It seems that he is from the same sect of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and the clothes on his body are different, both from the inner sect and the outer sect.

As for the other group on the other side, there are more than three to forty people.But they seemed to be setting up a booth to do business.Yi Tian frowned, pointed at them and asked, "What are these people here for?"

Mi Jun said with contempt on his face: "These people are casual cultivators or offshoots of sects. Every time someone fights on the general stage, they will come to set up a stall, and some of them are betting."

Speaking of which, Yi Tianshen took a quick scan and found that there are really such stalls. As for other stalls, there are still many things for sale.There are quite a lot of spirit weapons and precious materials, but it's hard to say how many of them are valuable.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Mi Jun walking over alone, and a young monk from the opposing camp also stepped forward.After the two met, they seemed to chat for a while and then walked back separately.

Shaoqing waited until Mi Jun came back to hear him say: "I guess it will take a while for the competition, and this time I have invited witnesses."

"Witness?" Yi Tian heard of such an arrangement for the first time, turned to look at Hong Fei and explained: "Usually when the disciples of the three major sects fight openly and aboveboard, they will invite the head of the sect to come out as a witness. First, it can boost the aura of your own sect, and second, you won't be afraid of the other party cheating."

Then everyone found a place to sit cross-legged and waited. Seeing that there was nothing to do, Yi Tian greeted everyone and went to the street stalls of casual repairers to sweep the goods.

When I walked there and passed a few stalls, I found that the quality of the things sold in these places was uneven. Fortunately, I have been engaged in refining for many years and I think it is not bad.Along the way, they found that they were basically shoddy spiritual weapons. As for the precious ores, they were all unrefined raw ores, but the prices were ridiculously high.

After strolling all the way to the betting point, I saw a three-foot-high flagpole standing here, and the flag on it was a black dragon.The names of Mi Jun and Ding Xuan are written on the betting sign below.

The buddy introduced that for every single bet of [-] spirit stones, Mi Jun's odds are [-]:[-], and Ding Xuan's odds are slightly better: [-]:[-].After reading it, Yi Tian’s mouth twitched, and he still didn’t like the majority of Mi Jun, then he took out [-] Lingshi and handed it to the guy, saying, “Buy all Mi Jun and win.”

The guy looked at Yi Tian with a playful look, then took the Lingshi and issued a bet without saying a word.

After Yi Tian put away the bills, he turned his head and rushed towards his camp, but in his spiritual thoughts, he found that the guys at the betting points were pointing behind him and didn't know what they were talking about.

After returning, he told everyone what he had just experienced.Who knows that Mi Jun looked at the other party for a while and said contemptuously: "I didn't expect to look down on me so much, but it's good to let Ding Xuan be proud for a while. But I didn't remind Brother Yi in time that the five thousand spirit stones seem to be for sale. The water is floating."

Yi Tian was shocked when he heard the words and said hastily: "Lingshi is a trivial matter, but brother Mi, don't you have so little confidence in yourself?"

Hong Fei curled his lips and said, "That's not what Mi Jun meant. The Ou family of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect is behind this gambling stall. Could it be that Mi Jun won and you are really going to exchange the gambling money? Don't forget the last time I saw you." Ou Jinglong is their backer, most of your spirit stones will never come back. Unless you can enter the top ten of the earth evil list, there is still a possibility."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned and knew that he had been tricked this time, but there was still a lot of difference between himself and Ou Jinglong in strength, it seemed that this time the bet could only be saved until later.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly several bright lights flashed across the sky, and then his divine sense swept across, as if two waves of people were flying towards the Doujiangtai.Mi Jun and everyone's faces showed a hint of joy, but Yi Tian's face changed when he saw the person coming.

Three people came from Taiqing Pavilion, besides Hua Yulin, there was a man and a woman.That woman is Cui Fuling, the follower of the eldest sister of Taiqing Pavilion, it seems that she is still the person in charge this time.

(End of this chapter)

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