
Chapter 977 Showdown 1

Chapter 977 Showdown One
The Taiqing Pavilion and the Feiyu Sword Sect outside the Doujiang Taiqing Pavilion and the Feiyu Sword Sect are clearly divided into two opposing sides.Here in the Taiqing Pavilion, Cui Fuling is the first witness. When Yi Tian saw her, she didn't have the pretentiousness of a little girl like she did back then.

After reuniting, Cui Fuling chatted with Mi Jun and Hong Fei with just a glance, without paying attention to Yi Tian at all.

Hong Fei and the others knew the inside story, but they pretended not to know and chatted with Cui Fuling with warm faces.Yi Tian was also Zhiqu who just stood beside him silently, and at the same time swept his eyes across the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

Take a closer look at the other party, who are also inner disciples, there are only two of them.All the spiritual power in his body was restrained, but Yi Tian assessed in his heart that the strength of the two opponents was much stronger than the three here in Taiqing Pavilion.

Later, after two waves of people discussed, as today's protagonists, Mi Jun and Ding Xuan entered from both sides of the fighting platform.And the people from the two parties boarded the high platform marked with Taiqing Pavilion and Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

After everyone was in their positions, Cui Fuling hit a magic formula on a stone formation plate on the high platform, and a white light flashed across the three-mile radius of the entire Doujiang platform.

Then there was only a 'swish' sound, and the white light gathered into the air and surrounded them at a height of hundreds of feet, isolating the two inside from the outside world.

Then Cui Fuling's coquettish voice came and said: "You can start. This ban will be lifted unless one party admits defeat or is beaten helplessly. But the other party must not be put to death. If this happens, don't Blame our Witnesses for stopping it."

After hearing this, Mi Jun and Ding Xuan only replied a few words symbolically, but what they thought in their hearts was unknown.

As soon as Cui Fuling finished speaking, the two people in the room moved one after another, and after a wave was stirred up under their feet, their figures rushed forward like an arrow leaving the string.At the same time, they kept offering spiritual weapons one after another, holding them in their hands and ready to go.

Yi Tian only heard the sound of 'pingping' in succession, and the spiritual weapon raised by the two of them instantly turned into a golden light and flew across the air towards the opponent's head.

But what surprised me was that Fang Doujiang's ground was obviously scratched by the two people's spells and scratched the stone platform, but the damaged ground quietly returned to its original state within ten breaths.

This is obviously an extremely brilliant self-healing formation, Yi Tian felt his heart heat up when he saw it, and thought to himself, the person who set up the formation is definitely a master in every field.There must be a large spiritual vein node connected under the general platform, and the formation pattern on the general platform is this self-healing formation pattern, but the area is too large and I didn't take it seriously to distinguish it.

Then he quietly stretched out his divine sense to carefully engrave this pattern in his heart, and at the same time took out a jade slip and gently carved it on it.

Most of the visitors' attention was focused on the battle on the field, but Cui Fuling took the time to turn her head and squint at herself.The eyes of the two met, Yi Tian also forced a smile, while Cui Fuling turned his head away with a sullen expression.

In this way, no one came to disturb him. Yi Tian stood at the end and was happy and quiet, and the carving knife in his hand also accelerated to carve all the pattern patterns of the Doujiang platform.

A little later, I heard the voices of the people from the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect on the opposite high platform suddenly, and the divine sense was swept away. Ding Xuan pressed Mi Jun on the field and bombarded him indiscriminately.

It's a pity that no matter how the opponent makes a move, Mi Jun just defends rigorously.After Ding Xuan's onslaught, when Mi Jun's figure moved, the red Zhiyang War Saber in his hand flashed, and several blades of light flashed out, swallowing Ding Xuan's figure in an instant.

Seeing Mi Jun's four seasons defense and counterattack, everyone around him applauded unanimously, but Yi Tian curled his lips in disapproval.Try to see that the strength of the two should be in the middle, then the key to the victory is transferred to the spirit weapon, spirit armor and pill supply.

It is obvious that Ding Xuan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After entering the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, he learned the sect's secret technique and gradually displayed his sword moves with vigor.A glint of light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he stared at Ding Xuan's techniques with the eyes of reality for a while, and then he understood that he was using all the sword techniques passed down from the sect.It's a pity that his strength in cultivation can't make up for his understanding of swordsmanship, and even he, who is a half-way monk, has learned Lingyaohuashen and Yaojianskills much better than him.

From his moves, it can be seen that Ding Xuan's moves are fierce, but unfortunately he has not really experienced the tempering of life and death, so there is only a murderous spirit in every move, lacking the decisiveness that should be there.

On the contrary, although Mi Jun is slightly inferior in martial arts, he has experienced many life-and-death battles in the inspection department over the years.Compared with the opponent who has a certain advantage in actual combat, I believe that the shortcomings in the skills can be made up for over time.

The two have never made any false moves since they made a move. I believe that they have known each other's strength for thousands of years, so once they make a move, they have no reservations and all moves are all attacks.

Yi Tian knew that Mi Jun's calculation was mostly to compare consumption with the other party, and then compare recovery ability.

The two of them fought with all their strength for two hours in a row after a shot, and the consumption of spiritual power on their bodies was like flowing water without any reservation.

Sure enough, after the continuous fighting, the consumption of spiritual power in the two of them also reached a peak peak.After a staggered move, Mi Jun and Ding Xuan flashed to both sides of the fighting platform, each took out the pills they carried with them and began to replenish their spiritual power.

Mi Jun took out a wine bottle, lifted the cap and drank half of it.In an instant, the fluctuation of spiritual power on his body suddenly increased by a level.It seems that most of the answers have been answered.

Although Ding Xuan on the opposite side took a few elixirs and waited for the medicine to dissipate, he still needed to run his skills for a few weeks, so the fluctuations in his spiritual power were naturally not as good as his current opponent.

Of course, Mi Jun would not miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Seeing that he had an advantage in spiritual power recovery, he did not say a word and turned into a dazzling red sun to attack his opponent without saying a word.

At this time, Ding Xuan was also shocked, obviously he did not expect Mi Jun to recover so quickly.Seeing a red sun rising in front of him, he knew he couldn't back down, so he gritted his teeth and pushed on.

With a 'boom', the entire fighting platform trembled, and then two figures appeared on the platform.It's just that Mi Jun still looks domineering, as for Ding Xuan, his clothes are damaged in many places, and his whole person's momentum is also slumped, and he seems to have fallen into the limelight.

Suddenly, a black spiritual light flashed in Ding Xuan's hand and hit the opponent at close range. Mi Jun was knocked away several feet before he stabilized his figure.Different voices suddenly sounded from the high platforms on both sides, Taiqing Pavilion here is scolding Ding Xuantian for shamelessly attacking with hidden weapons.On the other hand, Scarlet Rain Sword Sect clamored that in a duel, each person must rely on their own means, and the winner is king.

On the field, Mi Jun stood up unsteadily, with a big hole in the clothes on his chest, revealing the white soft leather rhinoceros armor inside.His face regained his composure in an instant, he looked at the wound with disdain, then took out the remaining half bottle of honey wine and drank it.

(End of this chapter)

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