
Chapter 978 Showdown 2

Chapter 978 Showdown II

After drinking the remaining half of the jug of wine, the spiritual pressure fluctuations in Mi Jun's body instantly rose to the limit. I saw that he held the Zhiyang War Saber to activate his spiritual power and formed a red circle around himself. gas mask.

Immediately after the figure moved, an afterimage appeared on the fighting platform, and several red sword glows appeared out of thin air under the strong wind all around.

Standing not far from the opposite side, Ding Xuan's face changed drastically at this time, he thought that even if the two of them recovered their spiritual power after taking drugs, there would not be much difference.But now it seems that Mi Jun has returned to his full strength, and he himself has not even regained [-]% of his spiritual power.

His sneak attack just now seemed to be completely taken over by Mi Jun. It stands to reason that the Cruciatus Nail is powerful, and if he is hit from such a close range, he will be seriously injured if he does not die from the frontal attack, but looking at Mi Jun's current appearance, he seems to be fine.Except for the pierced hole in the clothes on the chest, the white software inside is just a little dent.

Such a situation directly fell into a disadvantageous situation, and Ding Xuan had no time to think about it before he saw the attack.In a hurry, he had no choice but to fight in a hurry, reached out and took out a black-gray hood-like defensive spiritual weapon, raised it and formed a shadow covering all three feet, and at the same time, he disappeared instantly after entering it.

Hearing the three sounds of 'bang bang bang', Ding Xuan's whole body, together with the defensive shadow enchantment that was hacked by the knife light, retreated three feet away.Unexpectedly, after Mi Jun's figure suddenly flashed in the air, he went around to the other side of the shadow defense, which happened to be behind Ding Xuan.

Although this shadow defense spirit weapon is all-round, but Ding Xuan, who was surrounded by people in a dead corner like this, also had cold sweat on his forehead.Just when he was about to turn around, Mi Jun smiled and shouted, "This time you fell."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his left hand and took out a small shovel from behind, but the white glare on the head of the shovel directly cut open the shadow barrier of the gray net bag on the spot.

After a crisp sound, the shadow defense was directly broken, and Ding Xuan's figure appeared in the middle of the shadow defense.Holding a broken spiritual weapon in his hand, he looked at Mi Jun in disbelief and stammered, "How can you break my shadow pocket?"

Mi Jun also didn't answer, raised the knife in his hand and slashed down, slashing out a ten-foot-long knife light to hit the opponent.The saber light forced Ding Xuan to defend with all his strength, and with a 'boom', he saw that the powerful red saber light brought Ding Xuan twenty feet away before he could stabilize his figure.

At this moment, Mi Jun curled his lips with a sneer and put his right hand on the Zhiyang sword on his shoulder, and pointed with his left hand: "You have already lost, there is no need to fight any more. From today onwards, I will replace you on the ground." You can't accept the ranking on the list."

Now that the two have decided the winner, Mi Jun will not intentionally hurt the other party's life according to the previous agreement.The witness Cui Fuling on the side of the Taiqing Pavilion on the high platform also immediately announced: "This time the duel on the fighting platform was won by Mi Jun. I believe that fellow Taoists of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect will not have any objections."

Then there was a voice on the opposite high platform: "I didn't expect Mi Jun to be able to ask for Tao Ziyun honey. It seems that Ding Xuan's loss this time is not unfair. But winning for a while does not mean anything. Waiting for Ding Xuan's cultivation base to come back again." Go further and choose another day to compare."

After speaking, the two witnesses on the opposite side turned into Dao Dunguang and flew away. As for Ding Xuan's original friend, they still stayed and planned to take him away together.

Cui Fuling turned her head and looked at Yi Tian, ​​then raised her hand and opened the defensive barrier on the stage.Later, I saw Mi Jun flying forward with joy and clapping his hands towards everyone, saying: "Thank you all for coming to witness this time, I have set up a banquet in Taibai Building in Luoxia City, and I invite all my fellow disciples and friends to go with me. "

Seeing that Mi Jun is so happy, Yi Tian will not dampen his interest even if he agrees.As for Hong Fei and others on the side, they all nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, Cui Fuling said: "I also appreciate the kindness of the younger brother, but I still have important matters with the younger brother Hua. Now I am in a hurry to deal with it, as for the celebration banquet, I won't go."

Because of Cui Fuling's dominance, Mi Jun of course didn't dare to show any displeasure, and then smiled and replied: "Since Senior Sister Cui still has important matters to attend to, I can't force it."

Cui Fuling just gave a symbolic "hmm", and then said: "You can win this time because of Senior Sister Qing's purple cloud honey, but I'm curious that only one drop of it came to you, but it became A jug of wine is a little surprising."

Although the words were directed at Mi Jun, her eyes were fixed on Yi Tian who was standing at the end, and the meaning of her words was self-evident.

Most of the people present knew Yi Tian, ​​and also knew the origin of Ziyunmi.Now that it was mentioned, they naturally wouldn't let it go easily, and they all turned their heads to look at the two of them, wanting to see how it would end.

As for Hong Fei, he sighed and took a step back with his Taoist companion. He knew the inside story and didn't want to come out to go out into the muddy water at this time.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just twitched his mouth and said inwardly that this time it seems to be difficult, but fortunately he still has some stock on hand.Then he raised his head and laughed loudly: "Fellow Daoist Cui, it's true. When I assisted in fetching the honey of the hundred flowers back then, there was still a drop left. Now I'm brewing honey wine from this time as a wine head, so I can taste it with everyone."

Then he took out three jade bottles and gently pushed them to Cui Fuling and the others with the technique of fetching objects from a distance.The meaning of this is already obvious, and I have admitted that I have fallen. I hope they will stop talking nonsense after taking the things.

Hua Yulin reached out to take the jade bottle in front of her, lifted the cap, and used her spiritual thoughts to draw out a drop, put it in her mouth and tasted it.After three breaths, his face changed and he said: "Good thing, although the effect is a bit worse than the whole drop of Ziyun honey, but this pot is enough for three times. Then I will be disrespectful."

Yi Tian twitched cheekily for no reason, but he looked down at Hua Yulin from the corner of his eyes.This man always took advantage of it and acted like a good boy, but after entering the Taiqing Pavilion, he had to rely more on the local power of Luoxia City, so he had to let him go.

Hearing what Hua Yulin said about the other sect brother, he was naturally not polite, and he must have known about Ziyunmi.Since the younger brother has explained the results, there must be nothing wrong.

And this time Yi Tian sent it out in an open and aboveboard manner, and Cui Fuling couldn't monopolize it.

Later, I saw that Cui Fuling's face was livid, and it was obvious that the juniors who came together had already collected their things.At this moment, her hands are short and her mouth is soft, if she wants to take the opportunity to go crazy, no one will stand by her side.

After thinking about it for a while, Cui Fuling put away the jade bottle with a smile on her face and said: "Junior Brother Hua, we are going to Kuisha Grotto to get the red blood Ganoderma lucidum this time, but we still have a few helpers, why don't we ask this fellow Yi Daoist to go together?" How about assistance."

Hua Yulin, who is heartless and heartless, now has a face of reluctance, but due to Cui Fuling's power, he has no choice but to reply: "That's very good."

(End of this chapter)

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