
Chapter 979 No Arrogance 1

Chapter 979
It is not far from Doujiangtai to Kuisha Grottoes. Cui Fuling leads the team along the way, with Hua Yulin and Yi Tian who has been implicated for no reason behind him.When Cui Fuling suddenly wanted to involve herself in this unreasonable disaster when she was on the Doujiangtai, everyone didn't even have a voice of objection.

As for Hong Fei and Mi Jun, there was a hint of apology in their eyes, obviously they didn't want to offend Cui Fuling either.As for the rest of them, their faces were full of regret, as if they were talking about why they offended this aunt for no reason.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that they were not afraid of Cui Fuling, but they didn't want to offend Qing Lianyun, the eldest sister of Taiqing Pavilion.As for the impromptu idea this time, it was probably Cui Fuling's unhappiness and wanting to take the opportunity to make herself whole.Even if there is some resentment in my heart, I can't express it in words when I think of having to work hard for no reason.

One of the three witnesses did not participate, probably because Cui Fuling knew that Cui Fuling's temper did not want to go into this muddy water for some reason.

Not long after, the three of them came to the sky above Nakuisha Grotto, and Yi Tian looked down at the cave below.Nakuisha Grotto is a huge natural cave. According to Hua Yulin, it was originally a cave where the corpses of demon generals were buried.

Because those demon generals who were defeated back then were all thrown into the cave, and over time, after the bloody aura of the demon race condensed, some unique spiritual plants gradually grew inside the cave.

The red-blooded Ganoderma lucidum that I wanted to find this time was a common one in Kuisha Cave. As for the other high-level spiritual plants, even Dehua Yulin didn't know much about it.

It was Cui Fuling who fell to the edge of the Kuisha Grotto at the head, and then Hua Yulin and Yi Tian followed closely. The three of them made a total calculation and decided to let Hua Yulin take the lead.

After leading him down slowly, Yi Tian looked at Cui Fuling who was on the side, curled his lips and said, "Fellow Daoist Cui deliberately asked me to enter the game, did he want to disturb your solitude with Hua Yulin? It is sincere, but it is an ideal choice for a Taoist companion."

After hearing Yi Tian's words, Cui Fuling's face changed slightly when she saw Yi Tian's words revealing her intentions: "If you tell you to come down, don't say so much nonsense. My Taoist partner must be the kind of peerless powerhouse, how can ordinary people Can enter the eyes of the Dharma."

After hearing this, Yi Tian shook his head and followed Hua Yulin's falling trajectory without saying anything.

This Kuisha Grotto deserves to be called a cave specially used to bury the flesh and blood of demon generals. After falling to a depth of ten feet below, one can feel a strong evil spirit blowing from below.

I don't know how many corpses of demon generals were buried here to form such a strong demon wind.After falling to the bottom, I saw that the surrounding soil and rocks were all dark red, and the stench of blood came out of them.Yi Tian hurriedly opened the protective cover to withstand the wind, and then saw Hua Yulin, who was twenty feet away, opening the way ahead, and hurriedly followed.

After ten breaths, Cui Fuling fell to the ground, looked at Yi Tian's position, and hurriedly chased after him.

The three of them walked for several miles at the bottom of Kuisha Grotto before they came to a huge cave.Hua Yulin, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to signal the two to follow.

After the three of them gathered together, he said: "We have almost reached the boundary where the red blood ganoderma is located on the first floor. There may be some human-faced spiders here, so be careful."

Looking at the surrounding environment, Yi Tian frowned and his face became ugly. He didn't expect that there were monsters at the bottom of Kuisha Cave.This human-faced spider has seen its introduction in the list of strange anecdotes in the spirit world, and it was originally a kind of monster that grew up in the demon world.

Since the last invasion of the demon world, it was brought to the spirit world as a pet for low-level magic generals.Such monsters cannot live under the scorching sun, and prefer to hide in dark and cold places.It was almost wiped out thousands of years ago, but I don't know that there are still remnants in Kuisha Grottoes.

Cui Fuling said with a serious face: "Be careful in everything. This human-faced spider is almost all late-stage strength of transforming spirits. Fortunately, it only knows the possibility of killing and has no possibility of transforming. It's just that you should deal with it carefully when you encounter it."

Yi Tian nodded when he heard the words, and then asked: "This is just the first floor of Kuisha Grottoes, is there a second and third floor below this?"

Hua Yulin's complexion changed and he said: "I only heard that the seniors of the Zongmen's fusion period entered the second floor, but according to records, there is still a third floor at the bottom. There is a big devil trapped in it. It is said that it was from the Fire Palace back then The Mahayana monk personally suppressed him inside."

The Mahayana cultivator from the Lihuo Palace personally acted, but Yi Tian said that after the arrival of the young man, there was a wave of turmoil in his heart.Unexpectedly, this is the place where Patriarch Wuye imprisoned the devil.It's a pity that I am not strong enough to go deep into the depths to find out.But to be honest, I don't know whether Patriarch Wuye was forced to split into two people was related to this matter.

You must know that those masters in the devil world will have unexpected supernatural powers and spells, and often the masters of the spirit world may not be able to survive.As for the situation of Patriarch Wu Ye, it is the most simple and obvious. Only these masters of the devil world can force him to forcibly tear his personality into two people.

Just as she was thinking about it, Cui Fuling who was at the side suddenly pointed out: "Looking at the cliff of the cave hundreds of meters ahead, there seems to be a red blood Ganoderma lucidum."

Following the words, Hua Yulin's eyes lit up first, and then he showed a little helplessness and said: "Wherever there is red blood Ganoderma lucidum, there must be human-faced spiders guarding it. I hope we will be lucky this time and don't run into one that is too big. "

Yi Tian didn't understand, so he asked, "Why is this human-faced spider divided into different sizes?"

Cui Fuling also curled her lips and replied: "Adult human-faced spiders are at the peak of the late stage of transformation, and there may be rearing larvae. If we are lucky, we will only meet one. If we encounter more than three, we will have to escape. Score."

Let's talk. He reached out and patted the bag on his waist to summon an ape-like spiritual pet, and then pointed at the red blood Ganoderma lucidum as if giving an order.

The monkey obviously felt a deep sense of crisis as soon as it fell to the ground, but it couldn't resist in front of its owner.Looking at the spiritual plant in front of him, he refused to move his legs.

Finally, Cui Fuling put it back into the beast-controlling bag helplessly, and sighed, "My herb-picking monkey dared not go up. He might have been frightened by the smell of a human-faced spider."

The implication was to ask the two to find a way, Hua Yulin also had a bitter face, but in front of Cui Fuling, there was nothing he could do, so he said bravely: "I'll go, you will take care of me later."

Before starting, Yi Tian's figure flashed and said: "Let me come, you guys get ready, I guess this time you might poke a hornet's nest."

Then, ignoring the reaction of the two of them, he strode forward, reaching out to take out the spirit sword not far from where the red blood Ganoderma lucidum was, and slowly sacrificed it in his hand.

After ten breaths, seeing the opportunity, he stretched out his hand and raised the Taiyuan sword in his hand. The spirit sword turned into a blue sword thread, and in a blink of an eye, it swept across the root of the red-blooded Ganoderma lucidum.One back and forth took the whole flower spirit plant back.

(End of this chapter)

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