
Chapter 980 No Arrogance 2

Chapter 980

In the depths of the first floor of Kuisha Grotto, Yi Tian went to pick the lucidum alone, and the spirit sword that he sacrificed turned into a thin thread, and he picked off a ripe red blood Ganoderma lucidum.

But when the Taiyuan Sword flew back wrapped in Ganoderma lucidum, a gleam of light suddenly appeared from the slanting black stone wall.Then a bunch of white spider silk flew out of it and rolled towards Taiyuan Sword, directly cutting off its retreat route.

When Yi Tian saw it, he didn't know that it was the spider silk of the human-faced spider, and then he stretched out his hand and quickly knotted his hair on his chest and nodded towards Taiyuan Sword.

In an instant, the Taiyuan Sword, which was originally a blue thread of light, dispersed and turned into dozens of thin threads, passing through the gaps blocked by the spider silk.

Unexpectedly, that human-faced spider also opened its wits and aimed at the sword silk wrapped in the red blood ganoderma and chased after it.

Yi Tian took out a storage bag and opened it, the sword silk flickered in front of him, just in time to send the red blood Ganoderma lucidum into the bag.Seeing that he succeeded in one blow, Yi Tian didn't say much, put away the Taiyuan Sword, and then used his escape technique to retreat towards the back.

Cui Fuling and Hua Yulin also rushed to cast the spell that was sacrificed in their hands and blasted it towards the head of the human-faced spider.

Yi Tian joined the two of them as soon as there was a flash of light and flint, handed the storage bag to Cui Fuling, then turned around and cast spells to deal with the pursuers.

At this time, Yi Tian could see the appearance of the human-faced spider clearly. Its body was more than one foot long, except for its human face, other parts of its body were no different from spiders.

All I saw was that the human-faced spider protruded from its mouth with streaks of white silk, directly sealing off the back path of the three of them, and then chased after them with six-legged strides.

Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan sword and slashed at the spider silk, but the sword light was like a mud cow entering the sea without any effort.Hua Yulin on the side shouted hastily: "Spider silk is afraid of fire, so it needs to be burned."

After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out several fireball talismans to activate them and bounced them towards the spider silk. In an instant, three burnt black holes appeared on the white spider silk.

Yi Tian then used the Taiyuan sword to make up a hole three feet wide and five feet high in the back of the retreat.

Then the three of them flashed past, escaped from it and rushed towards the way they came.Suddenly, Cui Fuling, who was flying at the back, screamed, and when Yi Tian turned around, he saw a strand of white spider silk wrapped around one of her feet.

Hua Yulin was shocked when she saw it, and hurriedly sacrificed the Fireball Talisman and blasted it towards it.But before the fireball arrived, it saw several strands of spider silk spraying from behind.

Yi Tian hastily pulled Cui Fuling out of the way with sharp eyes, only to hear a few 'poof' sounds, and the place where the two were standing just now was now a hornet's nest shot by spider silk.

After blowing lightly in his mouth and wrapping the Chiyang True Fire on his hands, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and directly tore off the spider silk under Cui Fuling's feet, and then led her back to the side.

With a loud 'bang', the human-faced spider leaped across the top of the cave and stopped in front of the three of them.

After being robbed, Hua Yulin was about to go back, but suddenly Cui Fuling said sharply: "There is no way to retreat, behind is his lair, I don't know how many human-faced spiders are there. The three of us joined forces to kill him , faster."

After speaking, he wiped the storage ring with his right hand, took out two dagger-like spiritual weapons and sacrificed them in his hands.The water vapor filled with the aura instantly condensed into ice, and then turned into a storm of ice and snow, sweeping towards the monster in front.

As for Hua Yulin, he took out a ring-shaped spiritual weapon, and after the activation of the fire element on it, a phantom of the fire phoenix appeared.

Yi Tian was also polite, reached out and grabbed the ghost face flower seeds and flicked them towards the cracks in the surrounding stone walls and soil.After the flower seeds fell to the ground and took root, slender green shoots sprouted.

After three breaths, those buds and branches turned into the thickness of a thumb and rolled towards the six legs of the human-faced spider.

The ice crystal storm hit the human-faced spider but was blocked by its hard shell, but most of it flew towards its six legs.After a while, the ground under his feet and his claws were frozen.

After locking the human-faced spider, Hua Yulin's fire phoenix hit its head accurately like a fixed target, directly blasting the human face and part of its body to pieces.

Unexpectedly, even though half of its head was burned off, the human-faced spider stood up again relying on its tenacious vitality.

Yi Tian didn't say much and directly urged the ghost-faced flower tengmai to wrap around the six feet of the human-faced spider, and after a while tied it tightly like five flowers.

In the end, it urged the ghost-faced flower bud to open its bloody mouth and directly swallowed the human-faced spider.

It's a pity that the body of the human-faced spider is too big, and the three flower buds can barely cover it.

Seeing that Yi Tianchao was safe for the time being, the two of them made faces, and the three of them hurriedly used the escape technique again and rushed towards the direction of the entrance.

It took only a cup of tea to see a bright light coming in front of his eyes, and Hua Yulin exclaimed overjoyed, "It's safe to go up soon."

At this time, Cui Fuling was walking in the middle of the team, but Yi Tian was the last one.However, when the divine sense radiated out and found that there were no pursuers behind, he felt a lot more at ease.

When Shaoqing came to the entrance, the three of them hurriedly flew towards the ground. Suddenly, Yi Tian found that he seemed to hear someone talking directly to his divine sense, and said, "The messenger from Lihuo Palace has arrived, why don't you let me go out? Could it be that Wu Ye Are you ready to keep your promise?"

After a slight pause, the figure returned to normal speed and flew out of Kuisha Grotto with the two of them.

After flying to the ground, Yi Tian turned his head and looked at the depths of the cave meaningfully. The voice just now seemed to be directed at himself.As for the first two people, they should be completely unaware.

What surprised me the most was that the hoarse voice was heard in my ears but it was real, and he even told me his background in one word.What's more terrible is the mention of the agreement between Patriarch Wuye and that year.

Speech Yi Tian felt that the place below Kui Sha Cave was definitely not that simple. He only hated himself for not being strong enough, so he had to go down to investigate the situation inside in the future.

This time, he was able to successfully obtain the red blood ganoderma lucidum and get the whole body, and the face of Tui Cui Fu Ling finally showed a rosy face.Then I saw that Yi Tian's eyes softened a little, and then he reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it over, "Senior Sister Qing told me everything about last time, but this time I'm going to trouble you again. But I'm most afraid of indebted It's a favor, here is the Insect Control Technique, I think you can use it to cultivate purple jade bees."

Yi Tian was overjoyed, he was worried that he couldn't find a place to exchange for the Insect Repelling Art, so Cui Fu Ling was sent here.But looking at her appearance, it's probably because he rescued her again this time, so he wanted to return some favors.

While thinking about it, Hua Yulin said uncomfortably on the side: "Yi Daoyou, you can accept it. Wouldn't it be worth the favor to send two more bottles of honey wine brewed in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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