
Chapter 981 Chapter Family

Chapter 981
After returning from Kuisha Grotto, Yi Tian hid in the cave and began to study the insect control technique. This secret technique was given by Cui Fuling to return the favor.After I read it through, I couldn't help sighing, this Chinese secret technique is not so easy to use.

You have described the habits and cultivation methods of many spirit insects in this Insect Control Technique, but basically those other insects of higher level need to be assisted by high-level treasure materials to stimulate their hatching.

Take my existing purple jade bee eggs as an example. This secret technique mentions that if you want to catalyze them into larvae, you need Tianxiang leaves as a guide. Dig a tree hole in the top-quality red beech wood, and put these bee eggs Which hatches.

These spiritual plants are nothing more than they are found, but the larvae of the purple jade bee need to be continuously fed with high-quality spiritual honey for hundreds of years before they can grow into young worker bees.These worker bees have to be kept in the Lingzhi flower garden after they are adults so that they can continue to collect honey and build their nests.

After the nest is built, the young bees have to evolve, and one of them must evolve into a queen bee.In addition, some worker bees will become drones, so that this group of purple jade bees can reproduce.

It will be about 300 years before I want to go to Baihuami, and this early investment is definitely like a bottomless pit.To put it bluntly, I really can't afford to have no money.

After reading it, Yi Tian silently calculated and estimated that his merit points for completing the task in the past hundred years could barely support the cultivation of Ziyu bee to maturity.But the most important thing is that during these 300 years, I need to make time for continuous cultivation.

After thinking about it, he shook his head for a while, then got up and wanted to go to the central area of ​​the city to look for the two spiritual plants of Tianxiang leaves and red beech.Because the demand is quite large, it is better to grow Tianxiang leaves by yourself.As for the red beech, it can be transplanted as a whole, but it is a pity that this kind of tree likes sunlight and cannot be planted deep in the cave all the time.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help thinking whether he still needed to buy a spiritual pulse courtyard like Mi Jun's, so that he could practice in seclusion and plant flowers, trees and bees in it.

Thinking of this, I feel angry in my heart. I don't know how much Baihua honey can be harvested in the end after such a time-consuming cultivation.But when I think of the Ziyun honey that is refined after the concentration of Baihua honey, I feel a little hopeful in my heart.

This thing is a good thing, one drop can replenish seventy-seven eighty-eight of one's own spiritual power.Even when brewing as a wine head, it can produce high-quality mead.

Last time, I used half of it at one time to make friends with the people in the Taiqing Pavilion, also to pave the way for the future.If this thing can be mass-produced, it will definitely be sold, and it will pay back quickly.The pills that quickly restore spiritual power on the market are not as effective as my small bottle of wine.

As long as a hundred altars are brewed at one time and a thousand bottles are packed, all the initial investment will be recovered at one time.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yitian decided to cultivate the bee colony by himself. Although it cost a lot, it is still very worthwhile as a long-term investment.

After leaving the cave, Yi Tian went directly to find Mi Jun. It should be no problem for him to find a suitable other courtyard in Luoxia City.

But after the interrogation, it turned out that both Hong Fei and Mi Jun had returned to the Daoist Sect of the Qing Dynasty recently, and it is estimated that they would be rewarded if they entered the Daoist Sect.

Apart from these two people in the inspection department, I really don't have any other acquaintances. Thinking of Director Qingyuan, he directly denied it in his heart.Now that you have decided to get the recommended quota from Taiqing Pavilion, don't have too close a relationship with Fei Yu Jianzong in private, because it would be unpleasant to be seen and passed to Hong Fei.

However, there is no way to find someone in Luoxia City, like Shen Yeming, who is just a deacon under the city lord's mansion, even though he has power, he can't make it work.

After much deliberation, it is better to get the help of someone with financial resources. For the current plan, Yi Tian thought of the Hua family.She Hua Yuxin has caused a lot of trouble for herself in the past hundred years, and Hua Yulin is a white-eyed wolf who has taken advantage of her twice.

It is reasonable to come to the door and use their influence to find a place for themselves.

After thinking about it, Hua Yuxin rushed directly to the pet shop of Hua's family without waiting for notification.I believe that Hua Yulin is not a fool. After the attack last time, he will definitely inquire about his deeds from Cui Fuling when he goes back.

According to common sense, her Hua family will definitely look at her differently in the future.It is only a cup of tea time from renting Dongfu to Hua's mansion.

As soon as he arrived, the guys at the door of Hua's house recognized him and invited him to the VIP room respectfully. The maids waited carefully outside the door after serving the tea.

Not long after, Yi Tianshen realized that someone was rushing towards this side, and after a little investigation, he found out that it was Hua Manquan, the current head of the Hua family.

I haven't seen this old man's face for a hundred years, and the death energy is getting stronger and stronger. I'm afraid that in another 200 years, his life essence will be exhausted.

Seeing Yi Tian after entering the door, Hua Manquan hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands and praised: "What wind brought Yi Daoyou here, Yulin has already sent a message to tell me about Yi Daoyou's help."

Yi Tian replied with a faint smile: "It's nothing more than a little help, but brother Yulin doesn't mind taking the liberty to participate."

"Yulin said that the last time I was able to obtain the red blood ganoderma lucidum and left the Kuisha Cave safely, it was thanks to Daoist Yi, and in this way, he was able to show his face in front of Miss Fuling. In the future, there will still be a lot of opportunities to get close to him," Huaman said. Quan said so.

Yi Tian guessed Hua Yulin's thoughts early in the morning, but he thought that a monk like Cui Fuling shook his head secretly.Hua Yulin thought that she might suffer from it in the future, but in front of Hua Manquan, he had to choose some nice things to say.

After some compliments, he told about the matter of Lingmai Bieyuan that he requested.Of course, the necessary facilities and the requirements for the level of the spirit veins are also detailed one by one.

After hearing this, Hua Manquan fell into deep thought, and it took a while before he said: "To be honest, all the high-class spiritual mansions in Luoxia City were bought by various sects early on, but the request of Fellow Daoist Yi is a bit difficult to deal with." .”

Yi Tian knew the difficulty of this matter after hearing the words, but looking at Hua Manquan's appearance, he didn't seem to refuse at all. Could there be a turning point in his mind?

Just as I was thinking about it, the other party asked again: "Actually, it's not difficult. I knew there was such a house. The owner's family is from the Zixia Sect, but the other party's asking price is not low, a full [-] merits. It is also fine to point or convert the corresponding spirit stone."

Yi Tian sucked in a breath of air, the 30 merit points he had accumulated over the past century were not so much.It would cost [-] yuan if it was replaced with top-grade spirit stones. Think about whether it is worth the money if you think that you will not live here permanently after you get the recommended quota to enter Taiqing Pavilion.

While thinking about it, Hua Manquan said again: "Actually, you don't need to worry, fellow Daoist Yi, you only need ten bottles of honey wine to cover the three thousand merit points.

Looking at the other party's malicious smile, Yi Tian thought of the word "profiteer" for no reason.

 There is a bug in Chapter 919. Hua Yulin came from Taiqing Pavilion, and it was written as Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.Trying to modify it.

(End of this chapter)

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