
Chapter 982 Purchase Land 1

Chapter 982
In the Hua's mansion, Yi Tian and Hua Manquan are discussing the purchase of the Dongfu, but Hua Manquan is so cunning and cunning that he proposes to pay the debt with honey wine.

Needless to say, Hua Yulin must have mentioned this matter to him. To tell the truth, he brewed one pot at a time and divided it into ten bottles.Now half of it is spent on giving favors, and when I think that the other party is actually a lion with a big mouth, it is ten bottles. Is it really impossible to treat myself as a fool.

Then he said with a serious face: "Patriarch Hua's honey wine is hard to come by, especially the head of the wine is blended with a drop of purple cloud honey. You should know the cost of it."

After hearing this, Hua Manquan said with a smile on his face: "Purple cloud honey has special effects. In addition to quickly recovering spiritual power, it also has the function of assisting in breaking through the level. As for the honey wine that Daoist Yi gave to Yulin, although Ziyun honey was diluted, However, it has been mixed with several other spiritual treasures. Although the effect of restoring spiritual power is three points weaker, the function of assisting to pass the level can still maintain the original effect."

The astonishment in Yi Tian's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he mixed a lot of fibrous roots of the thousand-year-old sealwort into the ingredients when brewing wine.It is estimated that this is the reason why the effect of the honey wine is maintained.

This 500-year-old sealwort was competed at the exchange meeting at that time, and I didn't expect it to have such a miraculous effect in wine making.It's a pity that half of the wine was used after this brewing, and the rest is useless even if there is no wine head.

But Hua Manquan's words gave him a new understanding of the value of brewing honey wine. Since he was willing to buy a bottle for [-] merit points, the market price must be more than that.

Then he asked politely: "I don't know how many sect merit points are needed to buy Ziyunmi in the Taiqing Pavilion?"

Hua Manquan looked at it meaningfully, then waved his hands and said, "This is Qing Lianyun's unique formula, which is priceless. If you want it, you have to come to ask for it. Unfortunately, most of them will be rejected. Yes. Because the amount produced is small, and people don’t have enough for their own use, they will sell it.”

"Then how is my honey wine priced?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Hua Manquan blinked and said with a smile: "After Yulin returned to the sect, he went to his fellow sect and spent some merit points to buy another bottle."

"And this thing," Yi Tian couldn't help admiring Hua Yulin's brains moving so quickly and quietly bought things back as soon as he returned to the sect.Guessing that the price was expensive, he turned his head and asked, "How much did Brother Yulin pay for it?"

Hua Manquan stretched out a finger with a smile, Yi Tian took a breath and said, "One thousand merit points?"

"That's not true, it's just a hundred achievements," Hua Manquan replied proudly.

This is strange, since Hua Yulin can be purchased with [-] merit points, is there a difference in exchange between the merits here in Luoxia City and the Taiqing Pavilion?As far as I know, in all the cultivation towns and cities controlled by the Taiqing Pavilion, the exchange of merit points and sects is one-to-one. It’s just that many people cannot enter the gate wall of the Taiqing Pavilion, so merit points alone cannot be exchanged. To Zongmen's resources.

But according to what Hua Manquan said, could there be something strange about it, and after looking at the other party in a blink of an eye, he said bluntly: "I don't know the reason, please tell me the truth."

"The wine brewed by Yi Daoyou is really the best, and the efficacy is naturally from Miss Cui's mouth," Hua Manquan replied.

"It's what Cui Fuling said." I didn't expect the other party to have such insights. Thinking about it, since she personally tested it, she must have compared it with that Ziyun honey before expressing her feelings.

Hua Manquan continued to ask tentatively: "As long as Yi Daoyou has the goods in hand, I will reimburse them all. The price of this thing is not cheap if you take it to the inner sect."

Seeing the other party like that, Yi Tian couldn't help feeling angry, but he didn't want to do too much if he wanted something from others.In addition, it is estimated that the news that Hua Yulin took advantage of the same family should spread, and he will not stop after suffering a secret loss.

After thinking about it, he said with a faint smile: "To be honest, I brewed a total of ten bottles in the next day, and now I spend seven or eighty-eight dollars just to give them to people. I always keep a bottle by my side, and I can take it out in my hand. There are only two bottles available."

Unexpectedly, Hua Manquan's expression didn't look disappointed at all, but instead he followed up and asked: "If you are willing to give up your love, Daoist Yi, I will be grateful."

"But the price of the Dongtian Mansion is still a lot short of merit points. I wonder if the other party can receive spiritual artifacts to offset the debt?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

Hua Manquan patted his chest and assured: "It's all trivial, since this is the case, the old man will come forward as a guarantee, and you can take out any unused spirit weapons in Yi Daoyou's hands as much as possible to estimate the value."

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian took out one hundred thousand spirit stones and two bottles of honey wine and placed them on the table.Then he took out a batch of confiscated spirit weapons and asked Hua Manquan to appraise them on the spot.

The things that were brought out had also been carefully considered, and none of them had been refined or processed by hand.Most of these things are the stolen goods of Gufeng Pirates and Black Mountain Sanxiu. Anyway, I have checked them myself, the quality is uneven, and the materials used are relatively vague.

On the contrary, Hua Manquan was stunned when he saw so many things. He didn't expect that the humble ascension monk in front of him could collect so many spiritual weapons in just a hundred years.

To be honest, most of these are things that came from beheading monks, so it seems that Yi Tian is indeed a full-fledged war cultivator.

Immediately afterwards, he searched through it one by one to sort out some spiritual artifacts with higher value and convert them into spirit stones for calculation.

After Shaoqing counted all the numbers, he returned the rest of the spirit weapons. Yi Tian glanced at the corners of his mouth and said inwardly, "This Hua Manquan is also an old Jianghu, and I have mixed a lot of spirit weapons into these spirit weapons." Spiritual artifacts that look glamorous but are not popular. I didn’t expect that he didn’t choose any of them, but fortunately those spiritual artifacts that can be discounted are nothing in my eyes.”

Then he put away the rest of the coefficients, but after a glance, he found that a token had also been returned.I remember that this thing seemed to be the bargaining chip that Lian Feixiong and Wang Wei traded back then. I had tried many ways to inquire but could not find any clues, so I took it out together this time.

Unexpectedly, Hua Manquan in front of him didn't recognize it, so he just put the token away and waited for clues to be found later.

A moment later, Hua Manquan put away the spirit weapon and two bottles of honey wine, put together 30 top-grade spirit stones and put them together in a storage bag, then took out a communication talisman to activate and send it out.

After Yi Tian sat in the house for a while, he realized that there was a reply. After Hua Manquan put away the message jade talisman and looked at it, he smiled triumphantly and said, "It's done. Fellow Daoist Yi, please follow me to see the seller."

"In this case, Patriarch Laohua will go there personally," Yi Tian replied.

(End of this chapter)

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