
Chapter 983 Purchase Land 2

Chapter 983 Land Purchase II

Sitting in the new mansion, Yi Tian felt infinite emotion in his heart, after he ascended to the spirit world, he finally had his first property.

Sitting in the living room of the main hall, Yi Tian glanced at the land deed and house deed on the table, and the corner of his mouth inadvertently twitched.Hua Manquan seems to be familiar with this matter. He took himself and the people of Zixia Sect to complete the transaction directly, and then went to the Household Regulatory Department under the City Lord's Mansion to find someone to transfer the land deed to his name on the spot. .

This other courtyard is located in the southeast of Luoxia City on the bank of a hill and lake, and the surrounding area is about ten miles, which is considered as the scope of his residence.

Fortunately, Luoxia City has a range of three to four hundred miles in front and back, and if I want to carve out a corner in it, it will not affect its normal operation in the slightest.Like other large mansions, Yi Tian rebuilt a plaque on the main entrance of the villa, and wrote "Easily Living Place" to indicate the identity of the people here.

From now on, this mansion will be regarded as his own private territory, where he can divide the barriers and set up formations.And the inspection department will also receive news, and there will be no special circumstances in the future, and they will not infringe on private land at will.

The manor is divided into three parts front and back, with the hills connected by the residential houses in the middle.The front half of the mansion is by the lake, and there are three roads that can lead out. As for the large spiritual field behind the house, it is suitable for planting spiritual plants.

I planned to plant a red beech forest behind the house early in the morning, so that purple jade bees can build their hives in it in the future.Then plant a large number of spiritual flower gardens in the surrounding spiritual fields for the purple jade bees to collect honey from.

As for how to ripen these spirit plants, he had already figured it out, and he happened to have the spirit purification bottle of Qianlingzi in his hand.This means that the greatest effect of the spiritual weapon is to concentrate the spiritual power. As long as the irrigated spiritual liquid is placed in it within half a month, the corresponding concentrated essence can be obtained, which is the best for irrigating spiritual plants.

In the next few days, Yi Tian directly started to renovate his mansion. He spent some spirit stones to buy a lot of red beech seedlings and planted them in the spirit field behind the house, and then planted the spirit garden in the red beech bushes The vicinity is completely spread out.

In addition, after surveying the terrain, he dug a cave on the hill behind the house.In the interior, Lingzhi Garden, Beast Cave and dormitories were opened up according to the pattern of renting caves.

In the Lingzhi Garden, one move through the nodes of the ancestral veins leads down to lead a stream of clear springs of spiritual water to gather into a pool.Then he dug out the original white jade lotus roots planted in his own cave together with the surrounding silt and transplanted them.

At the same time, he also moved the purple gold gourd to his heart cave. This time, he directly planted the gourd vines next to the stone bed in his bedroom.After finishing these, they took out the forbidden arrays and laid layers of phantom formations around the front and back of the mansion. All these phantom formations were equipped with early warning formations.

As long as someone dared to break into the big formation, it would be activated immediately and notify myself. I thought in my heart that even a late-stage monk like Hong Fei would not be able to hide it from his own eyes.Even higher-level monks can't pass into the formation silently without being discovered by themselves.

It has been more than a month after finishing these, and Yi Tian returned to the cave and began to try to retreat again later.

The peaceful time is always very short. After resting in the new home for less than half a year, the herald from the inspection department came to the door in person and issued a summons directly at the main entrance of the place of residence.

Fortunately, after purchasing the new mansion, Yi Tian went to the Inspection Department to update his information in time, but at this time, sitting cross-legged in the Taoist mansion, his brows were slightly frowned.

It is reasonable to say that the number of tasks I have completed is enough, and there is no need to accept any more tasks from the Inspection Division before the Taiqing Pavilion recommends the entrance examination.But it must not be a trivial matter for the messenger of the inspection department to come to the door in person this time, and Yi Tian didn't dare to let the other party wait for a long time after the summons, and then hurriedly got up and flew towards the main entrance of the mansion.

After ten breaths, he went out of the main gate and saw the messenger waiting outside, Yi Tian hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I don't know if Master Herald is rude to welcome you when he comes to Bifu."

The envoy didn't say much after looking at Yi Tian and said: "This time, Director Si Hong ordered Yi Tiansu, the captain of the 27th Team of the Herringbone Banner, to go to the Artifact Refiner Alliance to listen to Hou's orders. It's about formation."

"How can the matter of the Artifact Master Alliance be involved in my head? And isn't the number of tasks I have completed enough to not accept tasks for ten years?" Yi Tian asked.

The messenger said with a solemn face: "I'm just relaying Director Hong's order, and the Director has something else to tell you. This time, the Inspection Division has sent two inspectors to assist the Artifact Refiner Alliance. I hope you can do your best." Who would be the best if you overwhelm your opponent and make the elders of the Artifact Master Alliance look at you with admiration."

"Two inspectors overwhelmed their opponents. Could it be that the other one is also a formation master and also the person in charge of Qingyuan?" Yi Tian asked.

The inspector slightly nodded his head and replied: "You can understand it in your heart, this time Director Hong Fei strongly recommends you, and this is the first time I have seen him value a certain subordinate so much."

Hearing this explanation, Yi Tian couldn't help being stunned, it seemed that Hong Fei was going to confront Qing Yuan.This time, he used his own hand to suppress the opponent, just to show his face in front of the elders of the Artifact Master Alliance.

Thinking back when he first joined the inspection department, Supervisor Qingyuan gave him some advice, but over the past hundred years, he has not seen any sign of him actively looking for him.Moreover, since Ou Jinglong's incident, he has given up the idea of ​​entering the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. Even if he can enter, he must always guard against secret calculations. It is better to cultivate in the Taiqing Pavilion with peace of mind.

Now what I lack the most is time and cultivation. If I wait for my strength to improve, these jumping clowns will naturally not pay much attention.

Thinking that this was a direct confrontation between Hong Fei and Qing Yuan, since he wanted to use his own hand, he might as well make a big deal so that the onlookers would also be afraid.

After thinking about it, he replied respectfully: "I don't know if Director Hong Fei has any instructions on what to do, and who will be the leader and who will be the assistant when the inspection department sends people this time?"

After hearing this, the herald looked at Yi Tian with admiration, and then said in a deep voice, "You are the assistant this time, but don't worry. What Director Hong means is to let the other party make a move first, and if you can't handle it, then you can do it again." Director Qing Yuan still has to take care of his face, but he must not let go of the opportunity."

After hearing this, Yi Tian reached out to take the task, opened the jade slip, and read it carefully. The content was very simple, just as the herald said. This time, the inspection department sent two formation masters as assistants at the request of the Artifact Refiner Alliance.

The specific content is unknown, but I only need to rush to the territory of the Artifact Refiner's Union before this evening to listen to Master Chen Haoran's dispatch.

After Yi Tian put away the jade slips, he said to the herald officer: "Let me go as soon as I get ready."

"Be fully prepared, and don't miss the hour,"

(End of this chapter)

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