
Chapter 984 Struggle 1 Disagreement

Chapter 984
The hall of the Artifact Master Alliance is full of people today. Apart from the many Artifact Masters originally affiliated here, there are also many seconded personnel.

At this time, Yi Tian arrived a quarter of an hour before the scheduled time, and was taken to the side hall after reporting his name and showing the task jade slip in his hand.Here, I met another inspector who had arrived earlier, because everyone was wearing the official uniform of the inspection department, so they could be recognized at a glance.

The man's name was Li Chi, who was the first mage in Qing Yuan's team. I met him once in the hall of the Inspection Department, and I felt that there were only three members under his command.After the two met, they were full of compliments on their faces, but they couldn't guess what they were thinking.

A little later, an alliance deacon came in to seal the barrier around them, and then a thin figure appeared in front of the two of them.Yi Tian was informed early in the morning that the person who made the request this time was Chen Haoran, the master of the Refiner's Union here, and the monk in front of him should be himself.

As soon as he thought that the other party was in the stage of distraction, Yi Tian didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly stood up and bowed his hands to the other party.Li Chi, who was sitting on the side, also sat down slowly after standing up with his luggage.

After several people sat down, Chen Haoran glanced at him and said, "This time, I asked the two fellow Taoists from the Luoxia City Inspection Division to help me out. I'm here first to thank you."

"Don't dare, but ask Mr. Chen to order," Li Chi said hurriedly.

Yi Tianmu watched a glance without being too wordy, so he cupped his hands and signaled to sit back and wait for the next article.

Chen Haoran then took out two jade slips and gently handed them to the two, saying: "The two of you should read the contents first before discussing."

Yi Tian respectfully reached out to take the jade slip, then gently opened it and quickly scanned it with his spiritual sense, slowly frowning slightly and his face became extremely dignified.

What is recorded in this jade slip is an array map, to be precise, a broken ancient array map.According to the analysis of the formation pattern inside, it is not difficult to see that this formation pattern is used to gather spiritual power.

Thinking about Chen Haoran's identity in a blink of an eye, it is not difficult to guess that he is going to use this spirit array to assist in refining weapons.I remember that in the many secret arts of Lihuo Palace, there was mentioned a method of imbuing spirits with spiritual weapons, which is to forcibly increase the level of spiritual weapons by one level through this method of imbuing spirits.

The price is that the service life of such spiritual weapons will be shortened and it is impossible to increase the level again if there is no accident.

The intention of Chen Haoran to take out such an incomplete array map is obviously to ask the two people present to try to restore this spiritual array.

Later, I only heard Chen Haoran say: "This spiritual formation is called the Seven Star Gathering Spirit Formation, and it is an incomplete formation map handed down from ancient times. The relics of its original formation exist in the Mengzi ruins five thousand miles away to the northwest of Luoxia City. The two of you, let's see if there is any way to restore this large formation?"

After reading the jade slips, the two looked at each other, Yi Tian could see the provocative look in each other's eyes, and then he left the person in charge and chose to remain silent.

When Li Chi saw it, he said directly: "I think it can be repaired on the original ruins, so that the large formation can be quickly rebuilt relying on the original parts of the spirit gathering formation."

After hearing this, Chen Haoran's eyes lit up and he didn't express his opinion directly. Instead, he turned to look at Yi Tian who was sitting there, wanting to hear if he had other opinions.

The hairy Yitian who was stared at by him knew that there was no way to avoid it, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "I don't think it can be repaired on the original formation relic, so we should choose a place with a better spiritual vein and re-arrange it."

After hearing this, Chen Haoran's face changed slightly but he did not object directly, and then asked: "The two masters have different opinions, can you tell me the reason?"

Li Chi glanced away and then answered first: "The repair time on the original ruins can be greatly shortened, and many parts and formations only need to be redone in accordance with the original style, so that the construction of the formation is required. The material of the method will not consume too much.”

Chen Haoran's eyes twitched and said, "How long will it take to finish?"

"If all the materials are ready, I don't think it will take more than five years," Li Chi vowed.

With such a happy expression on Chen Haoran's face, it sounds like this plan is relatively conservative and prudent.Repairing the formation must be faster than rebuilding it, and the effect of relying on the original formation remains is not much worse.

Seeing that Chen Haoran's train of thought was drawn by Li Chi, Yi Tian coughed lightly and brought his train of thought back, then stood up and cupped his hands towards Chen Haoran: "I disagree with this plan, you must know the way of formation What is important is the integration. If you only repair the relic array in order to save materials and shorten the construction period, it may not be able to do all the work."

After hearing this, Chen Haoran felt that it made sense and turned around and asked: "Then what should you do according to what you see?"

"Repair the array map first, and then choose a treasure land with excellent geomantic omen to rebuild the big array. Although it will take ten years, it can guarantee a [-]% success rate," Yi Tian replied without changing his expression .

"Only [-]%," Chen Haoran turned around and asked, "Then how sure are you of restoring the great array of ruins?"

Speaking of this, Li Chi's expression changed slightly, and finally he could only say a few words: "I'm only [-]% sure about restoring the relic spirit array."

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Haoran's face trembled slightly, and then he stared at the two of them and stretched out his hands to signal: "Please sit down, both of you, I still need to have a good discussion with the deacon of the alliance on how to choose this matter." Walk along the long corridor outside the side hall.

After he left, Yi Tian sat down in his original position without any fuss, and Li Chi on the opposite side did the same.Although the two disagreed, they didn't give each other any face. Later, they each transferred their spiritual thoughts to the jade slip array in their hands.

After waiting for about an hour, I realized in my mind that someone seemed to be walking towards the side hall.Not long after, I saw Chen Haoran returning to the side hall together with the two deacons.

After a while after everyone sat down, Chen Haoran said: "After the distributed deacon meeting unanimously decided, this time repairing the formation will be divided into two steps. Both of the plans mentioned by you have been approved, but the two opinions are different." Let’s do things separately. Li Daoyou is responsible for repairing the ruins, and Yi Daoyou will recreate the location within three thousand miles of Luoxia City and arrange a large formation.”

Yi Tian was quite surprised to hear the result of the Artifact Refiner Alliance's final promotion.Fortunately, it was not my own money to build the formation, so I didn't feel so entangled in my heart.

As for the face of Li Chi on the opposite side, he was also quite surprised. He probably didn't expect such an ending.Then he turned his head and stared at himself, the stare in his eyes was a declaration of war.

Yi Tian sighed softly and said to himself: "It's true that I didn't kill Boren Boren but died because of me. I am so missed by others, it seems that I have to take it easy this time."

(End of this chapter)

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