
Chapter 985 Struggle 2 Planning

Chapter 985
The confrontation between Yi Tian and Li Chi in the Artifact Masters Alliance did not make the union's opinions biased towards either side. On the contrary, Chen Haoran, as a seasoned and respectful person, also made a bilateral bet.

At the end of the discussion, Yi Tian and Li Chi were allowed to do their own thing and arrange the spirit array according to the established method.After being ordered, Yi Tian directly took the token given by Chen Haoran to the alliance's logistics warehouse to select the required formation materials.

Just looking at Li Chi's appearance, although there was no trace of joy or anger on his face, the provocative look in his eyes already explained everything.

After picking up some research materials, Yi Tian hastily left, and walked straight to Hong Fei's mansion without looking back after leaving the Artifact Refiner's Alliance.

This formation contest is no longer a matter between me and Li Chi. Both of them are involved in the forces behind them, so it is very necessary to inform them first.

After arriving at Hong Fei's mansion, he entered Neizhong after a little introduction. It turned out that he had also stayed in the mansion early in the morning, waiting for news.After Yi Tian entered the inner hall, he found that no one else was present this time. After seeing the ceremony, he sat down and briefly talked about the situation in the Artifact Master Alliance.

After hearing this, Hong Fei obviously had something to think about, but he didn't involve too much in the formation, so he could only rely on Yi Tian.It's just that they have some complaints about rebuilding the formation. After all, repairing the original ruins is definitely faster than rebuilding. It seems that they have some thoughts about this.

Yi Tian also knew in his heart that he was concerned, but what he was most afraid of was letting the Qingyuan side take the lead, but even if he successfully deployed the formation here, he could not get much benefit.

After thinking about it, he said straightforwardly: "Brother Hong, are you worried that it takes too long to set up the formation?"

Hong Fei nodded with a worried face, hesitant to speak, and finally sighed: "Brother Yi, you don't know something, this Chen Haoran urgently needs this spirit gathering array to assist in refining spirit weapons. So Li Chi's proposal is naturally right for him, and as for your side, it can be regarded as an alternative plan."

Yi Tian raised his head and laughed loudly: "Brother Hong, there is no need to worry. I can say with certainty that [-]% of Li Chi can't repair the spirit array, and even if he can't repair it, the effect will not be half of the original."

"Brother Yi, why did you say that?" Hong Fei hurriedly asked, his eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Are you sure that Li Chi's formation skills are not as good as yours?"

"No, no, I just think that there is something in this formation of ancient relics. Even if Li Chi spent all his efforts to repair it, he still couldn't meet Chen Haoran's requirements. In the end, he still came to ask for help with my new formation." Yi Tian said firmly.

"Oh, since brother Yi is so sure, I would like to hear the truth," Hong Fei's face softened a little, but his tone was still a little unsteady.

Naturally, Hong Fei's full support is necessary to make things happen, and he has no choice now, and the only formation mage under his command is forced to go all the way to the dark.But I can't just cheer up, I have to show him the truth about the key points so that he can feel at ease.

Later, Yi Tian directly spoke in private, Hong Fei's eyes flashed brightly after hearing this, and then he turned his head and asked tentatively: "Is it true?"

"Nine times out of ten, but I can say that Li Chi's progress will never be as five years as he said, at most it will be a year and a half faster than mine, but you can wait and see the result, Qingyuan will be indispensable in the end Go to the Artifact Master Alliance to wipe his ass and clean up his aftermath," Yi Tian said with a smirk.

"Okay, since that's the case, brother Yi, let's take a gamble. As long as the new spirit array you have set up can make Chen Haoran fancy, I will take care of other things. I wonder how many people you need to help?" Hong Fei made up his mind to do so. Go all out, otherwise it's not beautiful to delay the construction period based on personal strength alone.

Yi Tian thought for a while and replied: "There are not many soldiers, just enough. I can do the exploration and formation by myself. As for the formation, I need to find a few shrewd monks to help, mainly in the preparation of materials and maintenance. You need someone to assist you in setting up the formation."

"That's okay. During this period of time, you can go directly to investigate the location of the Yimai. Afterwards, I will send people to join you," Hong Fei said.

After leaving Hong's mansion, Yi Tian hurriedly went to the inspection department to get the official document and jade slips, and flew straight out from the south gate of Luoxia City.The prospecting of the leylines is all based on luck. If it goes well, it can greatly shorten the construction period of the formation.

Little did he know that shortly after he left Luoxia City, a monk of the same rank hurried out of the city, leaving in exactly the same direction as Yi Tian.

And this person also took out the Jade Talisman of Communication, which seemed to be in contact with someone after activation.

From Luoxia City to the south is a cluster of mountains and counties. From the southeast, there are many underground spiritual veins converging in the direction of Luoxia City from all directions in the spirit world.

I think I just need to find the most suitable place among the many small and medium spiritual veins according to this idea.So Yi Tian was not in a hurry along the way, holding a sundial in his hand, Luo Geng flew and stopped on the road, looking for the places where the spiritual veins meet from time to time to measure.

Gradually, Yi Tian found that he was getting farther and farther away from Luoxia City according to the direction of the spiritual vein.However, it seems that the spirit veins discovered at the moment are quite in line with his requirements.

But according to the analysis of the array of the seven-star spirit gathering array, it is best for the gathering point of the spiritual veins to be formed by at least seven auxiliary veins.When I first saw this formation, I had some doubts in my heart. Although it is a seven-star gathering spirit formation, the site of its remains is probably built on the gathering point of seven spirit veins.

The ancient magic circle is powerful, but today's magic circle has been developed for thousands of years, and the younger monks have also studied and improved it.If you blindly rely on the original ruins to restore like Li Chi, you will naturally abandon your greatest advantage.

Thinking of this, I strongly disagree with his thinking. This person seems to be just a pedantic and old-fashioned person, who obviously has a good ready-made plan in his hand but wants to dig into a dead end if he doesn't use it.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw that the sky had gradually dimmed. Only by using the sundial Luo Geng under the sunlight during the day can I search for the exact location of the underground spiritual veins more accurately.Then he restrained his breath and found a temporary cave dug in a mountain depression, sat cross-legged and rested first, and made plans after his destiny the next day.

In this way, within the boundary of nearly five thousand miles to the south of Luoxia City, Yi Tian came and went back and forth to measure for dozens of days before roughly selecting three spare nodes.And set up small traps there to protect the five miles around the nodes.

Then got up and prepared to head towards the western border, ready to go there to see if there was a better place.Flying in the air and stretching out his divine sense for ten breaths, his face froze, and he felt as if two breaths were coming towards him, and it was no surprise that they should be coming towards him.

But thinking about it, there was confusion on his face, he didn't seem to have any enemies or rivals in the spirit world, and he was really upset to be remembered so much.

(End of this chapter)

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