
Chapter 986 Struggle 3 Temptation

Chapter 986
During the exploration, Yi Tian found that there were obviously two people chasing and blocking him, and tried to escape in different directions, but the two kept changing directions as if they had agreed.

Two hours later, the game of cat and mouse was almost over, and the encirclement circle between the two became smaller and smaller, and finally blocked Yi Tian within a hundred miles.But the two of them didn't seem to dare to outflank them directly, because Yi Tian had already reached the sky above Kuisha Cave at this time, even if they couldn't stand each other, they could escape directly into the cave.

Moreover, the two of them were obviously on guard, not daring to push too fast, for fear of abusing grass and startling snakes.In fact, Yi Tian was also betting on the courage of the two of them. At worst, he would go straight into the cave and go deep into the crypt, and he could defeat the two of them one by one by virtue of the location.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the two finally couldn't bear their temper and rushed over directly. The distance of a hundred miles to the cultivator of Huashen was just a snap of the fingers.When Yi Tian saw the two escaping lights from a distance, his face froze for a moment, and one of the visitors had a little impression of Lan Yasha, the remnant of the Gufeng Pirate.As for the other gray aura, I don't know much about it, but those who can hang out with Lan Yasha must not be good people.

A little later, I saw the two people stop one hundred feet away in front of him, and when the light faded, Lan Yasha and a middle-aged monk were revealed.Lan Yasha laughed loudly and said, "You brat finally caught you."

Yi Tian squinted at the other party, and Lan Yasha's skill, which he hadn't seen for nearly a century, didn't seem to have made much progress.Although it is a battle cultivation, the progress of this cultivation base seems to be too slow.

Immediately, he locked his divine sense on the other person, and saw that he was wearing a gray robe with a stern face, and he was surrounded by a gray forceful evil spirit. It seemed that his hands were covered with blood, and his cultivation had reached the late stage of transformation.

It's just that this kind of strength is much worse than that of Xi Tianying, even though he is also in the late stage of Huashen, one makes him feel invincible.But the person in front of him didn't give him too much oppression at all.

I secretly calculated in my heart that the environment I was in was not good, and I was not afraid of anyone in a single fight, but it was indeed a bit difficult to be one against two.

Then he snorted coldly and shouted at that person: "I ask myself that I have never met Your Excellency, so I don't know why you are chasing and blocking me."

But Lan Yecha said with a vicious smile: "If you killed Xu Youcheng, wouldn't it be okay if his father came to seek revenge on you?"

The gray-robed man shouted in a low voice: "Old man Xu Yong, you killed my son and lived freely for nearly a hundred years. If this will make you skinny and cramp, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face remained calm, but in his heart he was secretly thinking of ways to escape.On the surface, the cultivation base of these two people is much stronger than his own, and it may not be so easy to escape in an open and honest manner.

With a sweep of divine sense, the corner of the mouth of Kuisha Grotto, which is a hundred feet away, twitched slightly, and then the figure flashed and flew headlong into the crypt.

Those two most hoped that Yi Tian could take the road and escape, so that they could rely on the advantage of cultivation to forcibly siege them.As for the Kuisha Cave, which is a famous and dangerous place in the spiritual world, the direct disciples of the three major sects dare to explore it.

It's just that Lan Yesha and Xu Yong are obviously outlaws, and the old and new enmity with Yi Tian can't be settled.Seeing such a situation at this time, after a little hesitation, the two of them rushed forward in a vain attempt to stop Yi Tian.

It's a pity that everyone's escape speed is about the same. I saw three figures rushing into the crypt of Kuisha Grotto one after another, and then a cloud of mist slowly gathered to cover the vicinity of Kuisha Grotto for a hundred miles.

When he came to the cave, Yi Tian felt that the two behind him seemed to follow in, the distance was not far, about twenty breaths away.

I just came here last month, and I am quite familiar with it, so after I landed, I didn't stop at all and ran like I did last time.

After a while, he came to the passage where he picked the red blood ganoderma last time.

Looking back, I used my spiritual sense to check the two of them, as if they were determined to put themselves to death, biting very tightly in the back without stopping along the way.

After entering the cave, Yi Tian knew that he would face the human-faced spider again. Fortunately, he had already had the experience to put on all the defensive spirit weapons on the way to escape.At this time, he took out the Taiyuan sword in his hand and raised it to condense without sending it out. With the other hand, he lightly activated several ghost face flower seeds and ejected them into the passage quietly.

In this dark passage, my eyes can't look very far, and the extended divine sense seems to be blocked by the invisible magic energy in the cave. It is the limit to be able to detect the situation thirty or forty feet away.

Not long after, they came to the place where they picked the red blood ganoderma last time. At this time, there were no more human-faced spiders here.The last time the one guarding Lingzhi was directly dealt with by the three of them, but I don't know if there will be other human-faced spiders left in the cave.

However, the divine sense detected that the two people behind seemed to have also entered this passage, Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and slowly formed a seal, pointed at the lurking vine veins on the ground, and then took a big step towards the inner depths up.

After a while, he came to a fork in the road, and Yi Tian's brows slowly relaxed.I thought in my heart that this is really what I want, and if there is a fork in the road, the danger I face will be much smaller.I must choose one of the paths, and the best choice for the pursuers in the unknown is to follow separately, so that I have the opportunity to create a one-on-one situation.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed two fire bombs to hit the passage in front of him, and at the same time disturbed the spiritual power of the environment so that the people behind could not distinguish the traces.Then he restrained his breath and the figure flashed into the passage on the left.

After ten breaths, I walked forward for a while and found that I came to an empty stone room, under which were spider eggs as big as a foot.There is a thick layer of bones under these eggs, and from the traces of demonic energy that still radiates from those eggs, it can be known that these are the bones of those demon generals back then.

Unexpectedly, it has now become a breeding ground for emulsified larvae of human-faced spiders.Yi Tian didn't dare to restrain his divine thoughts carelessly, and then took out a concealment cloak to wear on his body.Then the volley flew over these spider eggs lightly.

Although the implementation space is large, there are spider eggs below, and a few adult spiders crawling on the top of the cave and sleeping soundly.Dodging left and right in this grotto, carefully crossing, it took nearly [-] breaths of time to see and walk to another exit.

At this time, I only heard some sparse cross talk in the passage behind, Yi Tian raised his mouth and secretly applauded, but he didn't expect the two people behind to follow up so quickly.It's a pity that they couldn't help them here, and then their figures flashed into the tunnel of the cave, and then the sword silk in their hands quickly swam to the center of the hatching nest and split several spider eggs open.

(End of this chapter)

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