
Chapter 987 Struggle 4 Alien Beast

Chapter 987
Several spider eggs in the center of the human-faced spider hatching deep in the Kuisha Grottoes were cut into pieces in an instant, waking up the adult-faced spiders entrenched on the top of the cave wall.Then they didn't rush towards Yi Tian's direction, but quickly surrounded the entrance.Then only heard the sound of spell bombardment, Yi Tian raised his brows and smiled knowingly, this time it was enough for the people behind him to drink a pot.

Facing three or four human-faced spiders whose strength is comparable to that of the late stage of transformation, I am afraid that neither Lan Yasha nor Xu Yong can reap the benefits.

It's just that his own back road is also cut off, so there is only one feasible road in front of him now.Looking at the dark passage in front of him, Yi Tian took a deep breath, let go of his divine sense without hesitation, and then slowly went deep.

After searching for a while, I only felt that the evil spirit in the air was getting stronger and stronger, and my mood seemed to be stirred up by this evil spirit and could not be calmed down for a long time.

Knowing that this was caused by the resentment left over from the death of the demon general, Yi Tian snorted coldly, then stood still, and slowly recited the mantra in his mouth, and only after he recited the Bodhi Concentration Mantra three times did he feel that his Dao heart had calmed down again.Then he unexpectedly discovered that there was a thin layer of golden halo around him, pushing away the black evil energy around him by more than five inches.

I secretly applauded in my heart that this is exactly the power of the Buddhist sect's secret technique cultivated in Banruo Temple back then, but I didn't expect it to have unexpected effects here.

After slowly using the Prajna Kuzen technique, the golden halo around the body did not expand significantly, but the golden light inside was much more solidified.

So Yi Tian was no longer timid and took big steps to walk into the depths.Last time I heard from Hua Yulin that there are three floors in Kuisha Grotto, and a demon with great cultivation was imprisoned in the deepest part, but I don't know what's going on now.

What's more, last time I clearly heard someone talking to me directly, so I might as well go and find out.

Then I walked down and felt that the surrounding passages became narrower and narrower, and black liquid dripped down from time to time on the rock walls of the passage.Yi Tian took a closer look and could recognize that these were all precipitated and liquefied from the large amount of magic energy left behind by the demon general after his death.Speaking of which, these things can be regarded as the most direct raw materials for refining the real magic liquid. In the spirit world, I am afraid that only here can collect so much real magic energy.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out the Jingling bottle to collect the black liquid on the wall, and he finally stopped after collecting almost half of the bottle.

After putting away the spirit purification bottle, Yi Tian continued to search for the road and explored forward. Although the passage was dark along the way, he could see clearly inside after sweeping it with his divine sense.

After walking for a while, I found that there seemed to be a small passage not far in front of me, which just accommodated myself to pass through.He was not in a hurry to go out until he got to the exit, but just quietly poked his divine sense out to check the situation.

There are no traces of human-faced spider activity outside, but there are several green waterways on the ground in the karst cave space outside, and finally converge into a large pool in the middle.

As for the liquid in the water channel seeping from the walls around the stone room, after careful inspection with spiritual sense, it seems that there are black demon corpses nailed to those walls.Immediately, Yi Tian's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that there were hundreds of corpses nailed to the top of the strong.

After slowly getting out of the passage, Yi Tian found that the magic energy around him seemed to have strengthened again, and it was obvious that all the demon generals in the late stage of transformation were imprisoned here.Walking to the corpses hanging on the wall, I looked at the traces of black magic energy on their bodies, which slowly lay down and flowed to the ground, and then drew into small streams of water, and finally flowed directly into the pool in the middle.

Speaking of it, this is definitely an excellent place for demonic cultivation and retreat, but as a spiritual practitioner, I was suppressed by the surrounding energy of demonic barriers. If it weren't for the protection of the Buddhist sect, I'm afraid I would have lost my mind.

Turning his head around, he quietly walked to the pool not far away and used his divine sense to probe it in. Suddenly, he frowned, and there was a beast locked in the pool.

A closer look at this ferocious beast seems to be sleeping soundly. Its body is like a big fish, but its front claws are like a dragon's tail and its tail is like a dragon.After going through it in my mind, I found out that the origin of this beast turned out to be the Tiger Jiao, a branch of the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the water.But this Tiger Jiao has obviously been demonized, black barbs can't help growing on its body, and even its skin has become dark and shiny.

There are shackles on the two front paws, and it seems that they are restrained here.

It's just that I have doubts in my heart. It stands to reason that this Kuisha Cave has been built for at least eight or nine thousand years.The corpses of the demon generals in the surrounding area were obviously exhausted and died.As for the tiger dragon in this pond, it is a different kind, and it has survived to this day despite its long lifespan.

Later, after searching all the species and habits of the tiger dragon, I realized that this tiger dragon is obviously a mutation, and it has been subjected to so many blood and flesh essences from so many demons to improve its strength so far.To put it bluntly, in the nearly ten thousand years, the strength of this strange beast has been improved by at least two levels to obtain such a long lifespan.

Knowing that his strength is not enough, Yi Tiansheng was afraid of disturbing the tiger dragon, so he soared into the air and flew slowly towards the side.

Just halfway through the flight, I suddenly found some strange noises coming from the other side of the cave, so I was stunned for a while and my face became extremely ugly.After seeing that the surrounding area was empty and there was no place to hide, he had to wrap himself in a cloak, then restrain his breath and perform concealment techniques to sink into the void.

After ten breaths, a person stumbled out of the passage on the side. Although he didn't seem to accept it, the tired look on his face was undoubtedly revealed.The person who came was Xu Yong who had explored from another road.

I saw that he looked down and out at this time, and the robe on his body was damaged in many places, so the journey must have been uneven.

He walked into the stone room so carelessly that he directly woke up the Tiger Jiao in the central pool.Then, under a burst of demonic energy, the Tiger Jiao slowly breathed its head and looked in the direction where Xu Yong appeared.

Yi Tian didn't dare to move at this time, the cultivator of Huashen was extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment, and if he made a mistake, he would be exposed.Fortunately, their attention was on each other, and neither of them detected their own existence.

Xu Yong also seemed to be a little strange at this time, his face was shaking and his eyes were red.After sizing up the tiger dragon in front of him, he found that it was a monster with its head locked, and there was not much fear on his face.

Afterwards, he began to unscrupulously absorb the evil energy around him, and his aura suddenly increased a lot, as if he was about to reach the peak of the transformation stage.

Seeing this, Yi Tiancai realized that Xu Yong was an out-and-out demon cultivator, or a person who cultivated both Taoism and demons. With a sound of 'tearing', the Tiger Jiao seemed to be upset with Xu Yong and took the lead in attacking it, and shot a dark green water arrow towards the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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