
Chapter 988 Fighting 5 kill

Chapter 988
The Tiger Jiao in the magic liquid pool in the cave was the first to attack, spitting out a green venom from its mouth and spraying it at Xu Yong.The venom hit the opponent accurately after passing through the air, but a black film of light protected Xu Yong and directly blocked the venom.

After three breaths, I saw that Xu Yong didn't seem to back down from facing the tiger dragon. Instead, a burst of red and black devilish energy appeared on his face, and his face became more ferocious.

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding aside, really felt that something was wrong. If he saw a monster of the same level as him under normal circumstances, he would usually avoid it.But Xu Yong in front of him seemed to be possessed by a demon. Although he was an out-and-out demon cultivator, he would not be so stupid as to go head-to-head with such a prehistoric monster.

Yi Tian stared at Xu Yong and was startled. He was obviously affected by the magic energy in the cave, and he was in a half-bewitched state.

Thinking of this, he was secretly happy, just took this opportunity to let the Tiger Jiao and Xu Yong fight first and hurt himself, and then take the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful and the reality is too skinny. This person fights in the cave and soon leads the flames of war to Yi Tian's hiding place.There is no place to hide in the empty grotto. Yi Tian used the concealment technique to stay still, but once the figure moves, it will attract their attention.

But the venom and spells flying all over the sky have no eyes, and splash towards his direction from time to time.It was okay at first, but as the battle became intense, the venom sprayed three feet away from Yi Tian's body several times.

Until there was a loud bang and the spell and the green liquid came overwhelmingly, Yi Tian couldn't stand calmly anymore.Seeing that he was in danger, he immediately used escapism without any hesitation to avoid it.

The consequence of doing so was to directly expose himself, the tiger dragon in the pool immediately stopped and then slowly retracted into the center of the pool, only exposing the upper half of his body, staring at the two outside.

As for Xu Yong, he seemed to have come to his senses after Yi Tian suddenly appeared, and then he stared at him with red eyes and shouted: "You brat didn't expect to be able to do it so early in the morning." Hiding here, it looks like you won't be able to fly this time."

Yi Tian didn't take his words to heart at all, it was unreasonable for a person who was dazed by the evil spirit.But from the position where he came in, he could find that the way of life was on his side.Yi Tian is not in a hurry at this time, the most difficult thing to deal with right now is the tiger dragon, as for Xu Yong, I am afraid that he is almost exhausted at this time.

Even in his heyday, he was never afraid of him, let alone his current embarrassment.With a glance, the tiger dragon seemed to be ready to go, as long as there was any movement here, it would definitely attract a thunderous blow.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan Sword to sacrifice in his hand, and then chanted something in his mouth and sent a voice transmission to Xu Yong in private.In an instant, streaks of golden light came out from his mouth, and then swept towards Xu Yong's body.

Wherever the golden light wave went, all the evil spirits around were purified, and there was a trace of zigzag sound in the air.

Xu Yong can be regarded as having seen the golden light wave in the world, and blurted out: "Buddha sect's secret technique." Then he flicked his legs and hurriedly dodged aside.

At the same time, the Tiger Jiao also jumped out at the right time, but its target was not Xu Yong who was dodging aside.

Even though Yi Tian was attacking Xu Yong, most of his spiritual thoughts were still focused on Hujiao.After all, this Tiger Jiao is the biggest threat in this cave. I originally wanted to use it to get rid of Xu Yong, but unfortunately things backfired.

Seeing that Yi Tian was not stupid, he quickly jumped over and retreated to the side, and then raised his sword light and swept towards the Tiger Flood Dragon.

After flashing the green venom, the golden sword wire drew an arc in the air and directly hit the fin on the back of the Tiger Jiao.Wherever the golden thread went, it cut off half of its fins.

The Tiger Flood roared wildly, then spit out several streams of venom, and then attacked all around indiscriminately.Knowing the power of the venom, Yi Tian hurriedly put up a shield to block in front of him, but he retreated quickly, directly to the entrance of his passage.

Xu Yong also seemed to be affected, and there was a fierce light in his eyes. Unfortunately, in such a situation, he couldn't wait for an opportunity to attack. It is worth stepping back to suspend the attack.

The tiger dragon suffered a disadvantage in this matter and wanted to trouble Yi Tian, ​​but it had no choice but to stop after only a few feet on the shore, unable to move forward for half a minute.After Yi Tian took a closer look, he discovered that it was the chains in the pool that locked its two hind limbs, and another chain penetrated directly into its abdomen and locked its hip bones.

Seeing this, Yi Tian made a decision in his heart, so he can deal with Xu Yong first in this grotto, as long as he is careful not to enter the attack range of the tiger dragon.

After making a plan in his mind, Yi Tian was unambiguous, and his whole body disappeared in place as an afterimage.After three breaths, he bypassed most of the grotto and flew directly towards Xu Yong. He sacrificed the Taiyuan sword and shot out ten thousand sword threads to point at the opponent to surround him.

Xu Yong's face sank without showing any timidity, and he shouted: "You are a disciple of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. I never thought that Yaoling Yujian is so sharp. It is already three times as good as Jian Shaoqing. My son is defeated by you." It's not wrong to lose in the hand, but it's a pity that I'm still too tender to deal with the old man."

Let's talk, after a wave of demonic energy possessed his body, the clothes on his whole body were directly torn apart by the arched muscles. In an instant, Xu Yong's body suddenly swelled by more than two feet, turning into a burly and strong man.

The skin on his body also began to demonize, showing dark golden magic lines, and the sword wires hit him with a dense ding-dong sound.

I saw Xu Yong took a deep breath, and then released his whole body to forcefully push away the incoming sword silk. When he stood still later, he found that Yi Tian had already bullied him, and opened his dark golden arms with joy on his face. Grab it.

Originally, Xu Yong was going to overwhelm his opponent with strong physical skills, but he felt a hot pain when his hands approached.Before he had time to react, he saw a purple fist magnified infinitely in his pupils, hitting his chest with one hand.The defense that he was originally proud of had no effect in front of this purple fist, and this fist with purple flames easily broke through the defense and brought a large amount of golden Buddhist power along with it.

After the Buddhist golden light entered Xu Yong's body, he began to directly purify his devilish energy from the inside.After screaming a few times in succession, a fist-sized hole in his chest revealed a golden halo.After the light source quickly traveled through the meridians of his body for three breaths, Xu Yong's whole aura became depressed, and he no longer had the aura just now.

In the end, only intermittent words came from Yi Tian's ears: "You are from the Palace of Fire."

(End of this chapter)

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