
Chapter 989 Struggle 6 Escape

Chapter 989
After tidying up Xu Yong, Yi Tian reached out and put away all the storage rings on his body, then turned his head and glanced at the tiger dragon.I saw that it was still looking at me covetously at this time, but it just smiled at the corner of its mouth and then slowly backed out along the way Xu Yong came in.

I had no intention of going deep into the second floor of Kuisha Grotto, and at this time the main force of the pursuers had been eliminated.Next, even if you encounter Lan Yasha, you will not be afraid at all.

Looking at the passage in front of him, he knew in his heart that the two roads were actually connected, but the one he chose happened to be the hatching room of the human-faced spider.But the road that Xu Yong took was less dangerous.

At that time, I also chose a road randomly in a moment of impatience, but I was a little bit unlucky.Fortunately, Lan Yasha also found his own way later, but I don't know what his situation is at this time, if he escapes, he will inevitably spend a lot of time dealing with him.

After walking for a while, Yi Tian came to a smaller stone room, and found that the stone room was in a mess, and the ground was covered with the remains of human-faced spiders.Needless to say, these must be Xu Yong's masterpieces, just now he had to force a breakthrough to go deep into the Tiger Flood Cave.

But having said that, the first half of the first floor of Kuisha Grottoes seems to be occupied by human-faced spiders, no matter how you go along the two roads, you will encounter these monsters.

Not long after, he returned to the original three-way intersection, but at this time, he detected in his divine sense that several human-faced spiders were eating a hundred feet away.

After being stunned for a moment, he found that his whereabouts seemed to be exposed, which attracted those human-faced spiders to rush towards him.

Immediately, he took out several ghost-faced flower seeds in his hand without stopping, and after activating them, they were directly ejected into the ground of the passageway.

After three breaths, there was a thin and rustling sound, and the vines under the feet also sprouted paper buds, which were woven into a defensive net to protect Yi Tian in it.

In an instant, three adult-faced spiders appeared in front of him and rushed towards him in a hurry.The figure stepped back with a kick, and at the same time, it kept manipulating the ghost-faced flower vines to drill out from around the passage and roll towards them.

Fortunately, this passage is not big, so I have a good location.The huge spiders could only crawl in through the passage one by one, and then they were directly entangled by the ghost-faced flower vines that I bought here just now.

Entangled the front spider and the two behind were blocked and unable to move forward, Yi Tian immediately thought in his mouth and realized that his hands were knotted, and then manipulated the ghost-faced flower vine to drill through the ground and entangled the last one as well.

Immediately, the three human-faced spiders were taken over by him, and they were stuck in the passage, unable to advance or retreat.At this time, Yi Tian raised his mouth and reached out to take out the Taiyuan Sword to sacrifice in his hand, and then used his swordsmanship to transform thousands of sword threads and hit the front monster.

The sword wire passed across the monsters' bodies in an instant like hitting a stationary live target, cutting them into several pieces of different sizes. There were several sounds of 'Puff', as if something rolled down to the ground, and Yi Tian's divine sense swept away, and a smile appeared on his face.The human-faced spider actually dropped three inner pills the size of eggs. Although it was obviously polluted by evil spirit energy, it is still very suitable for the evil spirit to use.

I didn't expect that I took the opportunity to escape into Kuisha Grotto this time, but I took advantage of it.

Sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword to clean up the broken flesh and blood of monster beasts, and then took out a jade box to put away the three inner pills.

After doing this, Yi Tian took big steps towards the exit of the passage, and soon found a corpse entangled in spider silk not far in front of him.After sacrificing the Taiyuan Sword to split the spider thread, he found that it was the trapped Lan Yasha. This person was also considered an unlucky one.

I saw that Lan Yasha's skin was blue-green at this time, obviously because he had been injected with a large amount of toxin, and his whole body was paralyzed and unable to move.Then half of the head was eaten clean, and the Nascent Soul escaped and was directly stuck to the spider web without escaping.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just sighed and shook his head. Although the fall of Lan Yasha was not directly caused by himself, it was also indirectly affected.

It's a pity that he was unlucky to meet three human-faced spiders, and after being trapped, a large amount of venom was injected into his body, and his whole body was paralyzed, and finally became a delicious meal for spiders.

Shooting a fireball casually burned Lan Yasha's body to ashes, and then there was a flash of light that made Yi Tian's eyes shine.After careful inspection, it was a white shell-like object. When I was in the lower realm, I had seen the same storage device used by the sea people.Unexpectedly, this Lan Yasha also has a share, judging from his identity, he may not necessarily be a pure-bred human spiritual cultivator.

It's just that I don't know that there are still existences like the Sea Clan in the spirit world. After putting away the shell, Yi Tian didn't say much. After his spiritual power surged, he quickly fled towards the way he came from.

Half an hour later, when I escaped from Kuisha Grotto again, I didn't hear the sound from last time, but I was indeed inexplicably curious about this place in my heart.The voice I heard last time was definitely not my hallucination.

After flying to the sky above the Kuisha Grottoes, he looked at it carefully, then turned his head and flew towards the southern boundary.

Half a day later, Yi Tian opened up a temporary cave in a deep mountain somewhere in the south. After setting up a hidden formation and entering it, he sat cross-legged in the cave and began to count the harvest this time.

After erasing the imprint on the white shell, he re-printed his own seal, and then opened it to find that there are some strange treasures inside.More than half of them are special products in the sea, but they are not popular, and there are few precious materials that can be used to refine spiritual tools or be used as medicine.

Among them, only a three-foot-high red coral can still catch the eye, and only a gray clam shell caught his attention.

Human monks usually like to use jade boxes to store high-level treasures. It is estimated that this clam shell is exclusively used by the sea tribe.After gently opening it, a silver light flashed out of it. Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that it turned out to be a fist-sized pearl. He was shocked and closed it, then pasted it with a talisman to imitate the leakage of spiritual energy.

This thing seems to be worth more than the red coral, it can be regarded as the most valuable thing in Lan Yasha's hands.

After putting away the shells, he opened Xu Yong's storage ring and searched again, and found that there were fragments of the body curling technique inside.After Yi Tian looked at it, he realized that it was the exercise he used during the fight.Unexpectedly, its defense is so strong that his own sword silk has no effect on it.

If he hadn't made up his mind to use his trump card, I'm afraid he really couldn't help him.After carefully reading through this jade slip, I found that Xu Yong was also not good at cultivation.This physical technique is called 'Wanyuan Bodybuilding Technique', in which there are only the first two levels of exercises, but it needs some medicine and stones to assist it.Fortunately, he has only cultivated the first level. If he refines the second level to perfection, I am afraid that he will definitely fight with him and lose both sides.

Later, I found a letter in the storage ring, took it out and read it, and suddenly a little cold sweat broke out on my forehead.The person who sent the letter turned out to be the three candidates who, together with Xu Yong, wanted to intercept Luoxiacheng from participating in the Lihuo selection, and Hua Yuxin's name was also included.

(End of this chapter)

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