
Chapter 991 Struggle 8 Return

Chapter 991
Three years later, Yi Tian finally completed the preliminary exploration work and returned to Luoxia City.As soon as he came back, he went directly to Hong Fei's mansion to report. After all, the follow-up of this matter still depends on the strength of Taiqing Pavilion to complete.

Seeing Hong Fei this time, he seemed to be in good spirits, and something good should have happened.After sitting down in the main hall of his mansion, Yi Tian did not hide anything and told all the things he encountered when he went out this time in detail.

In the end, I just concealed the things that were going to stop Hua Yuxin, looked at Hong Fei in a blink of an eye, his face trembled, and then he said angrily: "That fellow Qing Yuan likes to play tricks, but it's a pity that Li Chi doesn't live up to it , After more than three years of tossing around, I still haven’t figured it out.”

After Yi Tian heard it, he had an idea in his heart, since it involved his own competition, he naturally had to listen carefully.Later, Hong Fei also briefly talked about what happened in the past three years.

It was so easy to find out that Li Chi had also tried to repair the ruins of the ancient formation in the past three years, but unfortunately the countless phone bills and materials could not activate the formation in the end.Immediately curled his lips and smiled: "Brother Hong, don't worry, even if Li Chi can activate the formation after repairing it, he may not be able to enter Chen Haoran's magic eye."

Hong Fei became excited after hearing this, and hurriedly asked: "What's the reason?"

"Without him, the material of the array ten thousand years ago is slightly different from today's, and the array pattern needs to be completed in one go, so what's the use of repairing it," Yi Tian said with a smirk.

Hong Fei frowned and asked in a surprised tone, "Brother Yi, you are an expert in all kinds of things, tell me about it."

In this way, Yi Tian unambiguously expressed his feeling when he saw the formation for the first time. In fact, it is very simple. The 'Seven Star Gathering Spirit Formation' is obviously arranged on a huge formation base.As for the patterns on the top that seem to be chaotic, but after careful consideration, they are formed as a whole. I have seen such an engraving technique in the secret volume of Lihuo Palace.

Moreover, this large formation should have been set up by the seniors of Lihuo Palace ten thousand years ago. If he really repaired it, wouldn't it attract a lot of suspicion.Therefore, Li Chi's failure is inevitable, as for this point, it is enough for me to know it in my heart, and I don't need to say it too clearly.

When it came to the end, Yi Tian said with a serious face: "Brother Hong, it's not that the younger brother didn't try his best. Even if the new formation is successfully arranged, it will only have the effect of the original six or seven successes."

"Why is that?" Hong Fei exclaimed.

"Because of the earth veins, the site of the spiritual formation ten thousand years ago must have been carefully selected. It is not polite to say that it should be the intersection of seven large-scale spiritual veins," Yi Tian vowed.

In this way, Hong Fei suddenly understood that it was not because of Yi Tian's formation skills, but because of the insufficient level of the spirit veins.But now all the large-scale spiritual veins in the spirit world are occupied by large and small forces, and the only ones that can be used are small and medium-sized spiritual veins gathering nodes.

And the choice is only within the jurisdiction of Luoxia City, so even if it can be found, it is really not easy.

Later, Yi Tian took out a jade slip of a map and spread it on the table, pointed at the three marks on it, and then slowly revealed his plan.

The three spiritual vein nodes that can be selected are listed in the east and southeast of Luoxia City respectively, but these locations are now unowned land, if you want to use them, you must first go to the city lord's mansion to circle these points in advance for future use .

Hong Fei was very clear about the procedures for this matter, and then took over the work without any fuss.As for the follow-up formation, all the matters will be handed over to Yi Tian.

Except for Hong Fei's mansion, Yi Tian went straight to the Artifact Refiner's Alliance. Chen Haoran said before that all the materials and manpower needed for the formation can be directly asked of him.

It's just that when I arrived at the Artifact Refiner's Alliance, I explained my purpose to the hall deacon, but they didn't show any emotion on their faces, but their eyes flickered as if there was something hidden in them.

Yi Tian didn't want to spend too much time with them, and finally asked to see the distribution elder Chen Haoran directly.The deacons knew it but couldn't help it, and then they took Yi Tian straight into the passage of the inner hall.

After walking out of the long corridor of the inner hall for a while, I heard someone talking in the side court in front.Although the voice was not loud, Yi Tian did hear clearly, it should be Li Chi's voice.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth twitched and he felt secretly happy. It is estimated that Li Chi would still not give up and prepare for the second repair work, but he didn't know what Chen Haoran meant.

After the notification, Yi Tian strode into the side hall, and looked sideways at Li Chi who was explaining the process of repairing the formation with Chen Haoran.

It's just that there is a young monk listening in on what he is doing. He is also wearing the costume of the Artifact Masters Alliance, and has a personal badge on his chest, and his cultivation level is similar to his own.

Seeing Yi Tian coming in, Li Chi stopped, then looked at him with disdainful eyes, and then sat aside silently.

As the host, Chen Haoran's eyes lit up at this time, and then he stood up and introduced to the young monk: "This is Master Yi, who has gone to explore the new formation area before, and we can also hear what he has to say when we come back this time. .”

Yi Tian has lived for so long and naturally understands the situation on the scene. As the elders of the branch, he talks to a backward craftsman in this way, which shows that his status is not low.

After clapping his hands, Yi Tian first introduced his situation.After hearing that, the young man stood up and said, "Pei Yuexiao, a newly promoted human-level craftsman in the Craftsman Alliance, has met Master Yi."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment that a newly promoted craftsman could attend such a meeting. It could be said that the identity of Pei Yuexiao in front of him was not simple, and Chen Haoran valued it so much, it is possible that the seven-star gathering spirit formation was for him.After flashing through his mind for several years, Yi Tian didn't dare to put on airs, and replied directly: "It turns out that Master Pei is in person, please sit down and discuss it in detail."

Chen Haoran also showed a little smile on his face and said: "It's exactly, let's sit down and talk slowly. It just so happens that Master Yi's return today will definitely bring some good news." Chi, I saw him forcing a smile on his face this time to salute Yi Tianji.

Holding the smile on his face, Yi Tian had to suppress all the smiles, and then surpassed Li Chi and said: "I haven't seen you in three years, but fellow Taoist has lost a little weight. It must be very hard to repair the big formation."

Li Chi's expression changed slightly, and then he returned to normal and replied, "It's more difficult than fellow Daoist Bu Yi's investigation and sleeping in the open."

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, then he turned his head and said to Chen Haoran: "I found an excellent place to arrange formations five thousand miles away from Luoxia City, and now I am returning to find Elder Chen to collect some materials for formations and manpower so that we can choose another day to start work.”

As soon as the words were said, Pei Yuexiao's face beamed with joy and she was about to say something, but Chen Haoran really frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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