
Chapter 992 Struggle 9 Achieved

Chapter 992
When Yi Tian proposed that he wanted to withdraw some precious materials to set up an eyelid in the side hall of the Artifact Master Alliance, the expressions of the three of them were completely incomprehensible.

As his opponent, Li Chi originally looked like he was sitting on the sidelines, but his face suddenly changed when he mentioned Zhiqi Baocai.Yi Tian had a panoramic view of his expression and knew his concerns.

It is nothing more than that the materials in the warehouse of the Artifact Master Alliance will not be all controlled by him at this moment.With a competitor, everyone can only withdraw according to the quota for some key materials, and they can no longer ask for more than they used to.

Pei Yuexiao's expression was the most relaxed. Presumably he was just a user, but he didn't care about the formation.In his eyes, as long as the seven-star gathering spirit array can be set up, it is not up to him to consider other matters.

As for the one with the most embarrassing expression, Chen Haoran was the one who mentioned it, and he probably didn't calculate the consumption of treasure materials needed for the actual formation.So under Li Chi's management, a lot of inventory in the branch warehouse was withdrawn.Now there is another person to withdraw the treasure material, I am afraid that the cost will exceed the budget.

Yi Tian knew that Chen Haoran was in charge here, and without his nod, no one could extract anything from the alliance warehouse.But with Li Chi's lessons learned from the past, he seemed to have become a little hesitant.

Thinking of this, I knew that I had to make a breakthrough from him, and then said with a smile: "Actually, I have calculated this time, the new formation does not need to be the same as the original one, it can be reduced to [-]% of the original one. The appearance is enough. Therefore, the treasure materials that are consumed only need to be half of the original ones.”

This sentence made everyone present look suspicious, especially Chen Haoran, who couldn't see anything on his face, but was struggling in his heart.After all, spending a small amount of precious materials can still achieve the goal, so Yitian's plan is more rational and more feasible.

It's just that I don't know what the effect will be. If the formation is reduced to [-]% of the original size, the effect of the formation will be reduced by how much.

Before Chen Haoran could speak, Li Chi, who was sitting on the side, snorted coldly and said, "You Daoist Yi's thinking is too optimistic. If the original [-]% of the formation is caused by the formation, the effect will be reduced by at least [-]%. If success does not meet Elder Chen's requirements, isn't that a waste of materials?"

Knowing that Li Chi was jumping over the wall in a hurry to find the loopholes in his words, Yi Tian was not in a hurry but said lightly: "If you spend a lot of money and fail to construct the formation, it would be a waste."

One sentence brought out the topic that Li Chi was least willing to mention, and reminded the two people present by the way.I am [-]% sure of success. Compared with repairing the formation, which is costly and effective, it is obvious which is more important.

In a blink of an eye, I glanced at Li Chi, only to see that he was suffocated by his own words, and then took advantage of the victory to pursue: "Actually, I have calculated that although the scale of the new formation is a little smaller than the original one, the amount of precious materials that can be consumed is higher than normal. The number is much less, and I found that some parts are very replaceable, and they can be replaced with today's materials. In addition, I can reduce the effect by at most [-]%, so I believe Elder Chen should be enough Bar."

These words made Chen Haoran and Pei Yuexiao's eyes flash brightly, this proposal is indeed very attractive.And it was also agreed in the morning, Chen Haoran wanted to hedge his bets, but he was not open to it, so there was no reason to refuse.

After thinking for a while, Chen Haoran made a decision on the spot: "Okay, Daoist Yi's proposal coincides with the old man's, and it is also suitable for the current situation of the branch warehouse."

Then he took the token around his waist and handed it over: "In this case, you can go to the warehouse to choose treasure materials first. Remember that you can only choose five earth-level treasure materials. Human-level treasure materials are limited to twenty kinds. As for the remaining It's easy to say."

Li Chi, who was sitting by the side, seemed hesitant to speak, but seeing Chen Haoran's resemblance, he made up his mind and didn't dare to interfere again.

Yi Tian took the jade card and said again: "This time I want to draw a group of monks from the Artifact Refiner Alliance to assist in the formation."

"You can choose as many disciples as you want in the Nascent Soul Stage. The number of disciples is limited to 30, and there are at most five disciples in the Transformation Stage. It will be completed within ten years," Chen Haoran added a time limit at the end.

Yi Tian shook his head and said, "All I need is a disciple of the Nascent Soul Stage. As for the security, I will ask Director Hong to second the elite of the Inspection Department to assist."

After speaking, he glanced at Li Chi intentionally or unintentionally, but seeing the embarrassment on his face flashed away, he immediately pretended to be nonchalant.

These words just now are exactly what I said to him. The last time Qingyuan played tricks in private, he found some casual cultivators outside to chase and intercept him.This time, he used Hong Fei's name to second the inspection department's staff. If Qingyuan could send people to make troubles like this, then he would not take the regular forces in Luoxia City seriously.

This trick of knocking Shan Zhenhu is also a reminder to Li Chi, so that he should not play tricks and let everyone let go and compare each other according to their abilities.

After saying goodbye to Chen Haoran later, Yi Tian took his warrant and went to the main hall to find the logistics deacon and go to the warehouse to pick out treasures.It's just that these people from the Artifact Master Alliance had a bad face and didn't dare to go against their wishes, so they had to bite the bullet and accompany them to the warehouse.

After this round, Yi Tiancai saw what it means to be rich and powerful, and the warehouses distributed by the Artifact Refiner Alliance alone are more than any secret storage he has seen before.This time Chen Haoran also gave a limit, but the formation materials he originally imagined were mainly human-level treasures.

It's just that if you don't take it for nothing, you can keep these prefecture-level treasures for your own use.Considering that the Taiyuan Sword in his hand still has the potential to be strengthened, plus he promised Xi Tianying back then to refine a decent sword for him.

So it's not impolite. After scanning all the earth-level treasures on the shelf, he selected four raw ores in an instant, namely malachite, blue essence, diamond and scaleless stone.

After carefully removing the four raw ores, they boarded the plane with the deacon before storing them in the storage ring. After turning around a little later, they found some dirty scales in a corner.There are as many as six or seven pieces, and each piece is about one foot in size and three inches thick.

Looking at the aura emanating from it, it should be peeled off from the first adult dragon, and there is still a little blood on it, which has already dried up and turned dark red.

After looking at it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said, "This is the fifth thing."

The deacon in charge of recording just nodded symbolically, and then wrote down seven pieces of fossils on the jade book.Yi Tian was overjoyed and guessed that they didn't know the origin of this thing, so they left it here for nothing.

These dragon scales looked dirty but they were stained by dragon blood. Take it back and refine it into a dragon scale shield.This kind of spiritual weapon is also much stronger than the rhinoceros leather armor I am wearing now.

(End of this chapter)

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