
Chapter 993

Chapter 993
In Luoxia City, Hong Fei is absolutely inferior. Even Qing Yuan, whose official position is higher than him, can't do anything to him. Who told him that Hong's family is the biggest emperor in Luoxia City.

Yi Tian went straight to his mansion again after he came out of the Artifact Refining Masters Alliance. After explaining the cause and effect of the strong, Hong Fei was unambiguous, and directly sent a message to mobilize the direct descendants of the inspection department to come to assist.

Naturally, he didn't have to do it himself, but this didn't affect the degree of concern for this matter.On the contrary, Hong Fei hoped to succeed at once, so this time he also let all the elite under his command come out.

The people who were transferred to be in charge of guarding were my old friends Mi Jun and his wife, as well as two Ke Qing elders from his Hong family, plus myself, a total of five Huashen monks.Such a strong team is in charge of vigilance, so there is no need to be afraid of any casual cultivators coming to make trouble.

As for the thirty Nascent Soul cultivators drawn from the Artifact Refiner Alliance, most of them are human-level artisans who have not yet entered.This time Chen Haoran also issued a death order and asked them to fully assist without any mistakes.And I heard that in private, there is a guarantee that no one will be rewarded with hundreds of merit points after completing the formation.

In this way, the enthusiasm of these people was mobilized. Yi Tian was notified within three days of recuperating at home that all the required [-] assistants had arrived.

Seeing this jade talisman, Yi Tian was really speechless, he could finally take a breather at home, but they didn't stop and really wanted to force him to build a formation quickly.

Fortunately, I haven't been idle these days, and cleaned the extracted dragon scales one by one.After the blood-stained air was removed, what was exposed inside turned out to be thick red dragon scales.

Looking at the scales, it should be the hardest part of the scales on the back of an adult Yanlong.Gently touching these scales with your hands can feel an ancient and desolate atmosphere.

It is estimated that the owner of these scales is a Yanlong who has reached the fusion stage.The scale was so hard that even those monks in the distraction stage couldn't break it.

This time it is regarded as picking up treasures, but it is not so easy to refine them into dragon scale shields.At least I have to retreat and burn it with Leiyan Ziyan for a period of time before I can smelt it into shape.

It's a pity that we are short of time now, so we have to put these things aside first. After going back to the Royal Bee Office in the villa to see the situation of Ziyufeng, Yi Tian hurried out and rushed towards the branch of the Artifact Master Alliance .

When I came to the back of the Artifact Master Alliance, I saw Chen Haoran exchange his warrants, and then he was dragged by him to start counting the assisting personnel.These Nascent Soul cultivator formation masters are not yet at the human level, and the leader is Chen Haoran's apprentice named Bai Siyang.This time, Chen Haoran had high hopes for the new formation, so he directly taught him and his disciples how to do it face-to-face.

Yi Tian naturally knew the meaning of this, Bai Siyang could not only serve as an assistant to coordinate and assist in the formation, but also be Chen Haoran's eyes and ears.Presumably, every move I made in arranging the formation would not be hidden from Chen Haoran's eyes.

But I don't understand this matter in my heart, and I won't point it out on the surface. I am a contractor who contributes money and effort, and I have to handle the relationship with the supervisor who is sent down.Later, Yi Tian also notified Hong Fei directly to ask him to arrange for the four cultivators to gather at the south exit of the city, and he would bring his troops there in a while.

An hour later, at the south gate of Luoxia City, Yi Tian led many Nascent Soul monks to prepare to set off. Mi Jun and others had already been waiting for a long time.Not only that, he also brought a transport ship from Luoxia City, took it out and held it up in the air, and when everyone looked up, it was fifty feet long.

After a group of people boarded the ship and entered the cabin, Mi Jun entered the control room and slowly started the transport ship and flew towards the predetermined location.

Sitting in the cabin, Yi Tian stayed in the main control room and started chatting with Mi Jun and others.After looking at this ship, he also showed a little envy in his eyes, thinking that only the materials he collected from Tianlan Continent in the next session would be enough to build an assault boat of more than ten feet.Compared with the current transport ship, it is not one or two points worse.

Mi Jun also introduced: "This ship originally belonged to the city lord Hong Shanhe, but Director Hong borrowed it directly when something happened. After all, there are still so many disciples and disciples of the craftsman. If something goes wrong, it will be a shame. It’s also hard to explain.”

Sitting on the transport ship, Yi Tian searched it with his divine sense, and sighed for a while: "I didn't expect Brother Hong to show face so much. This transport ship is like a fortress in the sky. The facilities are so complete, even there are training rooms. , As for the spirit crystal cannon on the bow, this power is probably enough for those monks in the distraction period to suffer."

But Mi Jun didn't think so and said: "Brother Yi, you don't know this. All the schools in the spiritual world have such transport ships. They are small like ours."

"Oh, I don't know that the skill of refining weapons in the spirit world has completely subverted my cognition," Yi Tian couldn't help but sigh at the thought of a bigger flying boat than this. These are closely related to refining weapons, but he ascended I haven't been systematically studied afterwards, so once I see such a huge monster, I will naturally sigh.

Mei Xiner chimed in and said, "Actually, the warships of the three major sects are called big. Only fit monks can use such vehicles. The flagship sky patrol warship of the three sects is the largest warship in this world. It only appeared when the last demonic disaster broke out. However, it seems that the ship of the Lihuo Sect was seriously damaged in the last demonic disaster, almost sunk, and I don’t know if it has been repaired now.”

"Sky patrol warship," Yi Tian whispered a few times, and then his thoughts turned to the Lihuozong's warship that Mei Xin'er mentioned just now.It seems that the catastrophe really had a great impact on the spirit world.The main city of Taiqing Pavilion fell, and Lihuozong's sky patrol warship was sunk, but it is not known what kind of impact Scarlet Rain Sword Sect suffered.

It must be known that the major sects in the spiritual world are united in the same spirit, and if they are all damaged, they must have suffered similar losses in that evil disaster.

Just as he was thinking about it, Mi Jun, who was standing in the control position, said directly: "We will arrive at the destination in about a moment, Brother Yi, you have to ask the people below to get ready, and we will set up camp there later and stay there for ten minutes." About a year."

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "You don't need to worry, I have made complete preparations this time, and ten years is already the limit based on the construction period. If it goes well, the time can be greatly shortened."

Half a day later, the transport ship stopped directly above a mountain, and then a group of Nascent Soul monks filed out and landed on the hillside.Yi Tian, ​​on the other hand, handed over the Jade Slips prepared earlier in the morning to Bai Siyang, and told him not to rush to build it.This move made the other party look suspicious, and Yi Tiancai explained slowly later: "We will set up camp here and build many workshops for refining the formation foundation first."

Bai Siyang was really puzzled and said: "Master Yi, didn't you personally come to arrange the formation? Why do you need to build a workshop?"

"This project is huge, and precise measurements are required for construction. I will entrust you with the entire process of setting up the formation. What I will be responsible for is the fixed-point survey and the determination of the entry point of the foundation. Finally, I will teach you how to Refining array base components," Yi Tian said casually.

But Bai Siyang's eyes flashed brightly, and then he bowed to Yi Tian and said: "Master Yi is willing to teach the secret art of formation, and I thank you on behalf of all the brothers."

(End of this chapter)

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