
Chapter 994 Struggle 1 Division of Labor

Chapter 994
The location chosen for the new seven-star spirit-gathering formation is in the valley within the seven-mile slope of Manglin Mountain. It is located at the intersection of seven medium-sized spiritual veins, which is a rare treasure. It couldn't be more suitable.

The Nascent Soul refining masters brought here are all good at refining, but they really don't pay much attention to building the camp.Yi Tian saw that the big camp they built was almost like a refugee slum. In their words, the Nascent Soul monks only need to find a place with rich aura to meditate and recover their aura.

But Yi Tian didn't think so. Although this time it was just to build a spirit gathering array, there was no guarantee that the Artifact Master Alliance would use this place as its own private territory in the future.Anyone who has benefits will be remembered, so it is very necessary to build camps on the periphery first.

My plan is to build a defensive formation outside the spiritual formation first, so that when the inner spiritual formation is completed, it can continuously send spiritual power to the outer defensive formation to completely separate this area without much effort. The defensive force can withstand high-intensity attacks.

After all, there is still a little distance from Luoxia City here, even if you stick to it and wait for help, you must have a place to defend.

Faced with the disapproval of these craftsmen, Yi Tian didn't have a good solution. In the end, he found Bai Siyang and him to explain the stakes clearly.

Furthermore, building the camp first will not affect the progress of the project. I originally decided on a ten-year construction period after including all these additional buildings into the construction period.

Bai Siyang couldn't help agreeing to this, but seeing Yi Tian's unfriendly expression, he nodded helplessly and said: "Since Master Yi arranged this, then I will send an order to let all the brothers and sisters do it together."

"According to the map of the jade slips, the surrounding workshops are now being built," Yi Tian also urged helplessly.Seeing that these stragglers are taking it seriously, I feel angry from the bottom of my heart.

But now I still need to rely on them. Although there are four monks who can shake the scene by my side, they don't know anything about construction.

There is a specialization in this technique, and if you want the fish to take the bait, you have to put some bait on it.After thinking about it, Yi Tian reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it to the other party, saying: "This is the basic workshop construction map, but don't underestimate it. There are formation bases on the periphery of the large formation in the map, and I will first place the seven-star The formation inside can only be set up after the outside of the spirit-gathering formation is strengthened. Just take a look at the picture and ask me if you have any questions."

Bai Siyang first revealed a look of surprise on his face, it was the first time he talked about the method of setting up a defensive formation in addition to the spiritual formation.As a result, the jade slip was opened and spread out in his hands, and he quickly scanned it with his spiritual thoughts.After three breaths, the look of disdain on his face suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a grim look.

As he continued to look down, Bai Siyang's brows furrowed deeply, and he opened his mouth involuntarily and muttered in a low voice.Yi Tian ignored him, anyway, the things in it were the method used by Du Ziheng of Tiandao Sect in Tianlan Continent when he built the Feisheng Platform.

This time, I felt that there was something to be desired, so I directly used it to modify it, and then connected it with the Seven-Star Gathering Spirit Formation to form a peripheral protective formation.

But what I didn't expect was that this idea really shocked Bai Siyang, so even in the lower spirit world, there are merits, but all gold will always shine.

Bai Siyang looked at it for half an hour before he came back to his senses. At this time, his eyes had changed from disdain to respect.Then bowed his head to Yi Tiangong and gave a deep salute: "The outer formations inside are indeed unconventional, and it seems that those workshops that were built unexpectedly turned into the foundation of a large defensive formation in the end. In the future, as long as the energy is sufficient, the Nascent Soul cultivator alone can launch an attack whose defense is lower than that of the distracted cultivator."

Seeing that his formation skills have convinced the other party, Yi Tian was overjoyed, as long as Bai Siyang approved, the next thing would be easy.Then he turned his eyes and said: "I will teach you all the methods of refining the formation base, but the construction area this time is about one mile. In order to avoid the difference in the quality of the parts produced by each person's craftsmanship The levels are uneven, so I decided to use a dedicated person to refine in these built workshops."

"I don't know what is the method of having a dedicated person? I also ask Master Yi to enlighten me," Bai Siyang asked humbly.

"It's very simple. I will divide the steps of refining the formation base into several stages, and the refining process will also be in charge of the special person. For example, disciples who are proficient in engraving are responsible for drawing formation patterns, and those who are proficient in smelting and purifying materials only need to be responsible for the raw materials. Distilled and refined, the shaped tube shapes," explains Yi Tian.

"It turns out that this is a professional job, so I don't know how to distinguish the good from the bad of the refined materials?" Bai Siyang asked again.

I will select three of the best craftsmen among you to be in charge of supervising each link. Of course, I will personally teach these three people the opportunity to introduce the entire process in detail. As for the rest, I will personally demonstrate the process. For each link, everyone must first divide the work from the inside and select the link that is most suitable for the individual,” said Yi Tianru.

Bai Siyang was quite puzzled and said: "Master Zhaoyi, isn't it a waste of time to say that we are selecting and dividing labor?"

Yi Tian sighed and continued to explain helplessly: "It may be a bit cumbersome to do the preparatory work at first, and it will be a little troublesome when everyone divides the work. But as long as things are straightened out, the next work will become easier and easier. "

Although Bai Siyang still had some unrealistic ideas about this, but seeing that Yi Tian's face was not vague at all, he had no choice but to follow through.

Half a moment later, all these refiners were gathered together, and Bai Siyang clearly conveyed his thoughts.Some refiners raised objections on the spot, but Bai Siyang acted decisively this time to directly suppress these people's opinions, and even used the name of his master Chen Haoran.

In this way, these people had nothing to say, and Yitian made arrangements for the construction of the external workshop first. The 30 people were divided into groups of three to be responsible for a certain step of the construction, and then they flew directly into the air holding the sundial Luo Geng and began to measure the various base points without being idle.

Every place where the foundation can be laid is marked and fixed with the prepared dragon-chasing piles in advance.Then these refiners began to divide and cooperate according to the jade slips.Level the hills, introduce nearby water sources, and prepare stone materials to build workshops.Some people who are proficient in inscriptions carved the corresponding patterns on the outer wall of the workshop according to the instructions.

The whole process did not take more than a month, and we saw that workshops were built in an orderly manner all around the Qilipo Valley.The whole process was much faster than I expected, and after the initial training, the refiners found that the efficiency of doing things in this way had increased by more than [-]%.

Later, when Yi Tian handed over the second copy of the Jiyu slip to Bai Siyang, everyone began to divide the work without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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