
Chapter 995 Struggle 2: Teaching

Chapter 995
In the blink of an eye, five or six years have passed. The construction of Manglin Mountain is in full swing, and it is not peaceful in Luoxia City.I don't know where the gossip came out that the ancient ruins array repaired by Master Li Chi was about to succeed.As for the Artifact Master Alliance, the stage of testing the spirit array will begin soon.

This stirred up the originally peaceful Luoxia City, and all the forces that were originally silent seemed to be interested in exploring it.

It's a pity that Li Chi is far away. Even if these big and small forces have ideas, they are beyond their reach.Then there was another news that the Alliance of Artifact Masters was setting up a second spiritual formation at Manglin Mountain. Although it was a bit smaller than Li Chi's, it was still a replica of the same line.

Now all parties in the city have found their target. Manglin Mountain is located four to five thousand miles away, but it is still within the jurisdiction of Luoxia City. Although it is close to the edge, it will not take a few days for ordinary monks to go there That's all.

Although Hong Fei, the supervisor of the inner city, tried his best to cover up the matter, it was difficult to silence everyone.Many forces privately sent worship elders or spies to Manglin Mountain to investigate the situation.

But what was unexpected was that all those who had been there got lost in Manglin Mountain, and they never found the exact location of Qilipo.

Hong Fei finally heaved a sigh of relief about this, and secretly admired Yi Tian in his careful work. He had laid layers of psychedelic formations around Manglin Mountain early in the morning, so that those who had the same thoughts finally returned empty-handed without any problems.

As for Chen Haoran of the Artifact Masters Alliance, he has also kept in touch with his apprentices, constantly monitoring the progress of the project.With the first-hand information, Chen Haoran naturally knows more inside information than others, and at the same time appreciates Yi Tian's behavior and handling methods.

Such an outing to set up formations can be said to have cultivated a group of formation master apprentices for the Artifact Master Alliance.The so-called masters lead the door to practice and rely on apprentices. As long as they pass this hurdle, these Nascent Soul disciples can do in-depth research on the formation according to their own abilities.

Compared to Li Chi's way of hiding everything, he was afraid that the people of the Artifact Master Alliance would learn his skills, and the attitude of the two of them made Chen Haoran feel biased.

To put it bluntly, even if Yi Tian did not succeed here, Chen Haoran would not blame him.As for Li Chi's spending a lot of resources in the branch, if Yi Tian is compared to Yi Tian in the end, then Chen Haoran will have something to say.Although looking at Qing Yuan's face, Li Chi will not be too difficult, but it is absolutely impossible to cooperate in the future.

At this time, Yi Tian didn't know that his unintentional move had already won the favor of the Artifact Master Alliance.In the workshop in Manglin Mountain, the three leading refiners are demonstrating how to connect the most critical array components.Thinking about these things, there is no need to hide them from them. This relic formation disk is originally owned by the Artifact Refiner Alliance. I just repaired the formation and refined the formation pattern coefficient on the formation disk.

After nearly six years of uninterrupted construction, the layout of arrays in Qilipo is coming to an end.Those Nascent Soul refiners who have been trained over the years have all become qualified formation master apprentices.Every piece of spare parts in the big formation has passed through the hands of at least ten people, and no one has shown their best side.

Early in the morning, Yi Tian apportioned the formation pattern to each component according to the orientation. These seemingly chaotic inscriptions were assembled and spliced ​​in an orderly manner, and finally turned into a large-scale seven-star gathering spirit formation pattern.

What is missing now is the core array plate placed at the center of the spirit array, and Yi Tian did not hide this part.Instead, he called Bai Siyang and the other two leading brothers to demonstrate how to connect in front of them.

This move directly made the three of them put aside their prejudices and devote themselves to learning how to make arrays.In addition, Yi Tian's actions were intended to show favor to Chen Haoran who was far away in Luoxia City through Bai Siyang's mouth.

He didn't hide it, he not only taught the process of the array base components, but even the most critical core array plate refining to his apprentices in private.

In fact, this formation and path cannot be achieved overnight, and the accumulation of accumulation over the past thousand years is by no means something that can be learned overnight.But it is also a great opportunity for the three of Bai Siyang to have this opportunity to observe the production of array disks up close. As for how much they can learn, it depends on their own abilities.

After taking out the raw material of the formation plate and the formation carving knife that had been sacrificed before, Yi Tian drove mana to start refining in the most primitive way.In the furnace in the workshop, the mana is activated to the extreme high temperature, the flame inside turns from blue to red, and then from red to pure white, and then these materials are sent into the furnace one by one to start smelting.In his hand, he pinched the seal repeatedly and shot several spells towards the furnace.

The whole process lasted for three days and three nights until the materials in the furnace were cleared and fused together.These steps can be completed by ordinary craftsmen, at most, they need to smelt alternately because of lack of mana.

After the array embryos in the furnace were almost formed, Yi Tian reached out and lifted the furnace cover with a finger, and took out the array from inside.The other hand also directly manipulated the carving knife to carve on it without stopping.

This carving knife is also made of refractory material, walking on the high-temperature formation disk like flying, only heard the sound of "chacha" and the pattern under the carving knife slowly revealed its true appearance.Fortunately, after cooling down on the array plate, its surface is as soft as paper, so it can be formed at one time.

After finishing the last stroke, Yi Tian turned his head to look at the hourglass clock that was put aside, just after thirty breaths.The corner of his mouth raised and he said: "The first forming is at the moment, I will only do it once and you are optimistic about the final quenching process."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the three people on the side and directly stretched out his hand to put the array plate back into the fire for calcination.It's just that this time I didn't deliberately raise the temperature of the furnace to the limit, but directly lowered the original extremely high fire in the furnace deliberately.The original white flame turned slightly reddish before the formal quenching process began.

The three people of Bai Siyang on the side watched carefully, and at the same time they were holding jade slips in their hands to record the refining process.Especially when Yi Tian opened his mouth to raise a point, he recorded the manipulation techniques and fire control clearly.

The whole quenching process only took about a quarter of an hour, and Yi Tian then stretched out his hand to seal and type out the Dao Jue to take out the disk.

The sound of "bang" flew out from the road, and a flame flew into the air. After a pause, it fell into the spring water tank that had been placed on the side without any mistakes.After a puff of white smoke rose, the whole tank of water immediately boiled up. Knowing that the white smoke cleared, Yi Tian took out the array plate and held it in his hand to observe it. His face showed endless joy, and he said in his mouth: "Finally It is finished."

Before he had time to be happy, he suddenly heard the sound of an alarm outside the workshop, and a disciple outside hurriedly knocked on the door and shouted: "A foreign enemy has invaded, and the four guardians have already gone out to meet the enemy. Master Yi, please come out quickly to take charge of the overall situation."

(End of this chapter)

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