
Chapter 996 Fight for the Front 3 Start

Chapter 996
In the workshop, Yi Tian completed the most core array part in one smelting, but before he had time to be happy, he was disturbed by the news that came from the beginning.

The time chosen by the intruder was really just right, just until he completed the last step.After hearing the voice outside the door, Yi Tian's expression changed, he stretched out his hand and put away the array, turned to Bai Siyang and the other three and said, "Go out and see what's going on."

Then he pushed open the door of the stove and brought the three of them out.It was only when we got outside that we realized that there were loud alarms in the surrounding workshops.It is obvious that someone is trying to break through the phantom array arranged in advance, and it seems that they are about to break through.

Then the inspector's identity badge on his waist also reacted, he took it out to look at it, and his face sank, only to see that it read "Crimson Rain Sword Sect Ou Jinglong is visiting, a party of three."

When Yi Tian saw it, he made a decision in his heart. Although the phantom formation that he could not hold down could trap those casual practitioners, it might not be effective for these sect disciples.In addition, Ou Jinglong's strength is still there, and the people he brings must also be proficient in formations, so they can break through the obstacles of the phantom formation that he can't get out of.

Qing Yuan seemed to have spent some effort to suppress him and help Li Chi, and even the Zongmen senior brother came to help him.However, Ou Jinglong's ability to pinpoint his own timing so cleverly is also very suspicious. If you want to come to Qingyuan, you have buried the nail in it early in the morning.

According to this, the brothers under Bai Siyang may not all be credible, so after thinking about it, he said to the three of them directly: "Bai Siyang and I will install the array components, and the two of you should quickly inform the brothers under your command Into the civil war in the workshop and hide. No one is allowed to leave their posts without authorization, and those who violate it will blame me for being ruthless."

Before, I had always had a pleasant appearance, so these Nascent Soul cultivators were used to it.But when he did extraordinary things at an extraordinary moment, at the same time, he unscrupulously released the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, which directly shocked the three of them.

It was only then that Bai Siyang remembered that he was facing an ascended cultivator who was decisive in killing and attacking, and this remark obviously meant that he had something to discuss in private.Immediately, he took out a jade tablet and said in a deep voice to the other two: "Elder Chen has ordered the formation process to be entirely up to Master Yi, you two should hurry up and act according to the order."

Those two glanced at the jade tablet, and immediately their faces turned serious. When Yi Tian arrived, they hurriedly turned around and went to summon the brothers.

After Yi Tian saw it, he continued: "Go, talk while walking." After speaking, he hurriedly flew towards the center of the Seven Hearts Gathering Spirit Formation.

Bai Siyang didn't dare to push himself too hard, and hurriedly followed and flew up.Suddenly, I heard a voice transmission next to my ear: "The person who came is the master of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and there are also people who are proficient in formations."

Hearing this, Bai Siyang's face was shocked and he hurriedly replied: "How could this happen, the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and our Artifact Master Alliance have never had any enemies, why did you come here to make trouble?"

"I'm afraid it's my appearance that made Qingyuan feel uncomfortable, and Li Chi, the second sword, has limited strength and can't succeed, so it caused such a disaster," Yi Tian spat.

"Master Yi is certain that Li Chi can't succeed, so why not tell your teacher earlier," Bai Siyang asked puzzled.

Yi Tian just replied lightly: "I don't want to hate Director Qingyuan, presumably Elder Chen has the same plan in his heart."

As soon as they finished talking, the two came to the central node of the formation. After falling, Yi Tian unambiguously took out the formation plate, put it on his hand to activate it, and then aligned it with the octagonal depression in the center and installed it.

This large formation base is connected to seven earth veins, and the formation patterns depicted on it will eventually converge to the position where the formation disk is located in the very center.After being activated in this way, the seven array bases activated instantly and began to link the aura in the ground veins.At the same time, white light shines from the array disk along the array lines in all directions and activates the large array at the same time.

After three breaths, the seven-star formation in the inner circle was first activated, and then the power of the spirit formation quickly spread to the outer workshop area.I saw that the formations on the walls of the workshops around the valley were all activated.On the periphery of the Seven Hearts Gathering Spirit Formation, a circle of protective formations with a diameter of more than one mile appeared.

At this moment, Yi Tian's face softened, and he turned to Bai Siyang and said, "You saw that the seven-star gathering spirit formation has started to operate, and the surrounding protective formation has also been erected. Even if the visitor is distracted The monks may not be able to break through my defense."

Bai Siyang turned his head and looked at it, but also showed a burst of joy on his face: "It really succeeded, Master Yi is really powerful."

"Now is not the time to be happy, think of a way to pass this level first. I guess that guy Ou Jinglong is not easy to provoke, and Mi Jun won't be able to stop him for long," Yi Tian said, but the wrinkles on his brows did not relax at all, full of thoughts road.

Bai Siyang took out a communication jade talisman, activated it hastily and sent it out. The jade talisman turned into a meteor-like halo and flew out directly.Then he opened his mouth and said: "I have written all the situation here in the communication jade talisman. I believe that the master will come as soon as he receives the news."

"Before that, we can't be careless. Some of your juniors must have been bought by Qingyuan, otherwise Ou Jinglong wouldn't have come by such a coincidence." Yi Tian's expression did not relax at all, but his worried expression became more serious. very.

Bai Siyang was shocked when he heard the words, and then he connected the cause and effect a little bit, and it is not difficult to find the problem Yi Tian said.After ten breaths, his face changed several times, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Master Yi is worried that someone will sabotage inside and create opportunities for Ou Jinglong."

"That's right, these senior brothers of yours listened to the instructions and didn't listen to the announcement, and I dare not do anything against them so as not to make it difficult for Elder Chen to explain," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"I will save this matter for me, Master Yi, please rest assured that I will make that bastard obediently show up, and I can also clean up the house on behalf of the teacher, and it will not be difficult for you," Bai Siyang said firmly.

Immediately after the two made a total calculation, Yi Tian stayed here to control the formation.As for Bai Siyang now that he knew some clues, naturally he would not let it go, after saying goodbye, he hurried back to the gathering place of those craftsmen.Yi Tian doesn't need to worry about the next thing, if he comes forward, he believes that he will be able to find out the person who informed him.

Sitting cross-legged in the formation, Yi Tian first informed Mi Jun of the situation in the formation, and told him that there was no need to forcefully stop him, and that if Ou Jinglong was aggressive, he would let him pass.Anyway, I am full of confidence in the formation, but I am worried that no one will test it.

But he took out Hong Fei's contact jade talisman with his backhand and described in detail what happened here and what Ou Jinglong came to make trouble for, and it was sent out directly after activation.

After eating less, he turned his eyes to the formation board, and after playing a magic formula, a phantom appeared on the formation board, which was the situation of Qilipo with a radius of ten miles.Suddenly three red dots flew from outside and stayed on the periphery of Dazheng, and then there was a roaring sound next to the ears. It is expected that the three of Ou Jinglong were testing the strength of the protective formation.

(End of this chapter)

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