
Chapter 998 Struggle 5 Influence

Chapter 998
The turmoil in Manglin Mountain subsided within a short time. According to those casual cultivators who passed by, the commotion was caused by the disciples of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect chasing and rounding up monsters.

Afterwards, Elder Chen from the Artifact Refiner Alliance and City Lord Hong from Luoxia City also passed by by coincidence, and then the two also directly announced that Manglin Mountain would be designated as the exclusive area of ​​Luoxia City.In the end, this exclusive land became their private club under the name of the Craftsmen Alliance.

But those who knew the inside story didn't say that. The news came out of their mouths that they saw extraordinary spiritual power appearing in the misty valley five hundred miles away from Manglin Mountain in the dark.

Needless to say, there must be a large formation for use by the Artifact Master Alliance.Moreover, rumors leaked from some craftsmen who knew the inside story that the alliance headquarters will send a delegation to inspect the Luoxia City branch in the near future.

In this way, its intention is self-evident, and in addition to the turmoil in the Artifact Master Alliance a few years ago, the news that the seven-star gathering spirit array of the ancient ruins will be repaired has long been spread.

In this way, those quick-witted people naturally knew the opportunity and knew that there must be a new formation in Manglin Mountain, so they would alert the headquarters of the refiner.

Now the happiest ones are naturally Chen Haoran and Pei Yuexiao. As the facilitators of this matter, they naturally experienced the effect of the new seven-star gathering spirit array first.Afterwards, he directly announced that the interior of Manglin Mountain would be divided into several areas and that the combat troops of the Artifact Refiner Alliance would be stationed there. He also stated that anyone who wanted to enter the restricted area had to obtain a warrant from the Lord Luoxia or a warrant from the Artifact Artifact Alliance. Permission will do.

The one who is more happy than them is the city lord Hong Shanhe. The use of such a large formation on this boundary is not just for refining weapons.After the briefing at the upper level, the alchemists seemed to have negotiated the price with Hong Shanhe secretly after receiving the news.

But there are those who are happy and those who are unhappy. Compared to Hong Shanhe, Qing Yuan, the number two person in Luoxia City, Director of the Inspection Department, has obviously not looked very good these days.And as far as he knew, Hong Fei had assigned his chevron flag 27 team directly to the inner city defense department early in the morning, so his intention was obviously to protect Yitian.

Recently, at the headquarters of the inspection department, I can hear Director Qingyuan losing his temper for no reason from time to time. Even the people below don't know how to deal with it, so they can only try their best to be human.

Li Chi, the formation master, was also in a bad mood.Ever since Chen Haoran came back from Manglin Mountain, he has never seen him again.To be honest, in the past ten years, Li Chi has also dug out a lot of good things from the warehouse of the Artisan Alliance branch.It can be said that almost half of the treasure materials have been emptied, but in the end, even the repaired formation cannot be activated.

In contrast, Yi Tian reached his destination with only [-]% of the precious materials, and he was also recognized.The weight of the two in Chen Haoran's mind is naturally different now. Obviously Chen Haoran doesn't want to pursue Li Chi's matter anymore, but after that, he took back all the rights to transfer materials from his hands, and his dissatisfaction couldn't be more obvious. up.

Now Yi Tian paid an errand and returned to the inspection department in Luoxia City to receive more than 2000 merit points.It is said that half of these merit points are special rewards designated by Pei Yuexiao on behalf of the Craftsman Alliance.

Yi Tian still remembers that the deacon seemed to be dressed lightly when receiving merit points, but his hands still shook a few times during the transfer.As for the colleagues around, the expressions of envy were directly displayed on their faces.The people under Hong Fei's command naturally came up to get acquainted. As for the Qingyuan side, although they wanted to make friends, they didn't dare to talk too much considering the pressure on the top, but there was still a little awe in their eyes.

After handing in the task, Yi Tian was told that he no longer needed to take any more tasks before the selection of the inner sect of the Taiqing Pavilion, and the original 27th team was only temporarily given this false name at this time.After careful questioning, I found out that Hua Yuxin was the first to leave the team. After her [-]-year service, she was recommended by the city lord, so she didn't need to stay in the team for seniority.

As for the other three people, they were directly dispersed and filled into other teams because they didn't need to take on any more missions, but it was also because of their own blessing. Mission gone.

Except for the inspection department, Yi Tian went directly to Hong Fei's mansion. This time, it was all due to Hong Fei's coordinating and coordinating himself behind the scenes, so that he could handle the formation with peace of mind.

The housekeepers outside Hong's mansion naturally regarded Yi Tian as a hot celebrity nowadays. After entering the door, they first informed the master's house and then the housekeeper personally led the way to Hong Fei's study.

Usually they meet each other in the main hall of the Hong Mansion, but this time they did change to the study room, it seems that their status in Hong Fei's mind has improved again.In this way, it should be fully recognized by him, but Yi Tian knew that the meeting with Yu Hongfei this time was no small matter.It is estimated that there will be an important matter that will be taught face-to-face, so it will be arranged in this way.

After thanking the housekeeper, Yi Tian took big steps and walked slowly into the room. At first glance, the interior is also very delicately furnished.While walking, he suddenly heard Hong Fei's voice: "Brother Yi is here."

"Brother Hong has been waiting for a long time," Yi Tian said hastily, and then stepped up a few steps to enter the room.I happened to see Hong Fei sitting behind the desk with a smile on his face, and he pointed to him to sit down.

The two exchanged first, and Yi Tian went through the whole process of setting up the Seven Hearts Gathering Array.Hearing this, Hong Fei also showed some indignation on his face, this time Qingyuan had gone a bit too far, and even asked his fellow disciples from Feiyu Sword Sect to help him.

But when Hong Fei heard that all the protective formations outside the big formation had been taken down, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.When Yi Tian saw it, he reached out and took out the engraved copy of the formation map prepared in advance, and gently handed it to Hong Fei, saying: "This formation map is also kept in the Artifact Refiner Alliance, and Elder Chen also has a copy of it." I said hello and let me handle it myself, and now Brother Hong is receiving a copy, which is understandable."

Hong Fei took the jade slip and opened it, quickly scanned it with his divine sense, and smiled even brighter on his face. After putting it away, he couldn't stop nodding and said, "Brother Yi, I really didn't misread you. You must know that the Artifact Refiner Alliance is preparing to Raise the branch level of this place to the prefecture level."

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't know much about it, Hong Fei laughed heartily and said, "Do you know how the levels of cultivation cities are divided?"

"I only know that it has something to do with the scale, the strength of the spirit veins, and the population. How can the Artifact Master Alliance influence the level of the city?" Yi Tian asked curiously.

"That's natural. The opinions of the trade union alliances such as refining equipment and alchemy often play a decisive role," Hong Fei explained: "Generally, the level advancement of the cultivation cities starts with the level improvement of these unions in the inner city. I believe that it won't be long before the alchemist union will raise the level here, so that my elder brother will have the confidence to start planning to expand the city level."

 Thanks to Zhongxikou, Dasha is like a treasured monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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