
Chapter 999

Chapter 999
Yi Tianzheng and Hong Fei were chatting in Hong's study.Judging from Hong Fei's tone, it seems that the consequences of this formation will also have a positive impact on Hong Shanhe. If the Artifact Master Alliance raises the branch level here, it will definitely bring room for improvement to Luoxia City.

This is also the main reason why Hong went to great lengths to meet him in the study. In this way, if Hong Shanhe's wish can be fulfilled later, his Hong family can be more stable in Luoxia City.

After a pause, Hong Fei directly took out a jade box and put it on the desk, gently pushed it over and said, "I originally wanted to give this to you later. Now that you have made great contributions, my brother means that there is no need to wait any longer. This recommendation from the Taiqing Pavilion will be given to you directly."

Yi Tian raised his brows with a faint smile on his face, stretched out his hands and thanked him: "Thank you, City Lord Hong and Big Brother Hong, for your care. I will remember your kindness in my heart." After saying that, he gently took the jade box and opened it The lid glanced at the inside, and found a jade tablet inside.

Gently take it out and take a closer look. On the front is the word "Taiqing" written in ancient seal script, on the back is Luoxia City engraved in spiritual script, and the signature and seal of Hong Shanhe are inscribed on the lower right.

This is a genuine recommendation order from Luoxia City, even Hong Fei is not qualified to issue it.Only those who are personally approved by the city lord Hong Shanhe can get it. It is estimated that the completion of the big formation this time really made him see that Luoxia City has the hope of upgrading to a level.

After that, as long as the various indicators can meet the specified requirements under the multi-party operation, you can directly apply to the sect.

After reading the jade card recommendation order, Yi Tian hurriedly put it away and put it in the storage ring, and then thanked Hong Fei repeatedly.

"My brother just opened a door for you, and you still need to walk the road ahead," Hong Fei said with a straight face: "Remember that the selection of Taiqing Pavilion will be on the first day of the first lunar month ten years later. Although you have a recommendation order, entry still needs to be assessed."

"Could it be that this assessment will have a direct impact on the future status in the sect?" Yi Tian asked cautiously.

"That's natural." Hong Fei looked at Yi Tiancai and continued: "Usually the inner sect selection will test the four aspects of bone age, potential, comprehension and dao heart."

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt relieved. These four aspects are naturally quite difficult for ordinary monks.But an ascended monk like myself can naturally deal with it easily. To put it bluntly, it is very difficult to fail in the selection based on my own aptitude.

Then I heard Hong Fei say: "Actually, my advice to you is that it's best not to be too outstanding. You should understand the reason for this."

"Muxiu will be damaged by Lin Feng, I know the truth, but didn't Brother Hong say that the entry selection will have a direct impact on the future development, so to what extent is it appropriate?" Yi Tian didn't asked the solution.

"As long as your comprehensive evaluation reaches the top ten, then the resources and opportunities you will get are almost the same, and you won't arouse the jealousy of those fellow brothers," Hong Fei replied.

It is not difficult to rank in the top ten, as long as I am properly waterproof, it should not be a big problem.Later, Yi Tian and Hong Fei continued to chat about the matters that need to be paid attention to after entering the inner gate of the Taiqing Pavilion.Except for the last time I mentioned that there is a senior brother in the inner sect who is more difficult to deal with, everything else is pretty good.

In the end, Hong Fei suddenly said: "Ten years later, you can go to the headquarters of the Taiqing Pavilion by taking the Sky Patrol Ship in Luoxia City. As for the time and method of travel, I will clearly write it down here." Then he took out a jade token and handed it over. .

Originally thought that Hong Fei would take him there, but he didn't expect to act alone in the end.After receiving the jade card and passing by the divine sense, he roughly understood the order of travel.Then he said, "Thank you, Big Brother Hong, for making arrangements for my little brother. This way, I can save a lot of trouble."

Unexpectedly, Hong Fei was stunned and said embarrassingly: "Actually, I was supposed to accompany you there, but that happened to coincide with the concubine selection ceremony in the prefecture-level city above, and I was also taken away." Responsible for assisting in management, so I have no time to clone."

"So that's the case, that's still important," Yi Tian also smiled faintly.Then I thought to myself, didn't I also get a copy of Xu Yong's jade slip this time, which contained a plan to sneak attack on the selection team.Thinking of this, he asked directly, "Will Brother Hong personally escort Hua Yuxin and the others to the upper prefecture-level city?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Although the security of the selection team was directly arranged by the City Lord's Mansion, the people who were dispatched were all the people from the Inspection Department who were responsible for the defense of the outer city," Hong Fei replied casually.

"Then if the selected person fails to arrive as scheduled to participate in the preliminary round of the Concubine Selection Ceremony, will there be any adverse impact on City Lord Hong?" Yi Tian asked further.

Hong Fei's face changed and he said in a deep voice: "That's natural, and it's also part of the performance assessment of the city lord. Did you find anything?"

Yi Tian nodded slightly, reached out and took out the jade slip and put it on the desk, then sighed and said: "I found this from the storage ring when I killed the gufeng bandit Xu Yong thing."

With a twitch of his eyelids, Hong Fei knew that there must be something strange in it. He reached out to take it out, opened it on the table and read it carefully. After ten breaths, a look of rage suddenly appeared on his face, and the blue veins on his forehead showed the color of anger in his heart. It's on the brink of eruption.

After a while, Hong Fei calmed down and put away the jade slip in a hurry, saying, "You haven't mentioned this matter to others, have you?"

Yi Tian also nodded with a serious expression on his face, and then took out a mission jade card and said: "I have seen the hunting order on it, and the handwriting is quite similar to the one on the jade slip."

Hong Fei took the jade token and compared himself on it. When he saw the sword symbol mark at the end, his mood sank, and he hurriedly put away everything before he whispered: "I already know about this. In the future, I will contact you in time if I have to rely on Brother Yi. For the present plan, I will contact my brother first, and make a decision before making a move."

Yi Tian knew that it was time for him to leave, and then slowly stood up and said: "Brother Hong is busy first, I'll go home and rest for a while, and then I will talk directly to my younger brother if it is useful."

Hong Fei nodded: "Definitely, come and see off Brother Yi."

The Hong family has been entrenched here as the local snake of Luoxia City for a thousand years, and the housekeepers and servants in the house also have cultivation bases of the Nascent Soul Stage.The Patriarch's temper was naturally clear, but today they saw the Second Master Hong Fei personally send the guests out of the mansion for the first time.

This is something that has never been seen in hundreds of years, even the other Patriarchs of Luoxia City have never been treated.After Yi Tian left, Hong Fei gave instructions to the housekeeper without saying much, and the entire Hong family began to operate in an orderly manner.

 Thanks to Yang Jiaichiro for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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