Martial arts life starting from the boundless sea

Chapter 103 Forbidden Skills, Patriarch, Divine Fish, Defense of the Northwest

Chapter 103 Forbidden Skills, Patriarch, Divine Fish, Defense of the Northwest


Just as Parade and Parade Mie's complexion changed drastically at the same time, it was only after sensing the change of the Chao Banshee's aura that the two strongest fighters in Youyu Villa changed their expressions. The development of this scene made many people who were working hard to fight the demon Warriors are like falling into an ice cave.

"Qin Yan, come back!" You Yan temporarily put away his sword and shouted anxiously.

After seeing Qin Yan get a very good security escort from You Honglei earlier, You Yan stabilized his caring and chaotic mind, and began to contribute to the defense.

But when she heard the "retreat" from the parade, she was the first to think that Qin Yan was still near the Banshee.

Hissing words were drowned in the chaotic battle between humans and demons.

It was impossible for Qin Yan to hear it.

Surprisingly, a purple-black energy array appeared around the body of the Chao Banshee, and the terrifying aura erupted made the first thoughts of the big and small village owners turn into timid retreats. It is conceivable that the Chao Banshee will use The backhand is terrible.

Qin Yan was not reconciled, he anxiously controlled the water to change the bullets for the phantom gun, and then continued to fire.

bang bang bang! ! !
Useless, useless, useless!

How could the phantom gun's instant kill effect be triggered so well.

Qin Yan got angry and wanted to try another method, but his shoulder was pulled by You Honglei.

"Go, boy!"

Originally, with the joining of five Xiayin powerhouses leading a group of Xiadi elders, the situation of the battle seemed to be about four or six.

Looking at it now, [-]% may not be there.

"Qin Yan, you are courting death!"

At this time, because the retreat route overlapped with You Honglei, Feng Zheng angrily scolded Qin Yan for the dangerous behavior that he wanted to try when he stayed where he was just now.

"Grandpa Feng Zheng, who is that demon girl?" Qin Yan asked eagerly.

"I don't know, this is an aura of power that we have never encountered before!" Feng Zheng replied in a deep voice.

On the other hand, You Honglei sighed in a low voice, which was to express his helplessness towards the Banshee's hold back.

With the temporary retreat of the tide banshee's combat power, many warriors in the audience can better see what the tide banshee is doing.

The purple-black energy array began to rotate, and the tide banshee twisted her body enchantingly just like her daily behavior.

Qin Yan turned his head and looked startled.

He suddenly thought of the feature that the tide banshee can mass-produce the strongest demon clones.

Seeing how confident the Chao Banshee was at this time, a bold idea popped up in Qin Yan's mind.

The trendy banshee's move may not be a normal or single-target or wide-area coverage skill.

The subsequent development of the situation confirmed Qin Yan's thoughts.

The trendy banshee uttered flattering words, if it were on another battlefield, it would definitely make the man ignite the beast blood: "Well~~~destruction, it really makes people's blood boil!"

"Devil's Forbidden Skill - Blood Boiling!"

The trendy banshee stretched her arms upwards, and the energy array also led down a large amount of black silk and satin flying from the sky.

These black satins quickly landed on the head of the strongest demon clone.

At that moment, they turned into pillars of energy soaring into the sky, and hit the strongest demon in unison.



The martial artist who was still entangled with the strongest demon clone was shocked by the pressure of the breath that was suddenly enhanced by an unknown amount.

Some warriors even flew upside down into the defense line of the villa, breaking away the formation of water dragons who didn't want to hurt their brothers.

"Xia Yin!"

"They have all risen to Xiayin!!!"

The camp of Youyu Villa was shocked and noisy after feeling the mutated breath of the strongest demon clone.

Originally, Dingtian was the strongest demon avatar that could kill Xiadi warriors, but now he broke through that boundary and became Xiayin.

And other kinds of demons have benefited accordingly, and their strength has risen to a higher level.

How can this not be called feeling that because of the existence of the big and small villa owners and other strong men, the warriors who still hope to defend the villa feel sad.

Now, the entire Yuyu Villa, no matter how hard it is to resist!

"Having been dormant for so long, you stupid human beings, do you really think that people are afraid of you!"

"The first time I used the forbidden magic skill, I gave it to you. You should feel honored!"


"Destroy it! Hahaha!!!"

The tide banshee used the sharpest and most proud roar to interpret the momentum of Yuyu Villa's impending collapse.

At this moment, Qin Yan was in a daze, stunned by the terrifying mutation of the enemy.

Based on the avatar characteristics of the banshee, he thought that the banshee might never be the strongest single player, but he just thought of it just now, and he only thought of it because the banshee was about to hit her back.

Even if he thought about it in advance and gave a warning, it was useless.

Yu Yuren's chilling attitude on the side of the Guangming Temple is doomed that this disaster will inevitably sweep the villa.

"Qin Yan, Qin Yan!"

Qin Yan, who rushed back quickly, finally separated the voice calling him anxiously in the confusion.

Seeing You Yan bouncing around behind the defense line looking for him from a distance, Qin Yan suddenly felt less afraid.

If it is really destined that his second time travel career will end here, he thinks.

It's just that he couldn't mend his relationship with You Yan better.

They also failed to fulfill their promise that they would retreat and join Chaimi and the others when the situation was irreversible.

And Qin Yan rolled his eyes subconsciously.

I saw the official embroidered clothes that resembled the beauty Shizun.

The Bai Yueguang in the previous life stood still without any fear at this moment, and continued to fight with the strongest demon clone whose strength had soared under the overall increase of the trendy banshee's perversion.

That fighting spirit, that look in his eyes, really resembled her.

Qin Yan has not had time to touch all of these things, to truly reap them, and it seems that they will be buried here.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan's heart sank restlessly, and he turned to the direction that all warriors were pointing at this time.

The martial artist who had temporarily retreated due to the order of the parade master turned around.

The warrior, who was facing the direction of the demon army, strengthened his footsteps and direction.

No one turns their backs on the Banshee and the disaster she drives!
"Jie Shenyu protects the manor array!"

The big and small owners of Youyu Villa jumped in the air in front of all the warriors, with their arms wide open.

Youyu Mountain Villa was forced out even from the protective array, and it was the end of the road.

The tidal banshee, who thought clearly about this, told all the fighters with her rampant laughter that this resistance might be of some use.

However, it will eventually become useless!

"Useless idiots, this will only make you gather together and be surrounded and killed by my children faster, oh hehehe!!!"

All the fighters who have seriously practiced the basic mental method of Youyu Villa, still desolately extract the memory of how to coordinate and activate the last hand of the disaster that they inevitably learned during the process of training and learning.

You Yan also joined in.

Qin Yan has the ability to fight happily, and has never studied systematically in the villa. Before that, he only showed off his talent for quickly mastering the mind with Smelly Fish.

Therefore, Qin Yan became an isolated warrior on the field.

In front of them was an army of terrifying demons swarming in, and above his head, a large blue carp big enough to swallow the sky slowly rose.

Qin Yan raised the recooled phantom gun, wanting to try another instant kill.

Even if it can only hit the strongest demon clone.

However, Qin Yan was startled by the flashing memory fragment just now, "By the way, where is the stinky fish?"

"The villa is in trouble, he is so powerful, what about the fish!"

"There are still rocks!"

Qin Yan thought of the weirdness he felt when he was forced to leave the back mountains and lakes.

The stone stayed there with the stinky fish tacitly.

It was obvious that You Hongyan discovered the talking fish just a little while before himself, but recalling that moment, Qin Yan suddenly understood the weirdness.

Stinky fish and stone. Maybe they have known each other for a long time!
Otherwise, how could there be a tacit agreement to unite and drive him away!

At this moment, Qin Yan would not regret that he could still think of that weirdness.

This is because, when his eyes were flashed by a beam of light from the sky, he raised his head and saw the figure who had abused him and had a bad mouth with him descending from the sky.

boom! ! !
A circle of demons suddenly flew upside down!

The stinky fish stood with its hands behind its back, surrounded by circles of colorful carps.

They are lively and lively, doing a variety of swimming postures, and stretching their bodies.

Qin Yan has never seen such a mighty side of stinky fish.

Even if he knew that his body was a fish, he would never have imagined that he would be surrounded by so many sacred carps.

The battlefield was silent for a while, and then the Youyu Villa camp erupted into violent cheers.

"Come here, reinforcements are here!"

"It's Yuzu, I recognize him, he is Yuzu, he is not dead!"

A martial artist who had seriously studied the cultivation culture of the villa immediately recognized that the figure descending with the colorful carp was the ancestor of Youyu Villa.

There are also those who are not very clear, and directly regard that figure as the savior.

But no matter what, the balance of Youyu Villa, which was overwhelmed by the banshee's demonic forbidden skill, finally stopped falling completely to one side.


For the first time since the tidal banshee took revenge, she frowned deeply.

Her revenge plan this time, even if she missed Feng Zheng, a junior hero who had been promoted in the Battle God Tower, but it didn't hinder much at all.

However, the scene before her eyes undoubtedly seriously disrupted her plans.

After feeling it carefully, her complexion changed slightly, and she blurted out: "The first generation of warriors?!"

Just when Xu Xinggang and Xing Mie continued to control the god fish that had ascended to heaven, but still bowed to the younger generation of that stinky fish, Qin Yan was stunned.

The one who abused him turned out to be the ancestors of Youyu Villa.
The shouts of "Yuzu" in surprise could not be faked.

He is the Da Neng named You who founded Youyu Villa in the existing data!

After so long, he is still alive?

Remembering that he could turn into a carp, Qin Yan was shocked and had a corresponding explanation and judgment, but the corners of his mouth still twitched.

He finally understood why the stinky fish could talk to him fluently.

His statement of carrying the soul is a lie. If it weren't for the revenge of the tide banshee, the stinky fish would not show up at all.

Because he was originally from the old world!
"Old man, You Hero!" This common name contains ancient power that has been dormant for a long time.

Stinky Fish looked straight at the Chao Banshee with stern eyes.

"Okay, what a first-generation martial artist who has been hiding until now, You Hero, don't think that if you show up today, Youyu Villa will not be destroyed!"

The tidal banshee looked at the camp of warriors in Youyu Villa and said without any coquettishness: "Today, you are all going to die!"

"Including you, you bastard who hid in bastard's cave and dared not come out until now!"

Facing the insult from the tidal banshee, You Yingxiong didn't have any mood swings.

"Yuzu, the formation of divine fish is complete, we are ready to fight!" Xun Gang clenched his fists and said.

"Kill the demon girl, kill, kill, kill!!!"

All the fighters in Youyu Mountain Villa have a second spring of fighting because of the appearance of Yuzu.

The loud shouts actually made some low-level demons who dared not charge any more subconsciously retreat a few steps.

It can be seen that the momentum of the villa camp has been raised.

Qin Yan was overjoyed, and hurried back to the line of defense to find You Yan: "Xiao Yanyan, we are saved!"

"That stinky fish turned out to be Yuzu, I really didn't expect it." Qin Yan sighed softly.

You Yan showed a little smile because of Qin Yan's safe return, but he subsided as the flames of war rekindled, "Qin Yan, let's beat them back together first!"

"Okay!" Qin Yan nodded heavily.

Boom boom boom!
Smelly Fish's first real attack made Qin Yan think for a moment that it wasn't Smelly Fish who abused him.

As soon as he made a move, he used water and fish to disturb a gathering place of the strongest demon avatars. Then, the momentum of the water dragon that used to be his teacher did not mean to be restrained in the slightest. Banshee!

"Hmph, now I've found someone, You Yingxiong, you are really enthusiastic!" The tide banshee changed back to her normal tone, and went forward with several strongest demon clones.

Under the combined impact of so many demon powers, the water dragon seemed to be on the verge of collapse. As soon as Xu Xun was in a hurry, he wanted to drive the huge god fish to help.

But You Yingxiong waved his hand without looking back, stopping the big and small dealers from pressing their cards up.

After flicking his hand back, he moved to his chest and squeezed it hard.

Melt the ice!

The whole water dragon instantly became an ice dragon with thorns!

The protruding ice thorns pierced into the belly of several strongest demon clones at once, and the energy in them rushed inward one by one, causing the purple-black blood to pour down all over the sky, turning into a rain of devil blood.

"You Hero!"

The tidal banshee, who had destroyed several of the strongest demon clones in an instant, became angry. She lost her teasing charm again, and her eyes became blood red.

Qin Yan, who had returned to the defensive line and launched a long-range attack with You Yan, suddenly felt trembling.

"Xiao Yanyan, that trendy banshee seems to have an unused trump card." Qin Yan mumbled feeling uncomfortable.

"Yu Zu is not." You Yan subconsciously carried Yu Zu out, thinking that the appearance of the ancestor of the villa would at least allow Youyu Villa to survive this crisis.

What's more, the Shenyu's protective array has been formed, and this frontal blow with all its strength, fearing that it will be damaged if it uses a forbidden technique, the Chao Banshee dare not take it.

What else is there to worry about?
It was in this thought that You Yan replied to Qin Yan.

It's just that before she finished speaking, she was intimidated by the next move of the tide banshee.

I saw that the fist of the tide banshee became bigger and bigger.
Even You Yingxiong's complexion changed drastically.

"She's a Boxer mutant!"

"A fist demon of extreme strength!"

The boxing demon was mutated by some boxing fighters from Huaguo in the old world.

At this moment, Qin Yan's mind jumped out of a memory of learning the devil's atlas.
Xu Xinggang and Xing Mie looked at each other, terrified in their hearts.

So You Yingxiong's complexion changed.

He can rely on the cultivation accumulated from the first generation of warriors to survive to this day, and he can counter the forbidden skill card of the trendy banshee.

But the Wang Bo, which the trendy banshee exposed the attributes of the boxer and threw him, caught him off guard!
That exponentially increasing damage blow will be a terrible blow to Youyu Villa's defense line!

Even if the trendy banshee's Fist Demon attribute increases damage, it is only for male fighters!
"Fist with pride~~~!"

The tidal banshee, who was accumulating the energy of her fists, put on a playful expression, and she looked at Youyu Villa warrior front with contempt: "Hey, since you want to die so much, I will satisfy you."

"And you!"

 Ask for tickets and follow-up support, it will be on the shelves at zero o'clock today, ask for the first order, la la la la la!!!
(End of this chapter)

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